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Topic: Dating and race
msharmony's photo
Mon 01/22/18 03:05 PM

Maybe people who don't date outside their race aren't actually put off by a persons race, but the different looks of other races. Most relationships begin with attraction. Some people are attracted to a wide variety of looks and others are only attracted to a specific look.

IF people are put off by a look, 'Race' doesnt cover it, as people within a race have a broad variety of combinations of those looks.

two white guys who dont have the same 'look'

two black guys who dont have the same 'look'

Obviously, people within any race have completely unique looks. Nice pics though. Hubba hubba!

What I'm getting at is that some people are attracted more to blonds, redheads or dark hair...etc. Some are attracted more to light skin, dark skin, olive skin...etc. It's just a feature that draws their attention first.

I have a girlfriend who is only attracted to dark skin. She has nothing against white men or Asian men, it's just an asset she's attracted to. She's dated white men, but she didn't have the same level of attraction to them.

I guess these are people with a "type". Personally, I don't have a physical preference...though I can't say I'm not drawn to attractive men at first glance. My long term preferences are more mental and emotional.

I understand being 'drawn' to features but each person, in EACH race, has their own unique combination of features.

I am more 'drawn' to darker skin than pale skin. Im also more 'drawn' to taller than shorter but those are singular features out of a list of potential 'draws', like intelligence, wit, pretty smile, healthy body, etc...

So, I wouldnt discount dating someone pale and short (which IM not drawn to) if they happened to also be intelligent, witty, with a pretty smile and healthy body and other things that I am also 'drawn' to.

And that doesnt even approach the fact of making it 'racial' since not all white people are pale, and some black people are more pale than others.

So Id say if 'race' is only a physical preference it should not be a mandate in and of itself or it becomes 'racist'

no photo
Tue 01/23/18 01:11 PM

It's really none of anyone elses business the reasons why others date who they want...if I don't wanna date someone, I won't explain my reasons to anyone, because we date who we want... Not racist, just the way it is...


emmac2's photo
Tue 01/23/18 01:16 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/23/18 01:36 PM

It's really none of anyone elses business the reasons why others date who they want...if I don't wanna date someone, I won't explain my reasons to anyone, because we date who we want... Not racist, just the way it is...


Exactly. Who I date is no ones business. Who others date is none of mine. People today need to focus on themselves instead of talking about others

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/23/18 01:40 PM
topic quoted from OP

How do you feel?

LeeFranklin's photo
Wed 01/24/18 05:04 AM

Maybe people who don't date outside their race aren't actually put off by a persons race, but the different looks of other races. Most relationships begin with attraction. Some people are attracted to a wide variety of looks and others are only attracted to a specific look.


msharmony's photo
Wed 01/24/18 08:22 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/24/18 08:25 AM
myth: All (put race here) 'look' alike.
fact: there is 90 percent genetic variation WITHIN a race and 10 percent BETWEEN races.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/24/18 08:47 AM

I am by far not a racist and it hurts that just because you might not date outside your race that others jump to that concussion and call names. How do you feel.

This is a popular subject in dating. My viewpoint is this, own it. Any choice we make that is decided upon RACE alone, is by definition racist. Not all racism is equal. And in my opinion, we are in a culture that conditions us all to have some type of racist mind frame on certain topics.

Humm just cause I date and they are not black I'm considered a racist hahahah~~ Whatever just shows some are bent on calling others racist~~~~

Truth of the matter I have never found a black man that I was attracted too that I would want to date...

There are many factors why some have never dated a certain color. Where they live, how they grew up, ect,,, I have lived around mainly whites and Mexican's sure I have dated a few that was not white, just cause they were not black does not mean I'm a racist!slaphead

Now if it was Shemar Moore or Jesse Williams it would be a different story due to I do find them attractive....biggrin

Problem with this World is too many throw the Race card and want to label others Racist when they are far from it... Just cause they don't have friends of a certain color or date them,,,

Hell I have several family members that date/married or have kids with someone that is of another color.. That is their choice they found that attraction... Regardless people date who they want to it is a choice..

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/24/18 09:03 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/24/18 09:11 AM
Txs. The issue is not about 'being a racist' it is only about a 'racist' decision.

and yes, just because one decides upon who to date JUST on race alone, that is a racist decision by definition. It plays upon a false stereotype that all (race here) look alike, or act alike, or have the same values, standards, or behaviors. WHen the truth is each individual, even WITHIN a race, is unique enough that none of these things can be PREJUDGED without the opportunity to observe and know THAT INDIVIDUAL.

the mere fact that you mention shemar moore or jesse williams means that you do NOT Exclude a whole race of people from your potential pool, so that is not a racist decision.

and to say that you have not YET met someone that attracted you is different as well, than a mindset that has pre judged that anyone of a certain race that you come across will not possibly be attractive.

and all action is a decision, and most people do make decisions based upon what they want to do, that doesnt really impact whether a decision is a racist one though.smile2

Heck, like Igor said, my dating mandate is sexist, because I would not (under any circumstance) date a female. IT is a bit different because I can PREJUDGE with accuracy every FEMALE will have certain reproductive anatomy. But however valid/invalid the logic is, if it excludes an ENTIRE demographic of individuals it is a form of prejudice, and if that demographic is racial, it is a racial prejudice, or 'racist.

If discussing dating and I said I would NOT (refuse to, ie) date a female, someone could tell me that was sexist. And I Would say, "Yes, and?"

which is what I mean by 'own it."

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/24/18 10:13 AM
People like what they like. What I like is no one's business or judgement.

People these days are focused on what celebrities do and getting into their lives and some think another's personal life is their business.

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 03:56 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/24/18 03:58 PM
I'm attracted to the man, not his race. And that's my own personal choice.

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 03:57 PM

True. We have the 'right' to racial preference, and to racist opinions. I think when people ask, they care on some level.

No, they are Nosy!

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/24/18 04:48 PM
I think the OP was only curious to know how people felt. It is how all these threads get started.

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