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Topic: marriage
no photo
Sun 10/01/17 04:31 AM
is having sexual relation before marriage,infidelity؟

Stu's photo
Sun 10/01/17 04:34 AM
I don't think so, unless you're with someone else...huh

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 04:36 AM
yes i agree with you

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 04:38 AM
so you mean you should be loyal to the girl whom you had sex with her?

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 05:15 AM

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 05:16 AM
and i think it is sexism

achavasiliev's photo
Sun 10/01/17 05:37 AM
infedility to whom? Your future spouse who most likely will be chosen from the dates u've had? Sounds a bit self-contradictory, doesn it? :wink: No i think that's just fine.

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 05:52 AM
I think it depends on whether or not you are already have a girlfriend - if you are dating someone and the two of you have agreed to be exclusive then I think it is infidelity in the sense that you promised to see only her. ( thus the infidelity you promised to be faithful to her) There are many kinds of infidelity and not all of them pertain to marriage.
If you're not seeing anyone then I agree with the guy who said infidelity to whom?

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/01/17 08:04 AM
it depends upon which definition you are referring to really;

1:lack of belief in a religion
2 a :unfaithfulness to a moral obligation :disloyalty
b :the act or fact of having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one's husband, wife, or partner

1:voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 08:13 AM

I think it depends on whether or not you are already have a girlfriend - if you are dating someone and the two of you have agreed to be exclusive then I think it is infidelity in the sense that you promised to see only her. ( thus the infidelity you promised to be faithful to her) There are many kinds of infidelity and not all of them pertain to marriage.
If you're not seeing anyone then I agree with the guy who said infidelity to whom?

Well said :thumbsup:

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/01/17 10:45 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 10/01/17 10:46 AM

I was reared in a faith that taught us adultery meant sex outside of wedlock. Meaning if you are not married, then sex with anyone was adultery. Some religions are quirky.

What Im getting at is with reference to the commandments. Thou shalt not commit adultery. How each religion defines that can vary.

this is true, its one of many that can be ambiguous. For me, when in question, err towards what I KNOW is not adultery. Namely, sex with your (opposite sex) spouse.

there is a passage in the bible that says a man looking to a woman to lust after her is committing adultery, and it does not specify that the man or the woman be married. so it is reasonable to conclude that adultery, biblically speaking, does not require either party be married, only that both parties are not married TO EACH OTHER.

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 11:08 AM

is having sexual relation before marriage,infidelity؟

No, is Fornication! Infidelity is when you are married and having sex with someone other than your spouse!

Fornication is sex without being married.

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 11:22 AM
it depends upon which definition you are referring to really;

1:lack of belief in a religion
2 a :unfaithfulness to a moral obligation :disloyalty
b :the act or fact of having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one's husband, wife, or partner

1:voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband

Couldnt have said it better. For me I wouldn't but I tend to flip flop on many issues that have to with my faith

elainebonilla's photo
Sun 10/01/17 02:20 PM
infidelity is being unfaithful to someone you are supposed to be faithful to.

jazzinc's photo
Wed 10/04/17 02:42 AM
The original question is about "before marriage". In some cultures and religions;to have sex before marriage is considered a free choice; others not. It's about sex only;not love or nothing similar.

After marriage is completely another story. Already commented.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 10/04/17 04:03 AM

infidelity is being unfaithful to someone you are supposed to be faithful to.

This simple statement is the most correct.

To take this from another approach:

If the reason why you ask this question is because you are upset with someone else, or someone is upset with you, for one of you having sex with someone else BEFORE you were married to each other, but AFTER the two of you got together...

...the fact that you aren't married, is NOT an excuse. The one who had sex outside the relationship CANNOT refuse to allow the other one to be angry at them for it, and to suffer the logical consequences.

But in a purely LEGAL sense, it might not be considered infidelity in the particular state you live in. You might not be able to go to court and prosecute or be prosecuted for infidelity, for cheating on your pre-marital friend.

no photo
Wed 10/04/17 04:09 AM
Not if they're inflatable...:balloon:

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 10/04/17 12:59 PM

infidelity is being unfaithful to someone you are supposed to be faithful to.

I never thought about it that way ...using that word non religiously ... thought you had to be married ...

but I can understand your answer ... and a good one at that ...

no photo
Wed 10/04/17 01:04 PM
Edited by mui887 on Wed 10/04/17 01:12 PM

is having sexual relation before marriage,infidelity؟

Nope. what your doing is just sewing a few oats. Big deal. Just dont behave that way when the ring goes on.

no photo
Wed 10/04/17 02:31 PM

Not if they're inflatable...:balloon:

rofl rofl rofl

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