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Topic: Smokers vs. Non-smokers?
yellowrose10's photo
Sun 11/19/17 09:12 AM
I am a smoker. I respect those that don't and will smoke somewhere. However, at my house, I will smoke. I smoke in my car. My hangout is a smoking place. As I respect those that don't smoke, I expect the same in return

no photo
Sun 11/19/17 10:14 AM
Never was a cigarette smoker. Participated in a regular all day routine of Skoal since my first pinch at age 9. Quit cold turkey bout 4 months ago. Chew tabacco, chew tabacco spit. waving

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 11/19/17 12:36 PM
Smoking for 48 years now.
Sometimes I am smoking and don't even realize it.
Tried to quit a number of times, made it to a week once.
I ended up convincing myself that I wanted a cigarette not that I needed a cigarette. LOL...Delusional, I know.

I can go hours without one if I am in a place where smoking is not allowed (Dr offices, hospital, etc) but I light up as soon as I can, sometimes without even thinking about it.

Currently, I smoke about a pack per day. Sometimes more, if I am writing or playing a game. Sometimes less, if I am watching a movie or cooking.

I'm smoking as I type this.

I keep my ashtrays empty and wash them frequently.
I have smoked 6 cigarettes so far today, not counting the one I am smoking now.

It is a nasty habit that is not good for me.
I have tried patches, gum and hypnotism.
Even once gave group therapy a try.

I don't WANT to smoke anymore.
However, I don't really drink,
I'm not getting laid,
I hardly eat,
I barely ever swear,
Smoking is like one of my last bad habits that refuses to let go of me.
Its a compulsion in every sense of the word.

Plus, to top it all off....I think I am allergic to cigarette smoke.

no photo
Sun 11/19/17 04:18 PM

I don't smoke and I support smoke free incentives ..

smoking is like a game of Russian roulette with your health .. and the health of those around you ..

. I am sure in the future there will be more deterrents .. the burden on the health system from smoking related admissions is already overwhelming and will only worsen as populations age .


mzrosie's photo
Sun 11/19/17 04:28 PM
<<<< non-smoker

I had a friend with COPD. RIP

B_K1980's photo
Tue 11/21/17 04:44 PM
Never have smoked. I don't allow it in my home nor do I allow anyone to smoke out side any where on my property that rule went into affect when some scumbag decided to empty there ash tray in the driveway.

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 11/22/17 09:21 AM
I have a few bad habits ... one is smoking ...

I stopped yrs ago for a few mnth ... but stopped the meds went right back ...tried again they did not work ... other meds gave me bad side effects ...

I give lots of credit to those who have stopped ... it is not easy ...

but I figure I have two outlets and honestly I do not want to stop either ... but that is my choice ...

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