Topic: Ron Paul | |
unemployment is low because once your benefits expire you are no longer on the stats Not true in the least. I'm not sure where you heard that, but it's not true. if the price goes up it goes up more people would be working thus more could afford the price hike yer sounding a bit self serving I am being realistic, based on economics. If you raise prices, people lose jobs...every time. If you lower prices, you increase jobs. Lower prices mean more shoppers. More shoppers means more jobs. If you raise prices, you reduce the number of shoppers. Few shoppers means fewer jobs. Not arguable, but argue if you like, I'm not interested in proving that the sky is up and the ground is down. |
Yeah, right, head to Michigan and tell Granholm that if you would.
I'm not interested in proving that the sky is up and the ground is down.
is the sky in australia up if yer in canada insert head scratching emoticon here |
but i do agree the u s needs
an ally in the middle east but isreal could pay some of the tab |
Edited by
Thu 12/06/07 06:12 PM
Ron Paul, I've been told, is interested in cutting funding to Israel which makes perfect sense. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. 1. America was meant to be a sovereign nation and owes it to no other country to take care of them. How many of you so-called patriots have read George Washington's farewell address? Sorry, but I do believe in putting America's interests above any other nation's. We need an ally in the Middle East. 2. They are a first world nation, with one of the most professional militaries in the world and can take care of themselves. Yea they are the most hated country in the middle east, but gee ever think that it may be their fault? No, I don't think it is their fault. They were attacked the very DAY the UN allowed them to become a nation. That is due to rampant Jew hate in the Middle East. They are constantly treatened with destruction by their neighbors...any surprise that they are defensive? They are under constant bombardment from Lebanon and Palistine...any surprise that they sometimes retaliate? 3. Our support of them breeds world-wide resentment of us as a nation. This would all be fine if we were actually justified in supporting them, but go back and read the above points. Too freaking bad. They have every right to exist. That land was taken from the Israelites 2000 years ago. That land was taken from the Christians 1000 years ago. That land was very sparcly inhabited 100 years ago. Jews started buying the land from the owners 100 years ago. 60 years ago, the UN declared Israel a nation. They have been at war every day since then. History, not propoganda. 1. So we have to bank-roll our allies and fight their wars for them? What is the benefit of having such alliances? The truth is we wouldn't have so many enemies in the middle east if it weren't for our support of Israel. Also ask yourself, do we really want an ally that attacks us directly, under the guise of another power, in an attempt to get us to declare war on that power (USS liberty anyone)? Or one which has been caught spying on us time and time again? Disregarding the fact that our founders intended us to avoid all long-term and peace-time alliances in favor of armed neutrality*, would you really want the U.S. to ally itself with a nation of this character? 2. Israel has exhibited it's fair share of aggression too (Not only against it's neighbors, but against it's so-called allies. Again the USS liberty). They themselves constantly bombard Lebanon and Palestine and neither side has any qualms against killing civilians. Israel and the American news media of course justify Israeli killings because "it forces those who harbor terrorists to choose between dieing or refusing to house the terrorists". This would be like the UK doing bombing raids over the Catholic sectors of Northern Ireland back at the height of Sinn Fein terrorism and acting like they were morally justified in doing so, because "it forces those those in Northern Ireland to choose between death or ousting the IRA". Of course Israel has the best in modern and U.S. paid-for weaponry while the Arabs have sticks and stones and the occasional piece of antiquated Soviet weaponry. I'm not justifying either side here (particularly not on merits of who has the best in destructive toys) merely making a comparison. 3. Prove to me with valid historical evidence, not religious doctrine, that the Jews inhabited that region 2,000 years ago. Even if they did, people migrate. Vikings once populated parts of North America. Does that mean that Iceland, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden can now lay claim to lands in the U.S. and Canada? Lets assume the UN was backing this crazy scenario. Don't you think that might piss off a few people. Would you feel like the UN was justified in doing so? Do you think this might breed any anti-Scandinavian resentment among the U.S. and Canadian populous? Of course it's justified though. Scandinavian families have been settling here since before the American revolution . History, not propaganda. What is that? The latest buzzword for denying someone else’s voice and inserting your own propaganda? * for those who think that armed neutrality can not work in the modern world, look only to Switzerland. |
look only to Switzerland.
you mean where everyone is issued a weapon upon reaching legal age and are told they have to protect their country is that the switzerland of which you speak ------------------- Guns are deeply rooted within Swiss culture - but the gun crime rate is so low that statistics are not even kept. -------------------- IMAGINE THAT |
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Thu 12/06/07 06:32 PM
Yea that is the Switzerland I'm talking about.
If you have a problem with protecting your country, emigrate. If you don't like the place you live well enough to defend it, then stop reaping the benefits of living there and move elsewhere. It's like the hippies here in the U.S. If you hate America so much, pack up your drum circles and move somewhere more 'culturally rich' like Mexico. Ha Ha Ha. Or better yet, all you Che fans out there should move to Cuba and live in the workers paradise that, that commie scumbag helped create. 99% of you haven't done an honest days work in your life. But yea you're on the ball with mandatory fire-arms ownership and crime. In fact there were similar laws in most U.S. states following the revolution. Keep in mind, Switzerland hasn't been invaded in modern times either. |
Yea that is the Switzerland I'm talking about. If you have a problem with protecting your country, emigrate. If you don't like the place you live well enough to defend it, then stop reaping the benefits of living there and move elsewhere. It's like the hippies here in the U.S. If you hate America so much, pack up your drum circles and move somewhere more 'culturally rich' like Mexico. Ha Ha Ha. Or better yet, all you Che fans out there should move to Cuba and live in the workers paradise that, that commie scumbag helped create. 99% of you haven't done an honest days work in your life. But yea you're on the ball with mandatory fire-arms ownership and crime. In fact there were similar laws in most U.S. states following the revolution. Keep in mind, Switzerland hasn't been invaded in modern times either. insert thumbs up emoticon here |
Hippies were the best thing that happend to america since the revolution.
bring back the hippies...we need a new woodstock...
america died in the early 60's...JFK, MLK, RFK.....all offed because they dared to fight for the average man...I remember how I felt after these assassinations....there was an evil force running america... |
Edited by
Fri 12/07/07 10:14 AM
Was? George Bush is doing the same thing today that Nixon was doing in the 60's, illeagle wire tapping, etc etc. Both presidents were trying to make an all powerful executive branch. All the moves that Bush and his cronnies have done were done to make the Executive branch more powerful then any of the other branches of government. The only difference is that the hippies were around to get him out of office. The reason we are not as appauled now as back then is because of 9/11. The administration has used that to make any disenter unpatriotic. Check out this website it describes how president Bush and his administration has taken that shares a common link with dicators around the world. Now I am not saying that he is trying to make a dictatorship, but i am saying that he is making a more much more powerful executive branch then the consitution set up. We have 3 branches for a reason.,,2064157,00.html Check number five it scares the hell out of me. |
Hippies were the best thing that happend to america since the revolution. bring back the hippies...we need a new woodstock... america died in the early 60's...JFK, MLK, RFK.....all offed because they dared to fight for the average man...I remember how I felt after these assassinations....there was an evil force running america... Yep the hippie counter-culture truly was a step forward for America. Flag burning, smoking pot, aversion to soap, promiscuous sex without regard to gender; all great contributions of the hippie movement. Woodstock itself really accomplished a lot. A festival celebrating crappy music and drug use really got a lot done in terms of positive social change. Oh and what exactly did JFK or RFK do for the common man? |
Crappy music at Woodstock!!!!!!!!!! How dare you??????
Well i guess I know where some people stand on the right to free speach. I am not saying everything they did was good. They brought drugs into a large part of america, but thats how they chose to protest. The hippie movement is one of protest everything they did was the complete oppisite of what was the norm of the time. What they did was open americas eyes. They opened peoples minds and showed them that you can think for yourself, and you have the right to be who you wanted to be. The hippies were a great thing for america, but no one is perfect.
Drugs of various kinds existed loooonnngggg before the hippies. They just chose to be open about it. They rebelled against the system and a war that was nothing more than a political agenda, with thousands of US soldiers dying for what? They were persecuted at the time, but later, it seems, they had a helluva point.
Hippies were children. Many of them never grew up. Hippies rejected society in general, how is that a good thing? Rule of law is the only reason most of us are alive. Hippies, in general, are cowardly hedonists. Their behavior would only be acceptable in a young child, it is completely unacceptable and inexcusable in an adult.
Spider you really need to quit licking that frog!~
Edited by
Fri 12/07/07 02:16 PM
Tobias1540 said:
Well i guess I know where some people stand on the right to free speach. I am not saying everything they did was good. They brought drugs into a large part of america, but thats how they chose to protest. The hippie movement is one of protest everything they did was the complete oppisite of what was the norm of the time. What they did was open americas eyes. They opened peoples minds and showed them that you can think for yourself, and you have the right to be who you wanted to be. The hippies were a great thing for america, but no one is perfect. I say: Other than flag burning, I don't think I really had anything to say against freedom of speech. And I didn't even really deny them the right to do so, I was just making a comment on their character. As I said earlier, if you don't like America emigrate to somewhere else. Don't you think it's a little childish to burn the symbol of a nation, while simultaneously claiming and expecting protection under that nation's laws? Poisoning yourself and others could be considered a form of protest, but it's a stretch. Not really something worthy of being called 'the greatest thing to happen to America since the revolution' by any means. Hippies have never thought for themselves. They are just another herd of people, albeit moving in a different direction. Their actions did nothing to improve this country, but rather the contrary. Like spider said, it was a cult of hedonism and selfishness. Change and progress are not synonymous. Lily 38 said: Drugs of various kinds existed loooonnngggg before the hippies. They just chose to be open about it. They rebelled against the system and a war that was nothing more than a political agenda, with thousands of US soldiers dying for what? They were persecuted at the time, but later, it seems, they had a helluva point. I say: Because drugs existed loooonngggg before the hippie movement, that excuses their use? Murderers existed long before Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, and Pol Pot, but don't you think the world would have been a better place without them? The hippies didn't give a damn about any U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen, or Marines. They spit on them coming home. Lefty factory workers produced dud grenades and shells to give the commies an upper hand at the expense of American lives. Many American soldiers died because of the actions of self-identifying hippies. Their hearts were with the reds and that is why they protested, not because they cared about U.S. soldiers dying. |
Spider you really need to quit licking that frog!~ What did I say that wasn't true? |
i just adore the love it or leave it mentality.Soldiers fought and died to protect our right to free speech and i can't critisize wrongs i see .Bull pucky buddy.and since i am a voter,i feel i have every right to b itch when my President or congressman/senator does not speak for the people but for their own gain.Thats the problem with this country,if your not spouting the popular opinion you are labeled a commie.disgusting.