Topic: free up
no photo
Thu 11/16/17 02:12 PM
what's new in your part of the world something fun an gud.

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 02:12 PM

mzrosie's photo
Thu 11/16/17 02:51 PM

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Thu 11/16/17 02:58 PM
ice skating on the old mill pond

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 03:01 PM
OOh dear happy ...I've got sunshine on my side of the world

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 03:02 PM
More coffee

mzrosie's photo
Thu 11/16/17 03:03 PM
making snowman

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 03:03 PM
wow must be fun ...enjoy .. mother nature .

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 03:05 PM

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 03:09 PM

making snowman

i've got a corncob pipe bigsmile

TMommy's photo
Thu 11/16/17 04:49 PM
button nose and two eyes made out of coal? bigsmile

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 05:33 PM

no photo
Thu 11/16/17 06:02 PM

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 11/16/17 06:17 PM
gud?.........hmmmmmm.......thinking..........still thinking.....oooooo I know. Rosie's pic. That's something gud in this part of the world. winking

mzrosie's photo
Thu 11/16/17 06:38 PM
^^ awww so sweet smitten flowers