Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 4
Stu's photo
Thu 04/05/18 04:53 PM
Edited by Stu on Thu 04/05/18 04:54 PM
Necessary it is for life to have oxygen, and carbone dioxide, or the process stops and we all go bye bye.

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 04:55 PM
Bye bye is not something I like to say to my loved ones.

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 04:55 PM
Bye bye Birdie is a song and a musical.

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Thu 04/05/18 04:56 PM
Edited by LittleBitOTrebel on Thu 04/05/18 04:57 PM
Ones that are too slow miss their word.

Fighting auto correct tonight!laugh

Stu's photo
Thu 04/05/18 04:57 PM
Word ... nuf said.

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 04:59 PM
Soso yoyo

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Thu 04/05/18 05:00 PM
Yoyo was not the last word laugh

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:15 PM

Word that was last was not soso either! winking tongue2

mhavic1573's photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:17 PM

Word(s) not enough to describe how I feel for you

mhavic1573's photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:17 PM

Word(s) not enough to describe how I feel for you

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:19 PM
You should have started with either. laugh


mhavic1573's photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:23 PM

waving winking

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:29 PM
Hey Mhavic waving pst...I think I jinxed this. laugh

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:32 PM
This is getting hilarious laugh

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 05:34 PM
Hilarious threads are my favorite! laugh

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Thu 04/05/18 06:06 PM

Favorite color for me is turquoise blue :heart_eyes:

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Thu 04/05/18 06:07 PM
Blue is my second favorite color.

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Thu 04/05/18 06:18 PM

Color of my eyes is blue.

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Thu 04/05/18 06:21 PM
Blue is the sky.

no photo
Thu 04/05/18 07:30 PM
Sky is the limit is an expression a lot of people say.