Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 4 | |
Too much duct tape can be hazard to your health
health of my wallet improves though
Though that may be true, it would sure look funny around my legs.
legs get color coordination
Coordination of colorful duct tape might work
work beckons, since lunch is eaten
Eaten anything good lately?
Overnight it snowed quite a bit here.
Tonight I usually go to the store, but forgot to sign up for a ride.
Store trips for employees are offered to those without a vehicle, just need to sign up for it.
Up a creek without a paddle is an expression some people use.
Saying what you mean makes it easier for others to understand.
Understand directions is something that most people don’t do very well. |
Well that's most likely due to different interpretations of what is written.
Receive and give.
Take two or three, there's plenty to go around.
Parks are all over this area, accessing some of them can be difficult though.
Though they are not in love, they love each other.
Other people are lucky in love, I hope I will be someday! |
Someday I want to taste these famous Brownies, with a cup of tea.