Topic: 2nd World Countries? | |
We have the World's Leading Countries (1st World Countries)
We have 3rd World Countries. Which are the 2nd world countries and why? How come nobody talks about them? There is never any references to 2nd World Countries. |
Here is one explanation: Im sure there are many more on the web
__ Definitions The term "First World" refers to so called developed, capitalist, industrial countries, roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after World War II, with more or less common political and economic interests: North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia. Countries of the "First World" "Second World" refers to the former communist-socialist, industrial states, (formerly the Eastern bloc, the territory and sphere of influence of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic) today: Russia, Eastern Europe (e.g., Poland) and some of the Turk States (e.g., Kazakhstan) as well as China. Countries of the "Second World" "Third World" are all the other countries, today often used to roughly describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The term Third World includes as well capitalist (e.g., Venezuela) and communist (e.g., North Korea) countries, as very rich (e.g., Saudi Arabia) and very poor (e.g., Mali) countries. |
Ref msharmony, I was going to say former eastern block countries, possibly India and some south Asian countries.
Meaning they are developed to a degree |
That's weird.
I thought it referred to infrastructure and technology level. I wasn't aware it was based on idealism. I thought it was a sub-classification of a Type 0 society on the Kardashev Scale. Kinda disappointing. |
That's weird. I thought it referred to infrastructure and technology level. I wasn't aware it was based on idealism. I thought it was a sub-classification of a Type 0 society on the Kardashev Scale. Kinda disappointing. its kind of like 'gender' or 'race' as a social classification without rigid boundaries but a way to block people with common experiences or histories... |
Well, you know what these professors are like, same as the PC brigade,
They like to pigeon whole people! Interesting tho, not heard of this before. |
Interesting tho, not heard of this before.
What's that Mikey? The Kardashev Scale? Its found in science fiction a lot. A way to classify the technological advancement of a society. Its mostly based on energy use and sources. The concept is enlightening and has distinct ramifications of a society's ability to work together as a whole. Right now, humans are a Type Zero society on this scale. It will require unity and focus to make it to a Type one society. Since we still sustain our energy needs from dead plants and animals, here on Earth, we are a lowly Type 0 civilization (and we have a LONG way to go before being promoted to a type I civilization). Here is a wiki on the concept. A Type I civilization — also called a planetary civilization — can use and store all of the energy which reaches its planet from its parent star. A Type II civilization — also called a stellar civilization — can harness the total energy of its planet's parent star (the most popular hypothetical concept being the Dyson sphere—a device which would encompass the entire star and transfer its energy to the planet(s)). A Type III civilization — also called a galactic civilization — can control energy on the scale of its entire host galaxy. The original scale only had 3 types but that scale has been updated Kardashev believed a Type IV civilization was ‘too’ advanced and didn’t go beyond Type III on his scale. Type IV civilizations would almost be able to harness the energy content of the entire universe and with that, they could traverse the accelerating expansion of space (furthermore, advance races of these species may live inside supermassive black holes). Type V might just be the next possible advancement to such a civilization. Here beings would be like gods, having the knowledge to manipulate the universe as they please. Using this as a guide I thought that 1st, 2nd & 3rd World referred to sub levels of society. Thinking that humans might have to bring all world societies to first world status to ascend to Type One society. Since I never hear or see 2nd world referenced I believed that status was somehow being skipped. That the 'step' was not required to move from 3rd world to 1st world status. Ms Harmony's revelation is kinda sad because I thought it was of a more noble reference. |
I didn't realise that, come to think of it, I may have heard of it in sifi films. it's kinda how I view the European union. when a lesser country joins it costs us . now if you imagine scales. There is only so much cash in the pot. you can't bring the other country up to your level without going down a bit yourself,
Agreed, our world civilization scale is the average of all humanity.
First world status is not an accurate measure and neither is third world status. The averaging effect makes human civilization a second world status. Type one civilization can't occur until the entire world status reaches first world status. Well, that was my thinking. Till I thought to ask. Try to imagine a world where petty bickering over ideals is supplanted by unification of all the people as a whole. A society that works on a planetary effort to make technology equal for everyone. Its only then that we stand a chance of true advancement in civilization. I can see elements working towards that goal but most people prefer to hang onto their criticism, deciet and delusions. The technology exists to end hunger, provide water and education to all but we can't agree on anything as a whole people. Its really sad. |
Agreed tom.
We say here if we are driving on a bumpy road for example, it's like a third world country! So comparing our roads as first world and those with poor roads as third world. just an example. |
Imagine a world without countries. Places were named by geographical locations of continents.
Transportation systems that span continents with no borders and no check points. Humanity living in harmony with nature. Many would say, impossible but it really isn't impossible. It could be done with a shift in priorities. The problem is, we want the turmoil. We want the wars and hostility. Humans thrive on selfishness. We are more likely to destroy ourselves than live in unity. It truly makes no sense to me. |
Imagine a world without countries. Places were named by geographical locations of continents. Transportation systems that span continents with no borders and no check points. Humanity living in harmony with nature. Many would say, impossible but it really isn't impossible. It could be done with a shift in priorities. The problem is, we want the turmoil. We want the wars and hostility. Humans thrive on selfishness. We are more likely to destroy ourselves than live in unity. It truly makes no sense to me. |
Edited by
Sat 09/23/17 05:29 AM
Well, you know what these professors are like, same as the PC brigade, They like to pigeon whole people! Interesting tho, not heard of this before. Well, but you are talking human nature there. After all, did you notice that your own post is an act of "pigeon holing" professors and "the PC brigade"? People like to organize and sort things, because it's often a useful tool to allow them to deal more accurately with a world that comes at us all from every direction at once. But as with any tool, you can "miss the nail and hit your own thumb" fairly easily if you aren't careful. Oh, and yes, the whole "first through third world" thing has always been primarily political. It accidentally acquired additional meanings as it came to be used, especially in the larger mass media outlets, as often happens. Those who were termed "Third World" rarely embraced the title positively, and only the first world people were handing out the stickers for everyone else's lapels. |
Well, you know what these professors are like, same as the PC brigade, They like to pigeon whole people! Interesting tho, not heard of this before. Well, but you are talking human nature there. After all, did you notice that your own post is an act of "pigeon holing" professors and "the PC brigade"? People like to organize and sort things, because it's often a useful tool to allow them to deal more accurately with a world that comes at us all from every direction at once. But as with any tool, you can "miss the nail and hit your own thumb" fairly easily if you aren't careful. Oh, and yes, the whole "first through third world" thing has always been primarily political. It accidentally acquired additional meanings as it came to be used, especially in the larger mass media outlets, as often happens. Those who were termed "Third World" rarely embraced the title positively, and only the first world people were handing out the stickers for everyone else's lapels. 4 things. 1 I did hit my finger with the hammer a couple of weeks ago, the nail is completely black if I'm aloud to use that expression lol 2,I'm a professor 3, I'm in the PC brigade 4,your kin right as usual, I did pigeon whole them! Oh well, 2 out of 4 is 50% correct! So, would you put yourself in any of these world's? 1 to 3? |
WOW! The complexity of it today. We have some real geniuses out there.
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WOW! The complexity of it today. We have some real geniuses out there. ![]() Yep, gone are the days when you could just say what you personally thought about something, you have to go with what's right now! Or should I say what Google says is right! ![]() |
WOW! The complexity of it today. We have some real geniuses out there. ![]() Yep, gone are the days when you could just say what you personally thought about something, you have to go with what's right now! Or should I say what Google says is right! ![]() Yeah, about that. I do say what I think but I do also give consideration to other's responses. I refuse to bite my tongue if I think I have something to say about a subject, there are however, many subjects in which I don't respond because others have said what I was thinking or I feel other's are too deluded to understand me. See, I'm not living life FOR anyone but me. Everything that I experience is MY life. I am an authority on MY life and I have my own views on my life. I see the 'act' of being PC as a lie. I want our civilization to advance to Type One status. Not really for the technology but for the unity it will take to get there. All the petty things that everyone thinks are so damn important will have been overcome. Not by everyone but for the majority of most human beings. There can never be a total utopia. There will always be a dystopian element in any society. Likewise, there can never be a total dystopia. There will always be some group in any society that agree. While human society does not posses the technology of a Type One civilization, the First World countries have the technology right now that could unite all people. It doesn't happen because greed rules the world. Religious intolerance separates the people. Imagine if every person on this planet were afforded the same opportunities. Children grow up with proper nutrition. Their brains are better able to think and concentrate on learning. Education no longer becomes a competition to earn more wealth. More educated minds tackle more problems and create more inventions. New society standards that work for everyone get put in place. The world is no longer driven by hate and intolerance. There are no more wars, conflicts or personal assaults. With better understanding and better technology our brains are better understood and less people take a criminal path. Most people will say oh, that's a pipe dream. But, it really isn't because the technology to do it is already here. It is the will of people that makes it unlikely. There is something fundamentally flawed with our societies. With our brains. We teach our children to hate. We teach our children to be racist or narcissistic. We pound our senses with lies and manipulation in media overload. Our current society is raw and savage. We convince ourselves we are superior but we are stupid and self-destructing. We are tolerant of destructive ideals and intolerant of unity. It doesn't matter what I think about my civilization. I'll be dead before long and then the flying monkeys will be released. I'm just too tired of it all. So I figure I might as well make my insignificant opinions known before I die. |
Your right tom, but, I think people have evolved to suit there, not sure how to say, would it be community, or life style? Anyway, some need to be more shall we say educated as in the west than a jungle tribe living in the jungle obviously, there educational needs would be simply survival and how to live, building huts, cooking etc where as ours is far more complexed, I do believe the internet has given great knowledge to everyone but also believe it's taken away the ability to retain knowledge in others.
We have the World's Leading Countries (1st World Countries) We have 3rd World Countries. Which are the 2nd world countries and why? How come nobody talks about them? There is never any references to 2nd World Countries. |
We have the World's Leading Countries (1st World Countries) We have 3rd World Countries. Which are the 2nd world countries and why? How come nobody talks about them? There is never any references to 2nd World Countries. ![]() ![]() |