Topic: Is It Me Or The Money?..... | |
Ms. Harmony,
Hey Mommy, well I can respect your stages of life . I mean I wasn't always wise. in my younger years I was a mess. I did things according how I wanted do things. I lost females as well as gain. see I used to think when I was in my early 20's I wanted to be a hip hop producer. my dream is to be rich & famous. after I studied to what I would needed to do to keep wealth & fame I want no parts of it. money changes people. money isn't bad but the people possess it can be. like it or not the illuminati runs the industry today. I am not willing to sell my soul for it. If the heavenly yahuasha bless be with millions great. if the devil wants to give it to me never. my point in this is I wouldn't compromise my beliefs and moral code to gain the devils dirty gold. |
Hey buddy welcome back, that's me all the way, morning kisses, the I love you's, the checking in texts, the weekends out on the town, and just thinking about you todays is the stuff I really enjoy. my girl do too. I guess I'm lucky to have a woman that's still believes in shivery. |
Crystal Fairy,
hello welcome back, well as a man its my job to bring home the bacon. what I mean is I'm a pretty liberal guy, I believe women can work as well but I feel sometimes its important to keep a job. If I was a slob just sit at home with high hopes that money will fall in my lap, the woman would lose respect and then you headed for disaster. I don't think I ever had a girl choose money over me but I can only imagine how that feel. I teach my 2 sons the value of money and even more how to save and flip it & invest. work for your money then flip it & let the money work for you. |
well I think she great a woman that believes making her own money and still be a lady. |
Money is necessary or you will die. Within 2 weeks of the trucks shutting down ,no food ,no water people will start killing for food. Romantic love is not necessary to survive to breathe to eat thats a sitcom thats advertising thats propaganda. Make your own money and dont mix love and money they dont mix at all or if only but for a time a period of time till life rolls ya and relationships die. We are to protect our families protecting and supporting a sttanger and labeling it a soulmate or a requirement is just foolish. Wake up facr life find your own career own hobbies and own life and NEVER mix that with another person date but dont mix your home or money with that person thats just foolish
If you want to know love or money in a relationship, think how you would feel if your partner, or who you are dating, didn't have much money. Would you love them or toss them..?
2 weeks no money which equals food, shelter, clothing sleep time etc ud start killing for it or die . 2 weeks without dating , christian mingle ,plenty of fish, ,where r all the beautiful people etc etc you would survive. So the answer is Money
what is it you look for in a date. Is it looks? Is it compatibility? Or is it financial security?
Yes, although I don't really look for financial security so much as try to determine how much financial insecurity will be caused by dating them. is it wrong to think big?
No. Didn't the fattest man alive get married on reality t.v.? Is it a taboo to say" I want love too but i dont want to struggle?
To some. We're living far more multiculturally and globalized anymore. To some it's a death sentence taboo. To others it's "you go girl and you be you!" to others it's just being pragmatic (e.g. for health insurance). How do you feel about when people only want the money over love?
I would probably only feel something if there was dishonesty and/or fraud. To themselves or others. And only then if I had a personal relationship with them or it affected me. If Trump wants a trophy wife, and Melania wants to be a trophy wife, and they have accepted those roles, or even if they want to tell themselves they love each other, I don't feel anything or give much of a crap. If Trump wants to pass a law about stabilizing the sanctity of marital love or something, I would feel anger at the hypocrisy. If Trump was my best friend and said something like "we're having a party to celebrate our true love, our relationship is all about love," then I would feel annoyed and make fun of him. |
Wow Cire you have alot of answers buddy. Dont stop i like how you incorporate comedy with truth. |
You certainly right my friend. It is all about compatibility and even yoked. I like the fact you brought eqaulity among man & woman. |
nice one
pow! right on target. money does not mean happiness
Edited by
Mon 07/31/17 02:37 PM
Its the value of financial team work that matters to me more than opulence or financial security. It doesnt have to be 50 but it would be great if both people contributed what was within their ability to contribute. That said, I would never choise financial opulence over love . Its never even been.a temptation for me |
I would rather meet a woman to fall in love with and not for what she has.
I very much doubt that relationship would last long |
Welcome to my cyber mansion, good girl. I love a woman that think right! |
Is it me or the money?
Nah honey it's me gimme the money ![]() Hi eye, just getting ready to watch the 7:00 rally ![]() ![]() |
Welcome to my cyber mansion, well I feel the same way . its nice to have money but it should not be always be the criteria. |