Topic: Journey to the centre of the galaxy – Part one | |
Pretty much by now most of the really big questions had been asked, and were stored in the great national archives. Giant stone walls towered twenty stories upwards, Ezra never could comprehend why they had to make them so high, just thinking of the heating costs alone gave him a headache. Here were stored all the answers to the really big questions, all the place needed was some vandal to pull the plug. It was a place miles upon miles of books, crystal drives, quantum computing mainframes, and a vast store house of human pursuits, all in one place just waiting to get burned down. He walked down the aisles looking for this one book among this vast maze of books.
What was Ezra loooking for? His pursuits on human genetics had come up short, his original research was for a minor ailment, insignificant really. What he ended up stumbling upon was vast areas of restricted information concerning human genetics. What was being with-held from the public he originally wondered, but thought nothing more of it, and continued his study. He later found out what appeared originally to be a puddle was turning into a man hole. There really was some kind of coverup, vasts sections of the human genetic map had either not been recorded or just ommitted entirely. With the bewildering array of knowldege now at man's finger tips, he couldn't fathom why information on man genetics of himself had pages missing. The technology to crack the furthest reaches of space and the mysterious of the universe were unfolding at a freightening pace. The world was now leaving the realm of science, and was heading into a world that looked increasingly like magic. But with all this phenomenal technological abilities, the genetic code book had blanks in it. He thought perhaps who had done this, individuals or organisations simply either didn't know the answers or had their reasons. And he was content to leave it at that. But it was becoming glaringly obvious that indeed someone had taken a rubber, and rubbed out relevant genetic information. It later turned out that scientists had found more eggs in the egg box then what should have been in the box. Basically, they had found twenty five unidentified 'alien' race makers in the genetic code that wasn't supposed to be there. How did Ezra find this out you ask? Black market information, outlawed deep web among others. Ezra suspected there were more unknown 'alien' race markers than had been previously suspected at work in the human intelligence pool. It was at work at this very moment, but it simply functioned in the human subconsciousness on levels people just couldn't understand let alone percieve. He felt that there was a larger force at work in human development and evolution turning it toward a greater reality of which human civilisation on Earth was merely a part of. The markers suggested fusion with higher and lower civilsations here on Earth and else where in the solar system, and possibly else where in the galaxy. It also pointed to the possibility that man hadn't originated on Earth and that it was possible he was either brought here or migrated and then inhabitated it. The genetic markers implied that he had crossed with multiple species over a vast array of time from diverse regions in the cosmos, or those species at one time or another simply came here over time and crossed with humans on Earth. It wasn't this fact that scarred the institutional scientists and powers, it was the fact that they couldn't control this greater unknown and they feared what they couldn't control. It was entirely possible for people to potentially manifest powers they couldn't understand, and these markers could be anybody everywhere. It was percieved that for the most part, people were simply unaware that the markers existed and it remained dormant, unless activated by what ever power or consciousness originally that put it there. Fear of the unknown, fear of the things they couldn't control drove powerful men to subdue the information and they worked day and night to map and record every person everywhere in their attempts. They created the great eye, a massive network of constant monitorisation of every man, woman and child on the planet as far as their technology would allow. For Ezra, this pointed to a different question in his mind, the complex origins of life and man. He saw the 'alien' markers differently to the men of power, to him they potentially connected many to the vastness of other life out there in the cosmos. These questions would one day point to the centre of the galaxy for the origins of mans evolution. Further along in his quest he was to later come across a map of the galaxy, which amply pointed out the Solar system in relative location on it's great spiral arm. Ezra starred at this for sometime and he wondered, what if the civilisations got older and more advanced the closer you moved to the centre of the galaxy? What if you could get to that very centre, would you find the oldest most wisest civilisations living there? What would they look they? Would they have the answers to the beginning and origins of man in this vast and great galaxy, maybe even the universe? |
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