Topic: Religious Descrimination | |
![]() Heathen Industries a holy owned subsidiary of Abracadaba Intl ![]() "we blew at Jericho!" |
"we blew at Jericho!" ![]() ![]() ![]() |
is it wrong ot shovel snow at the church entrance on Sunday so people can get in only on April 35th and June 42nd. |
For a long time I had jobs that required me to work on weekends. Ounce I accepted Christ into my life and came to understand more of what God really wants from us, I now know that it is OK to both work on some Sundays, I will not think twice before I clear the snow so others can get to church. Some really need to be at church and to hear the gospel preached. But it is a show of your faith to stand up for the services you miss. I feel just as bad when I have to for some reason miss a Wednesday night Bible study, or a Thursday of going visiting for the church. Jesus and his disciples picked Corn on the Sabbath, Jesus pointed to David when he ate the sho bread to show that the law was not God, but merely a teacher.
The bottom line is where is your heart? What do you want to gain? Will your fight for having Sundays off bring glory to God? |
i dont work weekends but if people got to go out and pray 5 times a day,i would wonder who had to make up for their lack of productivity.if you want to do that **** work at a mosque.
January 18,2007 Title 42 of the U.S. Code was amended persuant to President Bushs' behest. S.178.IS was added. This bill also called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
"The Act prohibits the Federal Government form Substantially burdening the free exercise of religion except for compelling reasons, and only in the least restrictive manner possible." There are two KEY components here 1. The right to free religious exercise 2. Compelling interest test The reason this bill came up at all, stems from the surge of complaints in recent years by the Christian Fundamentalist Lobby. They feel this way because the total "Christian" saturation of this country is waning as the diversity of the population grows. This diversity of religious views has had enough drenching and decided to swim rather than sink. That was when Christian symbols and rituals were removed from government buildings, work places and schools. Then along comes millions of GLBT and those who back them, who want their fair and equal share of protection and rights under the law, which, as we know, is considered by the funamentalists as infringing even further on their right to act with prejudice aginst such an abomination, in accordance with their religion. And to put the iceing on the cake - "The Plege" without the words "under God" and our money (that actually belongs to Ceasar anyway) without the works "In God We Trust" can be seen as no less that a TOTAL inability of Christians to function with the "Freedom" they believe they were UNCONDITIONALLY granted according to the constitution. Now that we know why the bill was initiation and "of course" signed by Bush, let's understand what it all means. Our government is charged with maintaining all levels of constitutionality, whenever a new bill is presented for review. Often, the face of a bill may seem "neutral". In other words, the new bill may be a request to further protect the freedoms and rights of those who fall under the new bill. While the arguments to pass such a bill may sound logical and the need for the legislature seems real - is the neutrality with which this bill deals, infringing, in any way, on the right of free religious exercise of any other group? To assure that this does not happen, either innocently or with sinister intention, the bill must be reviewed using the compelling interest test. (for more on this test, see Sherbert V. Verner, 374 U.S. 398 (1963).) The point of the test is to determine if any perspective law would would inflict a substantial burden upon any person with regards to their free religous exercise. NOTE - SUBSTANTIAL BURDEN This is very key, because the 'context' of substantial burden must have a comparison. That comparison in such a test is basically and simply, the greater good of society as a whole. NOW - here is a society, without question one of the wealthiest and most free in the world. How we got to be that way has a great deal to do with business. Here is where we get to the meat of the OP question. If every business in this country were required to submit to every request of every persons' religious requirement with regards to their actions during business hours - BUSINESS WOULD COLLAPSE! Stop thinking about your religious rights for just one moment and consider that you live in a country where business and diversity 'rule'. Consider being a business owner "FORCED" by law into non-discriminatory hiering practices. Now faced with 100 different religious views within the workforce. How could you conduct business at all? How would that affect the economy, which provides the majority with a 'very' comfortable living by WORLD standards? If a law is disputed by the "Christian" faction or any religious faction as "substantially burdening" their free religious exercise, AND the business lobby says, hey wait, we can't conduct business this way and remain in business - Who do you think will win? Do you think that's unfair? Consider a school - sending home all manner of invitations in every students backpack for things like "the Christian bake sale" - "Satanic lecture tour" - "Islamic Choir recital" - "Jewish fesival of Lights" - "The Karma Open house" - and on and on. Imagine our Money inclusive of every God and Goddess. Well you get my drift. What people do on 'their' dime is up to them, that is the nature of the Freedom of Religion. Such individual Freedom CAN NOT take away from the well-being of a whole society. That does not mean that individual are not free to exercise their freedom of religion. It simply means that the welfare and well-being of society as a whole is more important that than the belief of a sole individual. If this is not acceptible than I would, personally, suggest that each person who wants to "act out" their religion on a daily, unhampered mannor, present this case to the religious organisations they support. And request that THEY, find ways of employing, the congregation under the umbrella of the "legally protected" institution of that religion. Otherwise, you are a part of society as a whole - first. NO company should be exhibiting preferential treatment to any group of religious practicianers - if they are, and do, there is a clear case of discrimination - IF ALL OTHER religious requests are denied. The solution is EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - set up inder the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If ignorance of the law is no excuse for conviction of its abuse, than ignorance of the law will allow abuse to exist. |
Wow - two days and no comment. Have I inspired - given new knowledge where one there was ignorance?
I've decided I don't want to be a teacher of infallible truth, having the last word is a lonely venture. |
POPPYC0CK ...................
just kidding!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what is a poppycock anyway...
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what is a poppycock anyway... ![]() pop* py***** (po'pi:kok) n. (pop.) nonsense , foolish talk [etym. doubtful] from : The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary of the english language. Encyclopedic Edition 1988 edition ![]() ![]() ![]() |
i know what it means..jeesh just because i dont use big words doesnt mean i am dumb...