Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 2 | |
Way too many give up easily
easily distract seems to be the norm today
Today's turned out to not be a good day after all.
all right explain that
That would be bad news my sister got concerning assistance; there's still hope for me though.
tho a better explanation might need a trip to the coffee shop |
Shop is opened.
Opened doors bring new opportunity
Opportunity for new things come to you when you pay attention.
Attention to detail will determine the winner when the judges vote for the most creative costume.
Costume balls are fun to go to.
To day is almost like yesterday, I may need to sit this one out.
Out in the wild blue yonder is where I'd like to be.
Be or not be, what was the question that you ask of thee?
Thee thinks there was a question, but there was not.
not all that glitters is gold
Gold may appear to be nice but what truly matters is what's in one's heart.
heart needs key to be unlocked for viewing contents
Contents may be fragile
Contents hopefully will be revealed in due time.