Topic: Share your best date story. | |
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Mon 03/05/18 03:44 PM
What is the most fabulous date you’ve ever been on?
***************************************** In the first month of dating my husband, he took me to the lake and surprised me with a sailboat ride. It may not seem like a big deal to some, but it was the first time I was ever on a boat of any kind and it was scary/exciting to learn to steer the boat. We were out on the boat all day with a picnic lunch, swimming, fishing and dinner. Then we anchored in a perfect spot to star watch and make out. It was a very romantic night. ![]() We relived that date on our 20th Anniversary. ****************************************** Who will share theirs? |
My high school was composed of mostly farmers kids.
We all had chores. One Friday evening I stopped by my date's house to pick her up to go see a movie at the mall. She was really sad. She didn't get done with her chores and the cows still needed fed and watered. They had 75 head. She was really surprised when I asked if she had a spare set of boots and some gloves. We went out to the barn and did her chores together. By the time we got done, the movie was already playing, with the drive over to the mall we would surely miss it. Instead, she took me to her quiet place along a creek on her property. We made out till after dark and then went in the house so I could meet her parents and we went to the basement and played pool with a strobe light on. Smoked a lil pot and made out some more. I often wonder if the movie would have been so exciting. We had a lot of fun together, her and I. We stayed very close friends till I went away to college and she ended up marrying some jerk. Its the best 'date' I ever had that was a complete failure from the planning. Spontaneity is best. |
More recently (about 4 years ago now I think) I set up a meet with a woman from a dating site (not this one).
We agreed to a casual wear meetup at a local park that featured picnic tables and grills. I offered to cook up some thick ribeyes and she offered to bring some potato salad. The salad was fantastic and the ribeyes came out perfect. After we ate we sat and talked and the conversation got around to how we miss being kids (watching the kids play on the splash pad). She suggested we go for a walk. So, hand in hand we started to walk the park. She led me to the splash pad (now vacant) and splashed me, no, soaked me with a bucket of water. (It felt good in the heat) Laughing, I told her now I'm gunna git ya and started a fast walking chase thru the park with a bucket of water, for her. We were laughing and having a fun time and I tossed it at her but purposely missed and she kissed me! Still walking, I suggested that we try skipping. I asked her when was the last time she skipped and she couldn't answer. So that was it, we had to skip. So, hand in hand we went skipping, neither one of us could stop smiling. It was so much fun. Then we fell down and rolled each other around in the grass. Then it went mushy and she wouldn't stop kissing me. When we had to go I asked her when was the last time she jumped on the bed? She thought that was pretty funny. Asked me to come over and find out. I couldn't, I had other plans with my son that evening but took a rain check. We did end up jumping on the bed both horizontally and vertically but she turned out to not be who she claimed to be. Still, until her lies got caught, I had a lot of fun with her. |
I remember our 14th anniversary. The X and I were really strapped for cash that week and there was no way we could afford a sitter for 4 children and a nice evening out.
We told the kids that they were going to host a dinner party for two very important guests. We got all dressed to the nines and went out on the porch and sat. When the porch light came on, it was our cue. We walked in the house and my daughter showed us to the table. It was set for two with a candle burning and two wine glasses. The other kids were in the kitchen. Out comes our middle boy. He's wearing one of my dress shirts and a pair of PJ bottoms, my shirt bunched up in the PJs made us both laugh. He was carrying a bottle of Juicy Juice. He fills the wine glasses to the rim, showed me the lable on the bottle and said "Its of the highest quality sir", and dissapeared back into the kitchen. By now we are both grinning ear to ear. My youngest boy, walks into the living room and puts a tape in the stereo. Pink Floyd starts playing quietly in the background. Round about this time, my daughter and my oldest son bring in the food. Hot dogs and kraft mac & cheese. We laughed so hard. I still tease the kids about it but it was a very fond memory I'll never forget. |
Edited by
Mon 03/05/18 05:36 PM
All three sound like awesome dates Tom. Easy to see why you chose them to share.
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Edited by
Mon 03/05/18 05:51 PM
I remember when I was in the Air Force in Colorado many moons ago I was fixed up with a blind date with an elementary school teacher. Blind dates can be scary but we hit it off great when I told her I got a spanking on my first day of kindergarten for sliding on the floor on my knees. We went hiking and caving in the afternoon and dancing in the evening. That was a chore with my 2 left feet on the dance floor, but we had a great time. Lost touch with her after being shipped out to go overseas so I always wondered what might have been.
I remember when I was in the Air Force in Colorado many moons ago I was fixed up with a blind date with an elementary school teacher. Blind dates can be scary but we hit it off great when I told her I got a spanking on my first day of kindergarten for sliding on the floor on my knees. We went hiking and caving in the afternoon and dancing in the evening. That was a chore with my 2 left feet on the dance floor, but we had a great time. Lost touch with her after being shipped out to go overseas so I always wondered what might have been. Great story...but it’s a shame you didn’t bump into her again. |
I met her she was beautiful..
We talked we did some things.. Then we went someplace private and did some more things.... and then the sun came up... and we kissed each other goodbye.. ... what more do you |
What is a blind date??
I met her she was beautiful.. We talked we did some things.. Then we went someplace private and did some more things.... and then the sun came up... and we kissed each other goodbye.. ... what more do you ![]() |
What is a blind date?? A blind date is with someone you’ve never met. Like when a friend sets you up with someone you meet for the first time at the restaurant. |
My best date was meeting up with a girl that I was talking to online. I drove seven hours to meet her. We met up, had a quick meal at a Wendy's, then we walked on a beach (well it was a fake's hard to explain so just go with it people)....we talked and talked and then adjourned to our hotel. We then went to a Casino, had dinner, gambled some, drove around cause we got lost......anyways, I know it sounds lame but you have to understand I was into this woman and I honestly thought there was no way she would be into me.....and I was happily wrong.
My best date was meeting up with a girl that I was talking to online. I drove seven hours to meet her. We met up, had a quick meal at a Wendy's, then we walked on a beach (well it was a fake's hard to explain so just go with it people)....we talked and talked and then adjourned to our hotel. We then went to a Casino, had dinner, gambled some, drove around cause we got lost......anyways, I know it sounds lame but you have to understand I was into this woman and I honestly thought there was no way she would be into me.....and I was happily wrong. The best dates have more to do with the people and mood than the setting, where I’m concerned. ![]() |
I had been chatting online with a guy (J) daily for months but never met him as he only wanted to chat and I was happy to do that. I was telling him that I was going out on a date that night (with F) when F cancelled with only 2 hours notice. Told J that I'd been stood up so J asked if I wanted to meet him seeing as I was all dressed up and had nowhere to go. I said it was a brilliant idea and we met up later that night. From the word go, we clicked and got on really well. Hadn't laughed so much in my life.......belly hurting laughs! He was charming and such good fun. He wasn't looking for a relationship at the time but he became my best friend. Sadly, he recently passed away but I'll never forget the laughs we had. That night was the best 'date' I ever had and I was so glad that F had cancelled because I would never had met J otherwise. No that’s a cool date! I’m sorry for your loss, but glad you got to meet for this date. ![]() |
T’was a long time ago, her name was Juliet. We fell in love despite our feuding families.
Alas, it didn’t end well. ![]() |
I fell over right in front of a date.
She was very pretty and when I was younger I didn’t have much confidence but I got the courage up and asked her out. To my pleasant surprise she said yes. It was just after Christmas, a freezing cold January night. There we were walking along, I was walking her home, and all of a sudden I felt my feet go from under me. I slipped on some icy paving. I remember it like it was yesterday. It seemed to happen in slow motion and as I was half way to the ground I was thinking, oh FFS this wasn’t supposed to happen. The funny thing was, as I landed on the ground I kinda turned to look up at her, and there was the moon right next to her head. So I was looking up at her but thinking, the moon looks very bright tonight. I jumped up quick, brushed myself down and then we both laughed for the rest of the way. 20 odd years later and 2 beautiful kids I must have done something right. |
T’was a long time ago, her name was Juliet. We fell in love despite our feuding families. Alas, it didn’t end well. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I fell over right in front of a date. She was very pretty and when I was younger I didn’t have much confidence but I got the courage up and asked her out. To my pleasant surprise she said yes. It was just after Christmas, a freezing cold January night. There we were walking along, I was walking her home, and all of a sudden I felt my feet go from under me. I slipped on some icy paving. I remember it like it was yesterday. It seemed to happen in slow motion and as I was half way to the ground I was thinking, oh FFS this wasn’t supposed to happen. The funny thing was, as I landed on the ground I kinda turned to look up at her, and there was the moon right next to her head. So I was looking up at her but thinking, the moon looks very bright tonight. I jumped up quick, brushed myself down and then we both laughed for the rest of the way. 20 odd years later and 2 beautiful kids I must have done something right. Great ending to a great story. ![]() ![]() |