Topic: Church of the Homeless. | |
Looking forward to more , nuenjins!!!
Love your presence here!! |
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Sat 12/01/07 05:47 PM
I just wanted to set people free from this burdensome junk. many people teach this out of passed down ignorance, but from Gods word and my own experience we all need to be free from this Laws control issue. Attacking the principal here, not the people that ignorantly follow it.
If we stop teaching useless laws and out of date 'ordinances' many more can be drawn to salvation and we can press on to freedom. Tithing In the beginning the devil came to Eve while Adam was with her and told her enough truth with his lies to get her to do what he wanted her to do. As I have walked in this teaching of tithing I have seen this same spirit work in this issue. God did not ask me to judge anyone so please do not think for one minute I am pointing a finger at anyone…the Spirit of God will teach through God’s word what is true. I will say here however that if you are a leader…teacher…or pastor and you have not done a heart check on your giving issues it is time you did. What are your motives for asking people to give? Remember God knows the truth… so you should sure seek the truth of your reasoning also. Remember God’s blessings are not for sale, if you are telling people that if they don’t give to you or your ministry God will not bless them… I fear for you, God has put leaders in His trust to teach truth. If you are going to teach people to give and believe God will provide their needs throught this giving in faith … you also must trust God to meet your needs with out putting pressure on the people you teach. Free willed giving is what pleases God! (Titus 1:9-11 KJV) Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. |
That would weed out self service of the booty. I recall that the superintendents of the church were there to manitain the premises and not stand in between the worshippers and the worshipped, that the worshipped may flow with the worshippers perhaps while the superintendent was fixing a faucet or cleaning some mud off the floor. But, hey, to each their own , I suppose . What was that word they used to use for 'superintendent'? |
I know I have a different view then I may or should have when it comes to tithing.....I feel that if the tithe comes from my heart then I give it....If it is being asked of me and not in my heart I don't give. I have had many situations with overseas ministries where the Lord God spoke to my heart and said, "Debbie that or this is up to you...and its done."...I don't think anyone should ever tithe if not completely 100% from the heart.
I know I have a different view then I may or should have when it comes to tithing.....I feel that if the tithe comes from my heart then I give it....If it is being asked of me and not in my heart I don't give. I have had many situations with overseas ministries where the Lord God spoke to my heart and said, "Debbie that or this is up to you...and its done."...I don't think anyone should ever tithe if not completely 100% from the heart. Of the heart is the key. God says "love must be sincere". Tithing from the heart really makes no sense just because the word Tithe (10%) is there. But I know what you mean. My dad used to be religious and tithe but at the same time he was cold, never did him any good. One time I tested the tithing thing at it came back in exact amount to me through a a stranger at the mall 2 weeks later, like telling me, THIS is unecassary. I couldn't deny the message the way it happened. |
Oh I have done that alot too....especially when the Lord puts on heart to give big. It always comes back 10-fold or more.....God is so amazingly awesome.
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Sat 12/01/07 08:04 PM
I've been reading the posts about tithing, and it's something I really want to do tomorrow, but, of course, my concern is that I have $49 to my name. By giving even a dollar, I feel I could be hurting myself..yet at the same giving that dollar...I could be helping myself. I'm torn between what I want to do for God and what I'm used to doing/feeling in my life.
When you cannot tithe i think of what your doing when you do this.
If i cannot afford to tithe i make it up to God by volunteering time. Somtimes we cannot afford to and God sees this. |
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Sun 12/02/07 01:28 PM
Here's a note on the problem with getting taken and wrapped up in this.
Article: The bible says tithing is a law, so that means it is a LAW! One place the bible tells us that tithing is a law is in (Hebrews 7:5 KJV). There are many other places in the Old Testament that tells us that to tithe is an Old Testament law. In the New Testament, however, we are plainly told that we now live by grace because of Jesus. ~~ (Galatians 2:16 KJV) Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. ~~ This verse alone tells us that we are not under the law as born again Christians. If we believe Jesus paid the price for our sins and we are made a new person by the blood of Jesus, then we are no longer under the law. So we live by grace. Grace livers give because they love God and want to give as He directs them. This is one of the verses that make me feel so strongly about this issue: (Rom 4:13-16 KJV) For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect: Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all, This verses is saying that if you put your trust in following the law, then you make Christ of no effect to you. And if you live by the law then you will be judged by the law. If you get started in keeping laws you will become frustrated and lose your joy in giving and serving and begin reracting out of fear. Bottom line-Laws suck, living from the heart is better (Gods grace). Laws were necessary when the Holy Spirit was not around but we live by Him being in our hearts now. There is no set amount of anything, just listen to Him through His Spirit. |
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Sun 12/02/07 01:50 PM
I went to church today. It was difficult for me to walk thru the doors. Alone. The newcomer. Yet, with strength that came from somewhere deep, I took a step forward. And then another. Up the stairs. I was handed a program. There's a long table set up...for coffee....I took a moment to get a cup so I could catch my breath...and calm down. One hurdle completed. I then proceeded inside the auditorium and sat down.
This church I non-denominational. There is a rock band playing christian music on the stage. The pastor plays the drums. He has an earring. The congregation is dressed very casually. Jeans. Socks and Birkenstocks (Only in Seattle, eh?) It's very comfortable. As the band was playing...I sat there...I fought back tears many times. I felt...overwhelmed. The service was good. One line that stuck in my head...and there were many...but this one in particular meant alot. "I could tell you what to do, but that would make this religion. We're not here to preach religion. We're here to build a relationship with God" I will go back again next week. |
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Sun 12/02/07 02:04 PM
I posted this earlier to share. It's my favorite song I wrote so far. Hope someone likes it.
Orbiting: whisper of sweetest everything bright bliss and oral forevermores trickle rain and ocean waves resounding peace drops of whisping flame moon enticing, a rich divine colors of ember, fruits of wine spendor, King of Kings forever He shall be Wonder grapes of shimmer the afterglow plucked from the garden of Eden brilliant lift of angel songs colors as yet unseen the shift of permanence touch of godliness the bringing, the coming, the going now are one His wonder I am here, real of before, touch embrace of everything becoming somthing beyond me like twilight Holy surround the meaning of all bliss sunshine and rays of light dine with me tonight Gods wonder From "Church of the Homeless" forum |
I went to church today. It was difficult for me to walk thru the doors. Alone. The newcomer. Yet, with strength that came from somewhere deep, I took a step forward. And then another. Up the stairs. I was handed a program. There's a long table set up...for coffee....I took a moment to get a cup so I could catch my breath...and calm down. One hurdle completed. I then proceeded inside the auditorium and sat down. This church I non-denominational. There is a rock band playing christian music on the stage. The pastor plays the drums. He has an earring. The congregation is dressed very casually. Jeans. Socks and Birkenstocks (Only in Seattle, eh?) It's very comfortable. As the band was playing...I sat there...I fought back tears many times. I felt...overwhelmed. The service was good. One line that stuck in my head...and there were many...but this one in particular meant alot. "I could tell you what to do, but that would make this religion. We're not here to preach religion. We're here to build a relationship with God" I will go back again next week. I couldn't have prayed it better. That's awesome and I hope you keep us up to date on "whassuuup". |
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Sun 12/02/07 02:31 PM
CHARGEABLE epibareo----to be heavy upon, to be expensive to...
1 Thessalonians 2 : 9 . For ye remember, brethren , our labor and travail : for laboring night and day , because we would not be chargeable unto any of you , we preached unto you the gospel of God. II Thessalonians 3 : 7 , 8 , 9 . For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us : for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you ; Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought ; but wrought with labor and travail night and day , that we might not be chargeable to any of you : Not because we have not power , but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us . |
Nice wouldee.
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Sun 12/02/07 04:08 PM
aahhhh my sweet chae....again I am so proud of you...The hard part is over as far as taking the first step with your relationship with The Father.......You keep up the good work and plug into everything you can to learn as much as you can.
I am going to share the story of how I came to know Christ as my savior. My mother was dying of cancer and my life much like yours was a mess. I came home to get some clothes and then go back up and be with mom....I remember like it was yesterday and I went to the middle of my driveway and just started weeping. Please God if you are real.....give me a sign that my mom is going to be with you. Just out of no-where thousands of lil pale lavendar butterflies were all around me.....mine and moms fav color....they were all around and I was amazed and just touching them....then they just were gone. That to me was the first sign of God showing me the way. The second was I went back up and again wanted confirmation of my mom going home to be with the Lord. I again asked God, "Please if you are real", show me a my parents lived in the Mojave Desert and there was not a cloud in the sky....and all of the sudeen a funnel cloud with greens, pinks and blues came right to me. There was do denying it and the peace that I felt to the core of my being was spectacular. Now remember that to this point we were not a very religious family, had communion went with grandma and thats about it. Anyway.......within that hour my mother started saying no mom and dad I can't leave, Who will take care of Debbie & Bill.....and I got the fact, that she was talking to her mom and dad who had already passed. I said, "Mom" go, Dad and I will take care of each go its time. Within the hour she passed away. Now after everything was taken care of for mom.....I went on a mission to read read read the bible for the next 2 years thats all I did. I read, I learned, I just could not get enough. I plugged into Open Bible Churches and have been there ever since. That was almost 17 years ago. After I was saved, I never touched drugs, alcolhol, or anything again that I knew was not a good thing for me to do. Now I will be going to India for my ministry in February where I will be opening a church an orphanage and a water well....The Lord if given half a chance can and will work miracles in people lives.....In those 17 years there were alot more amazing a truly inspiring miracles and testimony for my life. I can't wait for Chae to share hers....It will be an amazing journey to be able to go along for the ride with her....Love you Chae and God Bless. |
Many things have proven to me over the last week that I'm on the right path. At one time in my life, I had more friends than I could count. Until recently, I had no one I could call, no one I could count on. I pushed everyone away. I wanted no once close. I let one person into my heart a short while ago...and now look at me. I have people here that I can't wait to see every day. I have people that I share stories, and experiences with. I have people that I have given trust to blindly because I feel so blessed and not so critical and skeptical of everyone. I feel good about me!
I had an amazing experience today. I'm sure most would feel it was a little thing...but to me, it was just one more in a serious of things that proved to me that God is here...that God IS watching me, that He DOES love me. I made that promise to go to church..and I would have kept it regardless. But having the faith to trust the people here..the ones I can now call are the ones who have made this step so much easier. I felt you with me today. Thank you. All of you. And more than anything, Thank YOU, God. |
Praise God and all the glory to Him. And we are going to be with you now and forever Chae......And promise me hen obstacles get thrown in your way.......Give it to the Lord for all things are possible with Him......and remember we love you our newest Sister In Christ. I wish I lived in Washington so I could o and praise and sing to the Lord with you...
MUAHHHAAA always chica |
I've 'heard of' a church that still works in phrophecies, miracles etc, and love is a definite key.But I've seen too much of the Holy Ghost moving and being stiffled because people want to cut it off out of fear and ignorance. For instance praying intongues is somthing important that I do regularly, but many deem it as being 'wrong' or write it off because they are afraid or don't 'understand' it or it's true purpose. Keeping the gifts of the Holy Spirit away from the masses is a sick way of feigning and trying to keep 'control' over people when there could be so much power unleashed and finally let the church"break out" of stagnation.- Jesus, I pray that you would allow your Spirit to move in this place and allow a sweet flow to come. Allow freedom to come and destroy all the works which hinder you to move here tonight and throughout the week. Move here tonight. Give hope to those with sick loved ones, heal them as their loved ones pray and lay hands on them, in Jesus name I pray this fervently and allow your touch to come. Cancer is as spiritual as it is physical, know this and have faith, it will go away with just a touch.- I could not agree more....As gifts are given there is a reason......For example speaking in tongues is confusing to satan and therefore lets you pray without his interference. Also the gift of prophecy.....People want to put you in a box and say who the heck do you think you are that God would give these gifts to. But I think more then ever these gifts are needed for people to understand that God is, Was, and always will be. It was just not for old testament times......And I know when a prophet spoke to me and told me what God wanted for my life. I thought it was lame to say the least. But when she spoke of things that no one else could of known, and said God has many plans for you......I didn't like I said think anything of it....And 10 years to the date the gifts were given. Now I also believe that people have gifts and don't use them as intended and there is no way that gifts should ever be profited by. |
we need a revival
The true church of today has fallen asleep, and I do agree that we as Christians need to come out and shout it out to the world that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!!!!!!!!!, I mean when you look around in this world, sinners admit they are sinners, why can't christians do the same thing, I do believe this is the message God wants for man to know, he brought life and brought it more abunduntly |