Topic: Which is sexier? A woman's body or her personality?👀👀 | |
An amazing woman with an amazing brain, even over the phone with no body, can make a sewage plant seem sexy...
Either way the relationship is symbiotic. One just cannot exist without the other. and, that woks in both directions. Male and Female.
you fall in love with the person inside and outside it's Mott physical features it her being u might not notice everything at first but then one day you will see her the real person ur with, then u will know it might be a twinkle in her eyes or her laughter, or a smile or anything but u fall in love with her not looks not smarts but who she is as a person and u do unconditionally
Her character !
Good sex starts in the mind, and progresses from there.
So if a person looked like a mutated obese gorilla with the mange and smelled like rotten rice but had the personality of Mother Theresa you'd marry them?
Personality matters but there has to be some sort of physical attraction. This entire site is geared toward clicking images of people. If it were a personality only site there wouldn't be pictures. |
A hot sexy body is a hot sexy body, it’s it and that’s that. However personality is a very sexy quality, it’s just not as easily identified.
Right that down
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Her @zzzz
You are on the right lines with your post - has to be something more than "just" how someone looks - their personality is always partly in view as well - how they walk, dress react to what's going on - and confidence and self worth figure a lot in that.
As long as she is a nice human being with self confidence...being kind goes a long way in my book
Her personality of course. A woman can be sexy with her good attitude and treats other people in a polite way
Hi how are you
dont doubt it
i agre..
Good sex starts in the mind, and progresses from there. |