Topic: Do Good Guys Always Get Hurt??
no photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:32 PM
I'm in the same situation as most of you here as well.I'm a nice guy that just wants to respect and love a girl for who she is as a person and it sucks to be a nice guy to try and impress a girl cuz 50% of the time she says no or your not my type.I just honestly think everyone should be given an equal chance here at love and then maybe more women will respect and learn to love us for us.

Nice guys maybe do finish last but one day I'll find my sweeheart on this earth....I'll prove to her that nice guys finish 1st....happy flowerforyou

sweetbilly's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:35 PM
Yes, Good guys always get hurt! Go to my profile pics and check out the woman stepping on the dudes head...LOL! It's all sooooooo true. We always finish last!

tgrlily's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:37 PM
You get her...Sweetguy. I'm a nice girl that has watched nice guys past by for those ignorant idiots that have too many issues. I hate seeing it happen to people I care about. I would love to find a nice guy for myself one day. I know a guy that was ugly but got the girls cause he was so bad and treated the girls rotten. I didn't see the nice guys get the phone #'s like this guy did. What a shame!

sweetbilly's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:42 PM

You get her...Sweetguy. I'm a nice girl that has watched nice guys past by for those ignorant idiots that have too many issues. I hate seeing it happen to people I care about. I would love to find a nice guy for myself one day. I know a guy that was ugly but got the girls cause he was so bad and treated the girls rotten. I didn't see the nice guys get the phone #'s like this guy did. What a shame!

Lily.... yep.....story of my life. I so hear ya!

tgrlily's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:46 PM

You get her...Sweetguy. I'm a nice girl that has watched nice guys past by for those ignorant idiots that have too many issues. I hate seeing it happen to people I care about. I would love to find a nice guy for myself one day. I know a guy that was ugly but got the girls cause he was so bad and treated the girls rotten. I didn't see the nice guys get the phone #'s like this guy did. What a shame!

Lily.... yep.....story of my life. I so hear ya!

I've none better looking guys get less girls than this jerk.

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:06 PM

You know it gets quite tiring hearing that women must like to be treated like crap because they won't go out with this nice guy or that nice guy and it's usually "that" nice guy that is passing that judgment on the woman. I agree some women that is "SOME" do like dating the guy that treats them like crap. But the majority of women do not. Especially at our age. At our age most of us know what we want and what we don't want. I can tell after a couple of dates if I'm going to be compatible with someone and if I'm not then I cut it off and suggest friendship, if I feel there can be a friendship. I think the key is not "looks, nice, money, intelligence nor BAD boy", but the key is that we are attracted to that person, to the things that are important to us. I would bet $50 that for all the nice men complaining that women like to date "jerks", that those men are asking women out that are "nice" but GOODLOOKING and then they're mean women because they didn't want to go out with a nice guy. But that nice guy didn't ask out the not so hot chic that was really, really nice! Tell me the nice guy routine doesn't drip with hipocracy.....


Chef64209's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:47 PM
Well this is my opinion on it, women like a little of both, they want the guy to be the bad boy but have a sweet side at the same time. If you are always nice to a girl and give her what she wants you will eventually get taken advantage of, vice versa for guys too. It's always hard to find that perfect median, but when it's there it works out great. Never settle for someone because you can tolerate each other, find someone who you love and live like nobody else matters. If it's meant to be it will work out in the end, I believe in fate.

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:55 PM
dude ur both chefs!

Chef64209's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:59 PM
lol i'm working on becoming a chef, I'm just a kitchen manager and culinary student

Draven84's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:59 PM
I just stopped looking. Most of my free time I end up spending at work because someone didn't want to show up. I had a few flings here and there but nothing really serious.

My advice would be to not go out looking for someone. Let them come to you if they are interested. I met a few women when I was working. And the one I'm currently going out with is just as cynical and we both share things in our past.

Tasslehofff's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:12 PM
I think nice guys have read too many storybooks and have the whole knight thing down pat.Now that beng said (I'm guilty of it too,hence my reasoning.)Women like the bad boys because they know no one is going to screw with them and they'll be safe.BUT What happens later on when the bad boy revels his true colors.And the woman is NOT safe.Now another thing I've noticed is that the "looks" double standard applies.A woman can be a BBW and she still wants Tall,Dark ,and Handsome.And the same TDH guy gets ranted on by the BBW if he doesn't find them attractive.Instead of mostly looks,(I know some sort of attaction should be there by nature) Go by the persons attitude.There's a lot of good guys who get fustrated by this.Average Joe's don't cut it anymore from what I've seen.Anyway I'll end here before I go off on a

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:40 PM

I think nice guys have read too many storybooks and have the whole knight thing down pat.Now that beng said (I'm guilty of it too,hence my reasoning.)Women like the bad boys because they know no one is going to screw with them and they'll be safe.BUT What happens later on when the bad boy revels his true colors.And the woman is NOT safe.Now another thing I've noticed is that the "looks" double standard applies.A woman can be a BBW and she still wants Tall,Dark ,and Handsome.And the same TDH guy gets ranted on by the BBW if he doesn't find them attractive.Instead of mostly looks,(I know some sort of attaction should be there by nature) Go by the persons attitude.There's a lot of good guys who get fustrated by this.Average Joe's don't cut it anymore from what I've seen.Anyway I'll end here before I go off on a

Anyone who gets upset because they are rejected needs to get over themselves. You like who you like. Personally, I prefer guys who are hot and nice. It exists, trust me.

JaceKnows's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:43 PM
You can have the house with a real mortgage, a car that's paid for, a job you've had for 5 years, and more than 2 shirts... and the girl will always get bored with you and end up with the guy living in a one-bedroom upper with a 10 year old car a new-monthly job, and the same AC/DC shirt he's had since 1988. There's almost no point in even trying anymore...

Chef64209's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:47 PM
thats like saying money is love

no photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:50 PM

thats like saying money is love

Unfortunately many guys think if they have money or things they should get the girl they want. There should be more.

JaceKnows's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:58 PM
I'm not talking a mansion, 13 cars, and all the Prada handbags you want, baby! I don't have the money to let you quit your job and run around being a socialite.. I'm talking about having the security of a stable, good quality, life. I hear all the time how women don't want a guy who doesn't have a job or a car because they're not a taxi service or a sugar momma. That might be on paper, but I've yet to see it translated to "real life". Money doesn't equate love.

ChefSean's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:38 AM

I think nice guys have read too many storybooks and have the whole knight thing down pat.Now that beng said (I'm guilty of it too,hence my reasoning.)Women like the bad boys because they know no one is going to screw with them and they'll be safe.BUT What happens later on when the bad boy revels his true colors.And the woman is NOT safe.Now another thing I've noticed is that the "looks" double standard applies.A woman can be a BBW and she still wants Tall,Dark ,and Handsome.And the same TDH guy gets ranted on by the BBW if he doesn't find them attractive.Instead of mostly looks,(I know some sort of attaction should be there by nature) Go by the persons attitude.There's a lot of good guys who get fustrated by this.Average Joe's don't cut it anymore from what I've seen.Anyway I'll end here before I go off on a

Anyone who gets upset because they are rejected needs to get over themselves. You like who you like. Personally, I prefer guys who are hot and nice. It exists, trust me.

OK OK I seriously think people didn't read my entire blog. First of all, my pic is a bad one and I have never been turned down by a women for a date. Matter of fact I have had to end relationships because the woman thought they could have me and the bad boy at the same time. I am not some nerd or loser or some guy that a girl would just turn down. I am far from it. I am a smooth talker that gets what he wants and I am a very goodlooking guy too but when he finds out that what he wants wants him to be a bad boy like he used to be and that is not going to happen anymore. Trust me, I am someone that no man in there right mind would ever screw with because I will mess them up bad. I just don't want to treat a woman like they are a piece of meat. What I am trying to figure out is why women tend to want to be treated like that. I have seen girls go out with guys that are clearly cheating on them and just keep going back like the guys is their man and only their man. Or they go out with a guy that mentally abuses them or even physically abuses them if you're saying that a women is turning a good guy down just becuase they are not attracted to them that is fine but why are they attracted to someone that abuses them. Oh yeah and by the way I have seen this happen to men too not just women.

adj4u's photo
Mon 12/03/07 05:10 AM
good just gets hurt in general

cause bad thinks it has to be in charge

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:55 AM
good guys dont get hurt and its good to be a good guy but come on now dont be a boy about things, and if the woman hurts you than by god you look yourself in the mirror and say self you didnt need her anyway

glr3404's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:46 AM
I was blessed with (the prevervbial nice guy that every woman says she wanys but never treates right) My Good Guy and I were married just two days ago. I met him here un JSH and I will tell you. A woman has to be at a point in her life where she is willing to give herself 100% to someone and that is when she will make the sacrifices, give the love, and protect her heart and love her man like she has loved no other. And I guarantee you that she will have the love of the GOOD GUY and will be the luckiest woman in the whole world...........

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

my daleray is a "nice Guy" "GOOD GUY" and believe me ladies he is the man of every dream I have ever had. He is he answer to every prayer and I am truly..."THE LUCKIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD"