Topic: Business and personal | |
Edited by
Tue 01/16/18 04:33 PM
Would you refuse to date a good person that was a poor business person, or bad at their job?
Would you refuse to use the services or products of someone who offered excellent services and products because they were a 'bad' person in terms of their morals in their personal time? How much do you allow the two to overlap? Many people loved Elvis(I give credit for his musical talent) although he was a drug addict(an obvious shortcoming). Many people adore the founding fathers(I give credit for their ability to grow and lead), even the ones who were slavemasters(not something to be proud of). Many people support politicians who are accused but not proven of corruption(focusing on their achievement only) and others hate politicians who are accused but not proven of the same(denying any achievement they may have). Many people will not watch an Angelina Jolie(I think she's an okay actress) movie because of her adultery, or listen to R. Kelly(sexual sinner) or Chris Brown(domestic violence) because of their run ins with law. I believe in giving credit where its due. Just like not all parents are great spouses and not all spouses are great parents, noone will be perfect. We can be simultaneously strong in some areas and weak in others. But I wonder why sometimes we disregard accomplishments once someone fails in another area of life. Can we acknowledge strengths AND weaknesses or are we just wired to pick one side or another? |
I think we like to pull others down to our level, or below, to make us feel better when they have failed somewhere regardless of what else they have done in life...
People quickly disregard great accomplishments by someone that has fallen short of changing public moral or ethical standards. We see this all the time in today's quick to judge social media world. Image is everything it seems. |
I choose which products to use based on what I get from them.
I choose which musicians I listen to based on how well I enjoy the music they make. The things that I do BOYCOTT are things that I feel are wrong. Based on my own personal moral compass. I live without too much participation in the games others play. I really don't care if you don't like someone and refuse to buy their products. If I like their products, I'm gunna buy them and anyone that has a problem with my choices can hit the pavement. My contentment does not hinge on someone elses approval. |
Since this last Monday, I am boycotting Tim Hortons
(Canadian franchise coffee/cafe).. |
I think a lot of people can overlook failures in a person if the attributes that attracted them to that person, whether it's a service they offered or a personal attatchment, are greater than the failure, as long as those failures have not violated so grievously their own persinal moral code. Especially if there are signs of a desire to improve.
Those that follow the social code of tearing people down who have acheived some success with no sense of personal discression or introspection are called sheeple. |
Those that follow the social code of tearing people down who have acheived some success with no sense of personal discression or introspection are called sheeple.
Sheeple are people that are easily directed or manipulated...Like Sheep. tearing people down who have acheived some success with no sense of personal discression or introspection That is known of as Narcissistic or Narcissism. |
Would you refuse to date a good person that was a poor business person, or bad at their job?
Maybe. I mean are they a surgeon? Are they all "dangit! I killed another one today! I'm sooooo bad at my job! I went to medical school, oh well, hope no one really pays attention. At least the hospital has insurance!" Or are they all "I just started, I'm still not good at my job, but I'm trying to improve." Or are they all "what?! You think I'm bad at my job!? F' you! I know what I'm doing!" Or are they more like "my boss keeps telling me I'm bad at my job. He's an a-hole. Like he knows anything. I'm calling OSHA if he tries to fire me. Waa waa waa yadda yadda 3 hours of persecution complex and don't want to face up to being bad at my job, our relationship is me venting my frustrations at you about my job and unwilling to realize or accept I'm bad at my job." Would you refuse to use the services or products of someone who offered excellent services and products because they were a 'bad' person in terms of their morals in their personal time?
Maybe. Again you're kinda vague. For all I know they're a serial poisoner while pushing the worlds finest ice cream on me. How much do you allow the two to overlap?
Significantly? Depending on how much I need/want what they have to offer and the risks/costs of continuing the relationship and how important it is to my self identity/image? I wonder why sometimes we disregard accomplishments once someone fails in another area of life.
Because we're all egocentric and have our own bias. e.g. founding fathers(I give credit for their ability to grow and lead), even the ones who were slavemasters(not something to be proud of). Can we acknowledge strengths AND weaknesses or are we just wired to pick one side or another?
Yes. |
Those that follow the social code of tearing people down who have acheived some success with no sense of personal discression or introspection are called sheeple.
Sheeple are people that are easily directed or manipulated...Like Sheep. tearing people down who have acheived some success with no sense of personal discression or introspection That is known of as Narcissistic or Narcissism. Sheeple do it, too. Because their friends do it, because a celebrity they like does it, because society says it's cool for some reason. Either way, not thinking for yourself and allowing others to tell you how to behave or what to do is sheeple. Doing it because you think you're better is narcissistic. Doing it because it makes you feel better about you is a self esteem issue and is closer to being a sheeple than a narcissist. Don't be a bully. |
noun informal derogatory plural noun: sheeple 1940s: blend of sheep and people. ~~people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led. |
Exactly. As I clarified. Easily led by a group mentality. It is easier to attack in a group where such a thing is considered 'normal'. Docile in this sense would imply attacking is the path of least resistance within the group and defending or refraining is considered going against the group, risking social isolation. Foolish as in lacking personal judgement and competency - allowing the group to make up behavior patterns that are followed without regard to personal introspection or impact on others. And yes - easily led to follow these behavior patterns, whether complacently or by peer pressure. This is different to when people follow a group because they actually agree with its principles. Sheeple will follow behavior patterns because they will not or choose not to think for themselves and the behavior is currently seen as status quo.
This goes back to social order where a group depends on its members for survival - whether it be its ideals, its morality or its physical survival. |
Well I know for sure that humans are not WIRED to demand everything be one way or another. That's obvious, because our world is so full of people trying to GET US to see everything in black and white. If we were already stuck seeing things that way, we wouldn't need to be pushed and pulled at all the time.
I think that there are various reasons why a lot of people do WANT to make themselves into hard this-or-that choosers. We certainly do, as a species, seem to be "wired" to look for shortcuts and easy ways to accomplish pretty much everything, and having a "yes or no" attitude about things does make it easier to decide things. In the search for mates, which this site is at least nominally about, people are always calling for simple ways to decide whether someone is worth investing time and effort in or not. I chanced to come of age in a time of turmoil where various causes and ideas were being fought over with intense self-righteousness and bias. The more important an issue seemed to be, the more everyone wanted to find ONE factor to look at, to decide their own opinion, and to allow them to completely discard opponents opinions, and even to discard the people themselves. I struggled with this exact question a great deal during that time, because, as I gradually came to realize, there very VERY few purely good or purely bad choices to be made in life. One of the things that makes it hard for a person to decide NOT to decide black and white, is that there are so many people ready to declare that anyone who sees nuance, is actually just wishy-washy, or cowardly. It's THEIR trick manipulation to try to force yes or no, hard line decisions. I finally decided myself, not to have very many hard-line policies or set-in-stone decisions. But in the event of each situation, I find that sometimes I can overlook, or not worry about a person's defects, and sometimes I can't. Certain things I'm hard line about, such as if you use violence against your mates as a normal part of your idea of "disciplining" them, as far as I'm concerned you are beneath scum in all ways, and I will have nothing to do with you in any aspect of life. Other things I will adjust to and accept. A lot of the time, what I will put up with, is based on WHY the person has the "defect." Some "defective behaviors" only affect one small part of a person's life. Others can be pervasive and make a mess of every aspect of their being. Cheating is one of those kinds of things. Most people think cheating is terrible, when it comes to areas such as sexual fidelity between official mates; but they are fine with cheating in lots of other ways, such as "fudging" their taxes. Lots of people will say that lying is vile, and proof that someone can never be trusted, but will pretend they never said anything of the kind, if the particular person who is lying, seems to be lying in ways that benefit the self-righteous anti-liar. |
We are all sheep ...sheep with the freedom of choice..the question would be how much that choice is being influenced ,,and how much of that influence are we actually aware could be something as small as the color of an object meant to trigger a certain reaction or appeal..and then there's the... subliminal..they're everywhere . Rushes to put on his tin foil hat.. I use a certain tin foil because they said it was the best.. ![]() ![]() |
I believe similarly. Nothing is hard wiring and even things we don't consciously 'choose' have been conditioned somehow throughout life.
I believe we make a conscious choice to retain our conditioning sometimes, and other times we make the choice to 'uncondition' ourselves, which is not always an easy thing to do, depending upon what the environment around us promotes or discourages. |
Edited by
Fri 01/19/18 05:16 PM
Would you refuse to date a good person that was a poor business person, or bad at their job? No. I would be surprised if he were happy in an ill suited profession though. Would you refuse to use the services or products of someone who offered excellent services and products because they were a 'bad' person in terms of their morals in their personal time? It depends. While I prefer to do business with people with high ethical standards, my Doctor's affair or money management issues have little bearing on his/her ability to perform a life saveing procedure better than a less experienced Doctor with an ideal marriage. As for the rest, you give great examples of how badly even the most gifted and productive people can fail miserably at being good people. Even the worst of us are capable of doing good things. While we are all imperfect, I do believe as a whole, we are growing in the right direction. |