Topic: Quantum-portation – Short story – Part 2
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Tue 09/05/17 03:27 AM
Two energy shoes for the price of one

Sue was very famaliar with the solar FTL drive, they'd gotten it down to peak efficency. It distorted space within the ship in what appeared to be something similar to capacitors, and externally warping a spactial field around the craft, propelling it forward. But most scientists were just trying to extend the range of that technology. In her idea, she felt she didn't need to do that, the FTL drive worked perfectly just fine for it's range and limitations, as a good solar system transporter.

Solar FTL was a lot like a really good city transport bus, it got you round about the town, but you couldn't turn a city bus into a transatlantic airplane and jump the sea. That's what Sue needed, and saw little point trying to extend the limits of that FTL drive, what she wanted was a seperate and entirely new engine. An airplane that could metaphorically speaking, carry and transport her city bus over the sea, so it could then drive around in an entirely new city (solar system) with the energy it already had.

She needed two engines in her craft for the price of one. But her second engine didn't need to generate energy to go 'jumping the void' between the stars. It only needed to borrow some of the vast stores of energy present everywhere in this 'energetic universe' or more specifically ready made floating batteries in the form of stars and planets. An idea she thankfully borrowed from a friend.

She already possessed a city bus so to speak that could get her to the airport. All she needed was a special kind of plane that could transport her bus over the sea. The way she saw it, the vast network of airports was already in place, stars, and at a lower order of energy possibly even planets. Once she was in the next town over seas, unload her bus, and just start driving about again. This bus bit with the solar FTL, what she already had.

Dan Macky her friend had an idea, which was at the root of her theory, in his quantum world, particles would 'tele-transport' from particle point a to particle point b through self similar frequential and field resonance. In the theoretical world of Dan Macky, this he called quantum teleportation. He seemed self assured. Sue had wondered why something as massive as a star wasn't considered quantum energy but on a far more massive scale. She took Dan Macky's idea and envisioned connecting two quantum fields as stellar entities extending a quantum field around the ship, and getting it to quantum jump between two quantum stellar entities as point a and point b.

Why would she even consider generating massive amounts of energy now when there was this great big nuclear battery just sitting out there floating in space. There was all the energy she would ever need. And she just needed a way to get near enough into it's energy field. It wasn't just any energy, it was a great big ball of quantum field energy. All she felt she needed was to get inside this quantum stella field, and quantum-portation her craft to another star.

No travelling through space now between stars would ever be required, just the creation of a well known quantum field effect around her ship, and get it to jump like a quantum particle from one stella point to another stella point. Her engine would just borrow the quantum energy of the Sun's field, and make it reappear at another stella point of similar frequency to her own sun. If she could get her engine to achieve that, she would be the first female engineer and theoretical physicist to have successfully achieved the impossible, 'jump the void'.