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Topic: Leave an ANONYMOUS or NOT SO ANONYMOUS MSG - part 39
no photo
Fri 09/29/17 09:39 PM
to whom it may concern, please bear in mind that i dont and wont lead any one on as that is not something i would appreciate to be done to me too. i try my best to be nice coz i would like to be treated in the same way. also if i seemed to view profiles more than once of people here in the forums it's because of my chubby fingers clicking on the wrong places. what do you guys call it ? perving? lol and not wearing my glasses is also one factor. so i know nobody cares about this rant.... i just wanted to say something for anonymitys' sake slaphead

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Fri 09/29/17 09:42 PM
:thumbsup: flowers

no photo
Fri 09/29/17 10:32 PM
hurry up dear and get back here flowerforyou

RUthe14MEhopeSo's photo
Fri 09/29/17 11:12 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 09/30/17 05:54 AM

Shout out to all those returning with new names :-)

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...(((soufie))) you noticed too

whoa slaphead

I haven't noticed yet, I'm dying to know who it isohwell

Humm well was going to tell you but seems I'm too old to contact youslaphead laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 07:08 AM

Shout out to all those returning with new names :-)

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...(((soufie))) you noticed too

whoa slaphead

I haven't noticed yet, I'm dying to know who it isohwell

Humm well was going to tell you but seems I'm too old to contact youslaphead laugh laugh laugh

Really, I don't even know what my settings are on.
Just tried to contact you and I'm ineligible lol

Sent a friends invite instead, I'd be honoured if you accept flowers

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 09/30/17 07:22 AM

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 08:48 AM
Happy Anniversary to 8 non- forum guys who have been faithfully lurking at my profile for over 2 years but never say hello.

Our bond is unbreakable.waving

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 08:56 AM
i double dawg dare ya to send that to each of them in private maillaugh

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 09:01 AM

i double dawg dare ya to send that to each of them in private maillaugh

I sent it to one a few months ago and he immediately stopped lurking. I ruined a good thing eric,but there's hope for the other 8 happy

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 09:09 AM

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 10:59 AM

Happy Anniversary to 8 non- forum guys who have been faithfully lurking at my profile for over 2 years but never say hello.

Our bond is unbreakable.waving

I want their addresses, I'll have no mercyohwell

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 11:53 AM

Happy Anniversary to 8 non- forum guys who have been faithfully lurking at my profile for over 2 years but never say hello.

Our bond is unbreakable.waving

I want their addresses, I'll have no mercyohwell

Only if you pose as a 25 year old super model and let me in on it joe!
Why should you have all the fun??? :wink:

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 09/30/17 12:25 PM

Happy Anniversary to 8 non- forum guys who have been faithfully lurking at my profile for over 2 years but never say hello.

Our bond is unbreakable.waving

Hahaha I use to send a e-mail back saying awww caught ya perving my profile... But let them do it a few time prior to sending them a e-mail funny it always stopped them from looking againslaphead laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 01:02 PM
Still Reeling,what a week.

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 02:20 PM

Happy Anniversary to 8 non- forum guys who have been faithfully lurking at my profile for over 2 years but never say hello.

Our bond is unbreakable.waving

Hahaha I use to send a e-mail back saying awww caught ya perving my profile... But let them do it a few time prior to sending them a e-mail funny it always stopped them from looking againslaphead laugh laugh

But then my faithful lurkers will go away kristi , and my life wont be the same ohwell

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 02:39 PM
Hello Princess!

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 02:57 PM

Still Reeling,what a week.

sounds like you need a long soak in a tub and a nice meal wellworn. That might help :)

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 09/30/17 03:26 PM

Happy Anniversary to 8 non- forum guys who have been faithfully lurking at my profile for over 2 years but never say hello.

Our bond is unbreakable.waving

Hahaha I use to send a e-mail back saying awww caught ya perving my profile... But let them do it a few time prior to sending them a e-mail funny it always stopped them from looking againslaphead laugh laugh

But then my faithful lurkers will go away kristi , and my life wont be the same ohwell

Actually there was a few times I did it and we started talking and chatted off and on for a while.. But it was a bit comical for at least the ones that answered back had a sense of humor..

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 04:30 PM

Happy Anniversary to 8 non- forum guys who have been faithfully lurking at my profile for over 2 years but never say hello.

Our bond is unbreakable.waving

Hahaha I use to send a e-mail back saying awww caught ya perving my profile... But let them do it a few time prior to sending them a e-mail funny it always stopped them from looking againslaphead laugh laugh

But then my faithful lurkers will go away kristi , and my life wont be the same ohwell

Actually there was a few times I did it and we started talking and chatted off and on for a while.. But it was a bit comical for at least the ones that answered back had a sense of humor..

you gave your lurkers a voice kristi! Did your lurkers have decent profiles? My guys have nothing on theirs

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