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Topic: Any puzzles, aptitudes or riddles??
shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 05/31/18 03:27 PM
a boat is anchored in the ocean at low tide...

it has a rope ladder over its side,going down into the water,with 8 rungs underwater...

the rungs on the ladder are 1.5 feet apart...

the tide is rising at a rate of 2.5 feet per hour...

in 3 more hours,how many rungs will be underwater?


Stu's photo
Thu 05/31/18 03:29 PM
Edited by Stu on Thu 05/31/18 03:31 PM
oops :banana:

Argo's photo
Thu 05/31/18 03:53 PM
Stays the same...
8 rungs underwater

Narlycarnk's photo
Thu 05/31/18 04:33 PM
A physics student is studying the hydrologic properties of water when it spews over the top of a vertical structure called a weir. He has been studying for many days straight, is very lonely, and is reading ever more intently as his only human connection is the author of his textbook. He decides in a personal quest of understanding, he must go over a waterfall in a barrel.

What happened to the guy?

Narlycarnk's photo
Thu 05/31/18 05:18 PM
Edited by Narlycarnk on Thu 05/31/18 05:30 PM
By the way the answer is not “defenestrated”

Dreams 's photo
Mon 06/04/18 10:24 AM

A physics student is studying the hydrologic properties of water when it spews over the top of a vertical structure called a weir. He has been studying for many days straight, is very lonely, and is reading ever more intently as his only human connection is the author of his textbook. He decides in a personal quest of understanding, he must go over a waterfall in a barrel.

What happened to the guy?

Depends on his action, whether he tried over the waterfall or it was just a thought

Narlycarnk's photo
Mon 06/04/18 05:19 PM

A physics student is studying the hydrologic properties of water when it spews over the top of a vertical structure called a weir. He has been studying for many days straight, is very lonely, and is reading ever more intently as his only human connection is the author of his textbook. He decides in a personal quest of understanding, he must go over a waterfall in a barrel.

What happened to the guy?

Depends on his action, whether he tried over the waterfall or it was just a thought

It is the same answer either way. He “goes off the deep end,” let’s put it that way. A note about the answer, you have to make a verb out of a noun. You have to make up a word that doesn’t quite exist.

Narlycarnk's photo
Mon 06/04/18 05:24 PM
Just ask if you want a hint.

Narlycarnk's photo
Thu 06/07/18 03:53 PM
Come on, just say it

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 07/03/18 07:18 PM
Make up a word that doesn't exist?

Why dont you just tell us, we obviously can't figure it out... slaphead

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 07/04/18 02:33 AM
Larsi goes to the Bookies. Who wins? frustrated

Sorry for derailing the thread. My brain is a bit funny today tears

no photo
Wed 07/04/18 05:02 AM
Edited by joethebricky on Wed 07/04/18 05:03 AM
Turncoats for the Opera

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