Topic: Thank you President Trump | |
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Fri 10/13/17 11:18 PM
Without fail, Trump is a better and more logical bet than Hillary.
No matter who wins or loses as president... some will hate who wins, some will love who wins. This is a never ending cycle every single time a new president comes on board... The REAL fact is... there is no such this as a president who can please EVERYONE. he or she is and will always be simply human. There is no such thing as making everyone happy. There really is no point in bickering over it. Reality speaks for itself. Clearly most of the country likes Trumps way of thinking... he did win after all. Legal citizens are those who are here LEGALLY, I think that is quite obvious. Those who are LEGALLY residing in this country are the ONLY ones who deserve the right to vote, and the ONLY ones who deserve to benefit from government funded programs. |
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Sat 10/14/17 06:46 AM
It is my opinion that the world would be much more mundane if everyone agreed on everything.
It is my opinion that everything in the human culture gets recycled and nothing is new. It is also my opinion that people vote their priorities and that we are in an odd time where, on the one hand, people CLAIM to want a 'free' culture (as opposed to a 'PC' one) where there is no rude or polite, and they can say and do and treat others however they please. Yet, on the other hand, they want to enforce cultural 'standards' and customs and mold the culture to the power dynamics of 200 years ago. I feel these people contributed to the electorate are the ones who emulate the 'treat people however I feel, say whatever I want, and make them bend to my will so I can keep my position' way of thinking. They see a billionaire and feel that he represents success, intelligence, and competence because of his fortune, despite what they witness and hear with their own ears. They like what he says about taking america 'Back' to a power dynamic that will make 'them' feel more empowered and superior again. I know that the electorate does not represent 'most' of the country, only 'most' of the higher valued counties of the country. People vote their conscious and their interests, and people do get upset when others seem to be threatening either one. It is an instinct for survival in all of us. They don't understand that the ONE person in the white house does, however, represent America to the REST OF THE WORLD and their behaviors and words impact our World relations. Sadly, people often do not understand that, WITHIN AMERICA, we are lead by a GOVERNMENT, and not just one person in the white house. They don't understand the checks and balances amongst the three branches of government and how they have to work TOGETHER to achieve things. Thankfully, America is still the people and always will be, so when PEOPLE work on some of the issues together, those in Government(who are also people) may follow their example. There have been enough of those who took the risks and made the stands for change in the past(civil rights, womens rights, emancipation ...etc.) that, it is my opinion, we can still dictate our own future and what America will ultimately stand for and be seen as. |
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
Paine knew what he was talkin about. |
I think President Trump has good intentions for everyone..he has made some comments that have stained his reputation..sadly so many people have taken his poor choice of words and his sarcasm as what he believes..he's not perfect but he is trying to bring America back up as a whole..I am offended by all the immorality that is forced in my face..the entertainment industry being a large part of it..and as far as white privilege.?..I have never been privileged..I work hard for everything and my children and I am judged and condemned by people of all color who call themselves "good"..bad credit and poor choices that lead to being labeled as "felons" is where the problem lies..and those affect everyone..regardless of color, sex, or political preferences..with all the protests against President Trump and "white people" I can't help but wonder what the next election will bring..I mean let's say the protesters of today get their way and we get a liberal president in 2020.?..people think we have a "nazi" problem now..?..I'm betting the riots and protests of tomorrow will put today to shame..haters are going to hate..and both sides have's not going to's barely touched the surface..I think we are doomed..but regardless..I will always respect the President..wether I like him or not..united we stand..devided we fall..
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Sun 10/15/17 10:38 AM
I believe different leadership/examples of diplomacy and working with others will set a tone for fewer protests and more progress.
Working together has to begin with HEARING others and trying to understand their obstacles and concerns. We have to work just as hard at not repeating the mistakes of the past as we work at glamourizing the 'american ideals' of that same time. It is not just leadership, but culture. we all hold responsiblity in what we do and how we treat each other and the leadership we choose to represent the values we actually want to represent the BEST of human nature. I firmly believe the culture is changing for the worse, and being reflected in the leadership that the members of that culture are choosing to represent their values and beliefs. It is a very narcissistic, egocentric, and classist time and it fosters very narcissistic, egocentric, and classist leadership. I believe the gap and animosity between the haves and have nots is growing along with a delusion of many have nots that those that have want them to have too. I hope that the pendulum will not swing too far in that direction before self correcting, but I do not know how soon that correction will begin occurring. |
I can't believe my eyes. Little bites at a time POTUS Trump.
Thank you President Trump,
for your astute judgement in determining who the purveyors of fake news in our fantastic country are. it is so easy now, whoever you name as fake news, we can, with full confidence, rest assured that that those are the real ones... Thank you... |
Can it be? Argo has seen the light!
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Can it be? Argo has seen the light! ![]() Al, you may want to re-read that one more |
I'm so thankful we have a president that is watching out for Americans . He is stopping the wasteful spending of taxpayer money , he is sticking up for our flag and military and law enforcement and calling out those who disrespect our way of life. He is confronting North Korea and Iran over the danger they present to the world. I think the reason the democrats hate him so much is because their guy obama and Biden ruled by the opinions of anyone who who thought they were treated unfair and being held back by white privilege . Trump is concentrating on the U.S. and all the legal citizens. Trump may be a little rough around the edges but he's got a handle on how to fix the problems Obama and the left put on us. To all you protesters getting in the way of good people trying to do their job or just enjoy a day at the ball field , get the hell out of my way. These losers think they are doing something good for our future but all their doing is turning of voters ![]() ![]() ![]() |
obarry wast a bad president, just wasn't a good president... Trump's only been in office less than a year, making judgements that soon seems more "other" motivation...
Can it be? Argo has seen the light! ![]() Al, you may want to re-read that one more ![]() |