Topic: Trans ... formation
msharmony's photo
Sat 01/27/18 12:39 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 01/27/18 12:39 PM
In the ever evolving 'no lines' culture where being 'fluid' is the newest rage, I wonder what other things beside gender we can apply this rage to.

Just to pass time, what trans categories can you think of?

Transmarried? legal documents mark you as married but you LIVE as a single person.

Transpolitical? you lean toward the human problem solving of liberal with the moral concerns of conservative.

Transracial? Your ancestry is in a certain region, but you IDENTIFY more with others from a different region.

Transwealthy? You're broke, but you FEEL like a million bucks.

can you think of any other trans ... formations?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sat 01/27/18 01:33 PM
Transdimensional - you are seen but not heard or heard but not seen?
Transhuman - you are human but act like an ape, live like a pig?
Transhumorist - you think you're funny but you're really not.
Transdiscretionary - you say you're open to anything but you really are not?
Transfixed - You tell people you can't have kids but you really still can?
Transhealthy - you appear to be healthy but you're sick inside?
Transintelligent - you try to make people think you are more intelligent than you are?
Transmoral - you adopt other people's morals because in actuality you possess none of your own?
Transdumb - you are a brunette that dyes your hair blond?
Transsolid - you appear to be solid but you seek out air pockets?
Transprohibative - you are against it unless nobody is looking?
Transadaptive - you are able to adapt to any situation, even tho you hate it?

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/27/18 01:39 PM

Transdimensional - you are seen but not heard or heard but not seen?
Transhuman - you are human but act like an ape, live like a pig?
Transhumorist - you think you're funny but you're really not.
Transdiscretionary - you say you're open to anything but you really are not?
Transfixed - You tell people you can't have kids but you really still can?
Transhealthy - you appear to be healthy but you're sick inside?
Transintelligent - you try to make people think you are more intelligent than you are?
Transmoral - you adopt other people's morals because in actuality you possess none of your own?
Transdumb - you are a brunette that dyes your hair blond?
Transsolid - you appear to be solid but you seek out air pockets?
Transprohibative - you are against it unless nobody is looking?
Transadaptive - you are able to adapt to any situation, even tho you hate it?

awesome list. I love transdimensional and transprohibative especially

no photo
Sat 01/27/18 02:30 PM
Transport - You catch a bus or train if you don't have a car