Topic: Rate my Profile
kaitlingillespie's photo
Sat 11/25/17 05:01 PM
I would love to know what people really think of my profile

Stu's photo
Sat 11/25/17 05:30 PM
Looks fine to me. Welcome and good luck! waving

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 11/25/17 06:16 PM
Maybe add a a few more photos. And write what kind of person you are looking for. Other than that it looks good. Welcome to Mingle.

fastway1's photo
Sat 11/25/17 10:10 PM
on a scale of 1 to 10, I.would say 11 :heart_eyes:

Alexander1317's photo
Sat 11/25/17 11:08 PM

Try smiling and not a square on facial pose into the camera.
Good luck.