Topic: The Truth
no photo
Sat 02/10/18 06:35 PM

Judge Jeanine: They needed reason to spy, so they made it up

A cabal of arrogant, condescending employees of our government thought we didn't count.
Laying it all out.

About 4 mins

no photo
Sat 02/10/18 06:44 PM
How convenient! Tried to play video. Nothing.

no photo
Sat 02/10/18 07:06 PM

How convenient! Tried to play video. Nothing.

It's working

no photo
Sat 02/10/18 07:21 PM

How convenient! Tried to play video. Nothing.

It's working

Circumnavigated and watched. Link worked, just black screen when I click on video. :thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 02/10/18 07:54 PM
Judge Jeanine...

After watching that, I really think the network/website should stop using "news" in their name.

Datwasntme's photo
Sat 02/10/18 11:25 PM
Topic: The Truth

those words don't go together

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 02/11/18 11:26 AM
Interesting video! I ike women in news, who tell the real truth!

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/11/18 11:29 AM

Topic: The Truth

those words don't go together

at least not often in the politics thread ...