Topic: Can you?
Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 04/05/18 11:23 AM
Agree to disagree in a relationship? A committed relationship, not online communication. In Person.

For those who have been there or looking to have a serious relationship.

MK2's photo
Thu 04/05/18 11:49 AM
agree of course special at this stage of life :thumbsup:

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 04/05/18 11:53 AM
Humm~~~ sure it is called compromise..

maybwecan's photo
Thu 04/05/18 12:21 PM

Agree to disagree in a relationship? A committed relationship, not online communication. In Person.

For those who have been there or looking to have a serious relationship.

Certainly -- IF both really mean it and are able to move forward; however, if one or both is winking when they agree to disagree, one of those aha moments will surely come, and one will say "I told you so"...hahaha...then let the battle commence...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 04/05/18 12:33 PM

Agree to disagree in a relationship? A committed relationship, not online communication. In Person.

For those who have been there or looking to have a serious relationship.

It entirely depends upon what it is I am agreeing with.
It also depends upon to what lengths I will compromise my own values and morals for the sake of being in a relationship with that person.

At my age and my personal wisdom I have specific no-go zones to which I will not cross. I set those zones early in the relationship and I ask for and heed hers. Crossing those lines will end the relationship.

My X is my X because she crossed those lines. Until that happened, our relationship was copacetic.

You can lie to me about the neighbor, the pet or coworkers.
You can lie to me about the bills or the money.
You can not lie to me about love, dedication or commitment.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 04/05/18 12:34 PM

Agree to disagree in a relationship? A committed relationship, not online communication. In Person.

For those who have been there or looking to have a serious relationship.

Certainly -- IF both really mean it and are able to move forward; however, if one or both is winking when they agree to disagree, one of those aha moments will surely come, and one will say "I told you so"...hahaha...then let the battle commence...

Yes both has to mean it!

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 04/05/18 12:35 PM

agree of course special at this stage of life :thumbsup:

With age should come maturity! But we see many hasn't .

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 04/05/18 12:35 PM

Humm~~~ sure it is called compromise..

Great answer ! :thumbsup:

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 04/05/18 12:39 PM

Agree to disagree in a relationship? A committed relationship, not online communication. In Person.

For those who have been there or looking to have a serious relationship.

It entirely depends upon what it is I am agreeing with.
It also depends upon to what lengths I will compromise my own values and morals for the sake of being in a relationship with that person.

At my age and my personal wisdom I have specific no-go zones to which I will not cross. I set those zones early in the relationship and I ask for and heed hers. Crossing those lines will end the relationship.

My X is my X because she crossed those lines. Until that happened, our relationship was copacetic.

You can lie to me about the neighbor, the pet or coworkers.
You can lie to me about the bills or the money.
You can not lie to me about love, dedication or commitment.

Interesting! Don't you think when people live alone too long, they are less likely to change their values about certain things?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 04/05/18 01:28 PM

Agree to disagree in a relationship? A committed relationship, not online communication. In Person.
For those who have been there or looking to have a serious relationship.

It entirely depends upon what it is I am agreeing with.
It also depends upon to what lengths I will compromise my own values and morals for the sake of being in a relationship with that person.
At my age and my personal wisdom I have specific no-go zones to which I will not cross. I set those zones early in the relationship and I ask for and heed hers. Crossing those lines will end the relationship.
My X is my X because she crossed those lines. Until that happened, our relationship was copacetic.
You can lie to me about the neighbor, the pet or coworkers.
You can lie to me about the bills or the money.
You can not lie to me about love, dedication or commitment.

Interesting! Don't you think when people live alone too long, they are less likely to change their values about certain things?

That all depends upon the wisdom they gain.
It depends upon how well they understand themselves and their role in society.
It depends how healthy their own self-esteem is.

I know people that live alone and are wishy-washy about nearly everything.
I also know people that live alone and are too rigid, even for their own contentment.

Living alone doesn't mean you are not flexible in acceptance of others.
While I am flexible in my acceptance of others, I will not compromise my own values and morals to fit in. My contentment does not hinge on how well others accept me. It does hinge on how well I can accept myself.
It all boils down to "Be True To Yourself"

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 04/05/18 01:36 PM

Agree to disagree in a relationship? A committed relationship, not online communication. In Person.
For those who have been there or looking to have a serious relationship.

It entirely depends upon what it is I am agreeing with.
It also depends upon to what lengths I will compromise my own values and morals for the sake of being in a relationship with that person.
At my age and my personal wisdom I have specific no-go zones to which I will not cross. I set those zones early in the relationship and I ask for and heed hers. Crossing those lines will end the relationship.
My X is my X because she crossed those lines. Until that happened, our relationship was copacetic.
You can lie to me about the neighbor, the pet or coworkers.
You can lie to me about the bills or the money.
You can not lie to me about love, dedication or commitment.

Interesting! Don't you think when people live alone too long, they are less likely to change their values about certain things?

That all depends upon the wisdom they gain.
It depends upon how well they understand themselves and their role in society.
It depends how healthy their own self-esteem is.

I know people that live alone and are wishy-washy about nearly everything.
I also know people that live alone and are too rigid, even for their own contentment.

Living alone doesn't mean you are not flexible in acceptance of others.
While I am flexible in my acceptance of others, I will not compromise my own values and morals to fit in. My contentment does not hinge on how well others accept me. It does hinge on how well I can accept myself.
It all boils down to "Be True To Yourself"

I like your answer. But one thing, I do care about the people I know and like, what they think about me!

If you really don't know me personally I could care less. People can be crual and they don't even Know you. Especially on social media which is very propual venue for many.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Thu 04/05/18 03:40 PM
Compromising is a vital key in a relationship. And accepting and appreciating the partner with all postive and negative sides :smile:

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 04/05/18 03:48 PM

Compromising is a vital key in a relationship. And accepting and appreciating the partner with all postive and negative sides :smile:

True, however, many can't accomplish that.

Gs2Awesome's photo
Sat 04/21/18 02:47 AM
Definitely. As long as it's not something that is hurting the other person, physically or emotionally having a difference of opinion is fine.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 04/21/18 11:02 AM
I'm not seeking a woman that always agrees with me.
I don't want someone that only likes the things I like.
Its the differences that give life zest.
I want a woman that broadens my horizons and I, hers.

You can have a loving argument and maintain unity even tho you disagree.
Its when the argument turns vicious and vindictive that things get bad.

In all relationships there are things that matter and things that don't really matter.
Knowing when to let go in favor of unity is an important part of maintaining a health relationship.
Knowing when the argument has passed its effectiveness is also vital to maintaining a relationship.
To be able to let go in an important stalemate and continue after reflection on what was said helps more often than not.
It allows you to reflect on the validity of the truth presented.
You get time to decide if their truth is a delusion or a reality.
When you carefully consider another's point of view, from their perspective, sometimes your own delusions come to light. In most arguments (well, the ones I've experienced) I find that some type of delusion is the root cause, either mine or theirs. "Assumption is the mother of all FUs".
Assuming, means you don't have all the facts and are essentially guessing.

no photo
Sat 04/21/18 11:33 AM
It would depend on the severity of the compromise. Loading the toilet paper over or under, sure. A conscientious vegetarian whose spouse takes a job at a a slaughter house, probably not.