Topic: S(h)owing them the $$$$ | |
The bringing in of a New Covenant did away with the law. As it is written. The spirit gives life and the letter kills. But, you don't see that that living by the letter of the law leads to death. We must live by the spirit of the law. In this way we understand the purpose and intent of God's law, and we are thus sold on the law, and obey it in spirit, not the letter. Think my friend. God changes not. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. But you think He changed. You think He cared about His law in the past and punished Israel for not keeping, it, but now none of that matters. We can do what ever we want and god accepts it. Really? Is God that foolish to you? The new covenant did not do away with the law. It put God's law in our mind and heart. Christ said the law would not be done away until heaven and earth were done away. Why do you say things in direct opposition to the Bible? Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Heb 8:10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: Heb 8:11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. Giving is a willful expression of love and devotion and worthy of embrace by a healthy fellowship for the communal needs of the fellowship. Just like the scriptures say right? I am being an idiot I know, but you are just making this up out of thin, albeit poetic, air. The LORD provides. How does He provide, if we don't give Him what is His? What does He have to work with? I know, I am being stupid again, but really, we are to give to Him as He prospers us. The amount He says is 10% Why do you seek to change the number. Why insist that it be your number and not His? But we must always be on the guard for the error and closeminded self will that affords a tarnished covetousness. Covetousness only slew Paul when he had met the Lord on the road to Damascus. Not before. He knew then, that he had been coveting God's, and not his own. I and not sure what this is saying, but come on. No one slew Paul, Christ knocked him down and blinded Him to bring him to his senses. Coveting God's and not his own??????? As the bride of Christ, we covet the LORD's love and unwavering faithfulness to us and he never leaves nor forsakes us. Always attending to our need for His fellowship with us. Let us remember not to covet the things of God, but covet our personal relationship with God. Tithing is not coveting what is God's. It is giving to God what is His. Not tithing is coveting what is God's. Wow! How do things get so twisted? As He has said, "My grace is sufficient for you". Now, if there is a need to have the last word, so be it. Take it, and make it good. I am beside myself again. Are we to give God his grace? Or bare we to receive God's grace, (free gift0 and give of that to Him? Lost in Billings, Art |
Tithing is not a "commandment". It's a law, an outdated and non spiritual one. You're sooo wrapped up in legality. I see now why people can't stand christians. blah blah blah in circles and try to "reason out" their personal points of view. Honestly sir, your type of mentality is why the gifts of the spirit are sparse these days. Trust Him as a child, that's where the focus should be. Sorry wouldee, I somehow missed a couple of your responses. You have handled this already, and I apologize. I just never actually 'met' someone who tried to weave a web of lies right in front of my face before. You have the makings of a good pharisee sir, hope you make the cut. "This nation or any secular nation on Earth does not apply as it is the work of man and the new covenant made in the shed blood at calvary does not require the burdens of the law of the Nation of Israel" Yes would, that really does sum it up. Thank you older brother. If people cannot stand christians then why waste the time talking to us =) |
Edited by
Wed 12/12/07 11:02 PM
You are amazing. You pervert the Word of God more easily than you twist my words. You quote the same stuff that rebukes you and you twist it to suit your purpose. Start in Genesis and go through one more time and don't put it down until its done. For once in your life, read it cover to cover and follow the continuity. You bounce all over it, out of context, selectively picking what you like, discarding what you don't like and contradicting every other word. If I quote you the verse, you counter with another out of context and incomplete as though it were the summation oof the letter written to each church. You are so confused that you will doubtful have time to clean out your closet before you are faced with the truth. God loves you, no doubt. But you miss the meat of it walking in your own understanding and thinking of it being all about you earning your righteousness. Cannot be done. Look to yourself. You are not the fruit inspector. The fruit is the product of your service to the Lord in bringing Him into what you encounter, not your opinion of His word. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, meekness, humility, longsuffering....etc. Where do you get off thinking that you have the all encompassing wisdom of the scriptures. You are preaching Churchianity. I preach Christ crucified. You put your understanding between man and God. I put Christ between me and man. What are you really thinking??? That you are better than the sinful depraved wretch that the Lord took on when he took you on???????? Remember your roots without him and humble yourself, big time. Pronto. You now are the big wheel with all your rules and opinions about the Word that escapes you? Graven images, Art. Why do you even have a picture of yourself? You even fancy yourself a Great King. WHAT??????? God needs you to rule His Kingdom for Him????? He does fine all by Himself in the Heart of every man woman and child that knows Him. He called us. I didn't come to Christ because of your preaching.... I came to Christ because of His Word and the words of Paul!!!!! I'm not about to watch you make a mockery of me when I can rebuke and chasten your ignorance towards me. What you do elsewhre is of little consequence to me. But to blapheme the Word of God and speak ill and contemptuously of the truth and twist and deconstruct sound doctrine in your deceitful and arrogantly self righteous pompous dissimulation as piety redefined is the height of stupidity. To suggest that Paul was not slain by his own covetousness shows only how very little your walk has brought you. You won't understand it and not comprehend it as it is spiritually discerned truth. Without spiritual eyes and ears, the Word is noise, and this Word is noise to you. But for the benefit of others I will quote it and reference it so that they too may see if they are any less blind than you on their own. Romans 7:7-11. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, thou shalt not covet. But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. For while I was alive without the law once : but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. 11. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. 12. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good. 13. Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, worketh death in me by that which is good ; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. And here is Paul's close on this topic of flesh vs. spirit. VERSE 25. I thank God through Jesus Christ our LORD. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God ; but with the flesh the law of sin. |
Edited by
Wed 12/12/07 11:33 PM
And once again, Art....
so you don't twist this without the evidence of your next twist ahead of you for others to await, here comes the judge.. ...The Word Itself. Galatians 5:1-.... 1. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free , and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. 2. Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumsised Christ shall profit you nothing. 3. For I testify again to every man that is circumsised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. 4. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever you are justified by the law ; ye are fallen from grace. 5. For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. 6. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor circumcision ; but faith which worketh by love. 7. Ye did run well ; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? 8. This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you 9. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. 14. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF 25. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Someboby is teaching their own brand and somebody is preaching Christ crucified. think??? I think a lot!!!! |
Tithing is not a "commandment". It's a law, an outdated and non spiritual one. You're sooo wrapped up in legality. I see now why people can't stand christians. blah blah blah in circles and try to "reason out" their personal points of view. Honestly sir, your type of mentality is why the gifts of the spirit are sparse these days. Trust Him as a child, that's where the focus should be. Sorry wouldee, I somehow missed a couple of your responses. You have handled this already, and I apologize. I just never actually 'met' someone who tried to weave a web of lies right in front of my face before. You have the makings of a good pharisee sir, hope you make the cut. "This nation or any secular nation on Earth does not apply as it is the work of man and the new covenant made in the shed blood at calvary does not require the burdens of the law of the Nation of Israel" Yes would, that really does sum it up. Thank you older brother. If people cannot stand christians then why waste the time talking to us =) Most of them are looking for loop holes or character flaws in 'us' to disprove God to themselves. I don't even mention my faith to someone for awhile. There are certain assumptions from the media and traditional perceptions entangled in pop culture christianity. I get to know someone first and become 'real' to them. They usually feel more at ease when I explain I am not like the 'billings' of the church. We are caught in a web where many don't 'want' to get saved 'cuz they think they'll have to follow old guidelines like we're trying to kill here. THIS is why I'm so miffed about stubborn legalists who are SENDING PEOPLE TO HELL because they love to hear themselves talk. |
Hell is destruction. Like a lethal injection. The common thought of hell is not biblical...miles
What's worse is the fact that they point the finger and wag that churchianity is the way and the truth and the life and don't realize what they're selling.
1. Your free salvation and access to God in the name of Jesus will cost you 10% of everything you make each and every week until you die. 2.And we know the truth. You can't read it for yourself, but you must be taught by us, our way or you are in error. 3.Oh, and by the have to leave your free will at the door. We will tell you what to think and how to think it and when to speak, and only after we have taught you what to say. 4.Oh, and when you start a church, you must tithe back 10% of the take to us and we will audit your books, too. Isn't that nice? 5.And if anything in the Biible doesn't fit what we are teaching you, we wwill correct that, not you. We know what we mean and you didn't learn correctly if you don't understand that we know better than plain words. 6. We make allegories literal, literal into figurative, and metaphors into allegories. 7. Oh, and by the way, don't listen to your Spirit, either, because the Word is the Bible, not the voice you hear. 8. Oh, and just in case you forget, the Bible is God, not the promise of the Comforter. 9. Those days are over. No more signs and wonders and no more prayer language because there are no apostles or living epistles, just our teaching. 10. Oh, and the others are lying, too. We are the only true church. How many did I miss. I know there are more traps than that to keep the children in the dark and confused as to whether or not God speaks directly to His people or not. The Ten Percenters have their reward. Selling the simple and the humble into slavery and heavy burdens that cannot be borne of liberty and mercy and grace and peace. No more is it of faith, hope and love but rather of the weekly purchase of your spiritual groceries. Making merchandise of the hungry and purposing malnutrition of the Living Word. I've seen and met and known of too many Christians that won't darken a church doorway ever again because of the torment and pressure applied to them by self-righteous dictators and their self-serving minions. These kind souls would rather read the Bible, love their neighbor, pray, and trust the Lord with their lives as opposed to only finding confusion and complications to simple truths in the churches. Especially the ones I've introduced to the Lord and have welcomed him in. They , especially, try to fit into a church and just cannot find the peace to abide and endure the error, and yet, they continue to try because they love the Lord and love to worship and praise the Lord, but can't find a home for the rest that they know, except in their own heart. I thank the Lord always that the Holy Bible is so easily obtained and so inexpensively available. Much more good than 100 books of commentary on the Holy Bible and much easier to digest. For $10, one can give anyone, that would receive it as a gift, a copy that will enlighten more than 100 books of commentary about the Holy Bible that will cost much more than $10 ea. $10 or $1000, which is greater and which is a waste? Wow!!! I didn't quote a single scripture that I'm aware of. I can only imagine why King James of England determined to have so many Bibles printed only to see the Holy Bible make its way into as many hands as can carry one, when he set out to let his country's leadership read it for themselves. Out of the hands of a few and into the hands of many. Interesting. Deserves more attention than it gets as a work befitting of a living faith in the heart of a doer of the word and not just a hearer only. Was King James actually one of history's greatest preachers or not? Consider the logic and reason with the results of his endeavor. Interesting. The greatest civilization known to man in all of history speaks EHGLISH!!!!! hhhmmmm.....most tolerant too! |