Topic: Deep State
oceanriderz's photo
Thu 03/08/18 12:07 AM
Question, can you define what is Deep State?

Rooster35's photo
Thu 03/08/18 01:06 AM
Unelected banksters-supported illuminati operatives embedded within any government still pretending to be sovereign.

no photo
Thu 03/08/18 06:49 PM
:thinking: Act of 1871
Internet myths, lies and misinformation Tue. may 21, 2013 United States Inc.

This view is additional supported by the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," which states that the government of the United States, or of certain tribal entities, may not be sued unless the government first allows it. A business / company / cooperation can be sued.
Sounds like a load of crap to me

no photo
Thu 03/08/18 09:49 PM

Question, can you define what is Deep State?

Yes,"Deep State" is where you is, right before it hit's the fan.

no photo
Fri 03/09/18 07:50 PM
can you define what is Deep State?

My understanding was the "deep state" is comprised of all the people that hold power over government but weren't elected.
Anyone from the people working at the DMV, to file clerks, to FBI agents, to some extent the presidents cabinet, to significant money interest contributors to campaigns, etc.

The people that do the actual work, that write the bills, that talk about the laws to each other, that ship the evidence (e.g. lerners hard drives, hillary's texts/emails) the people that finance the campaigns, and the campaign ads, write the speeches, that talk into the ears of the politicians behind closed doors, that set up the fundraisers.

The people who don't have to be transparent and aren't really accountable to anyone, yet have an inordinate amount of access to legislators and presidents and judges, and control what they see, and hear, and get to know.

no photo
Sat 03/17/18 01:54 AM
capital? nar........must be Vatican like~~~~~~~~drinker

no photo
Sat 03/17/18 02:18 AM
I thought it refers to like "deep south "
Bubba type
Hey, what would I know laugh

no photo
Sun 03/18/18 12:21 PM
Supposedly controls state policies behind the scenes. Not really a democracy , which is just a cover up.

Rooster35's photo
Tue 03/20/18 12:58 AM

:thinking: Act of 1871
Internet myths, lies and misinformation Tue. may 21, 2013 United States Inc.

This view is additional supported by the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," which states that the government of the United States, or of certain tribal entities, may not be sued unless the government first allows it. A business / company / cooperation can be sued.
Sounds like a load of crap to me

Example of deep state shilling. Or extremely effective propaganda.


IgorFrankensteen's photo
Tue 03/20/18 04:08 AM
It seems to basically be the belief that the many real people who do have significant political and wealth based power, who really are using bribery, corruption, lies, purposely faked news, dirty tricks, and the paranoia of the people who are sure they are doing all this..

...are unified and organized, and not just acting independently to gain personal advantage.

The reason I am skeptical about the "deep state," is because I've seen no indication that all those very real people are organized and united.

But they certainly are there, pulling strings in the dark.

Robxbox73's photo
Tue 03/20/18 04:46 AM
People like you ocean!