Topic: What do you think?
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Tue 03/20/18 06:34 AM
FedEx explosion in San Antonio Texas.

Some say Tx is under attack.

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Tue 03/20/18 10:41 AM
sounds like conspiracy paranoia to me - There's a serial bomber in Texas if that's what you mean by under attack, then yes, the citizens of Austin are under attack by some pyscho.

no photo
Tue 03/20/18 11:31 AM
Yes Chris that is what I mean! Maybe it is Russians! :smile:

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Tue 03/20/18 11:47 AM
Toody, why blame the Russians? I mean, you wouldn't here us doing it would you? whoa laugh
How many has there been? I heard about one the other day?

no photo
Tue 03/20/18 11:51 AM
Could be the illegals then or terriorest.

Rooster35's photo
Tue 03/20/18 11:53 AM
Not thinking much about it ( waste of time )
I'm just watching YouTube vids about it, eating popcorn, drinking cola and witnessing a world gone completely nuts.
Some people are asking " How did we ever get to this?"
Same people who, thirty years ago, called people like me crazy and prefered to bury their head in the sand instead of listening to reason.
This Texas thing is just another symptom of a sick demented world. This week it's Texas and next week will be somewhere else.
I'm gonna need a lot more popcorn.

no photo
Tue 03/20/18 11:54 AM
Was joking. have you not heard what's going on here with the nerve gas and the ex spy?
Were they big explosions?

no photo
Tue 03/20/18 12:02 PM

Was joking. have you not heard what's going on here with the nerve gas and the ex spy?
Were they big explosions?

I Know you were! Yes I ve heard! Not sure how big but any explosion is not good. laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/20/18 01:29 PM
Could be anyone or anything

Tx under attack? Bring it

mysticalview21's photo
Tue 03/20/18 01:42 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Tue 03/20/18 01:46 PM

FedEx explosion in San Antonio Texas.

Some say Tx is under attack.

something is going on there ... for sure ...

I am sure they are trying to track down...
the purchases from people who maybe ...
and are getting the tools to do this...

also could be someone who worked in this field ...
an know all about the making of explosions...

and the timing ...

I have been thinking about the school shooting ...
I think a lot is just being copy cats ...
and as they say looking for their 5 min of fame ...
by doing what they are doing ... this is big news right now and has been ... and they want to play people against each other ...
which is not right either... and know excuse...

no photo
Wed 03/21/18 06:29 AM
Apparently the bomber has been killed,his car had been tracked and the police were waiting for special ops when it drove off. when it stopped an officer fired and the guy set off a bomb he had in the car.
Sounds like he was on the way to cause more deaths!

no photo
Wed 03/21/18 07:06 AM
I hope this means all the bombings will stop now. I’d like to think it’s all just one man.

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Thu 03/22/18 09:08 PM

Could be anyone or anything

Tx under attack? Bring it


no photo
Fri 03/23/18 09:22 AM

Could be anyone or anything

Tx under attack? Bring it


Those Texicans are dangerous people! laugh