Topic: just thought you'd like to know
Belushi's photo
Tue 11/27/07 01:25 PM

Same with 9/11 ... "lets blow up the Twin Towers to start a war, so we can get the oil. Because if we dont, then it will be really unpopular."

THAT is not something to joke about...not even remotely funny...

You should be ashamed of yourself...

No I shouldnt ... its what I believe. It wasnt a joke.

I do believe that the rabidly stupid Small Bush set up the majority of the world with the idea of a war against terrorism.

You are not going to change what I think, nor do I care what you think I should or should not be.

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 11/27/07 01:33 PM

Belushi! you sir, are retarded!

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 11/27/07 01:49 PM

Belushi! you sir, are retarded!

I'll bet that this comment will stay here, and not get deleted.
though is a personal attack.
and you racist think better before calling somebody else a retarded.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 11/27/07 01:50 PM

I hope the unrest is focused in the right direction...

How accurate are those numbers?

This government is allowing this to happen... as well as illegals obtaining employment through someone who is legal, by using their identification paperwork...

My point is... it is not a concern of the government at this time... it is merely a diversion tactic... to keep the general public's focus where they want it to be...

This is not the same country it was 50 years ago people...

Our elected government officials are the problem!!!

Wake Up America!!!

soooo true ... as long as the masses are pre-occupied with what the government wants you to see ... you are not paying attention to what they are doing ...

Master Illusionist 101 ... page 4b ... government breathes it ...

Bravo creativesoul!!!!!!!!!

the government is doing hell of a job.
keeping the ignorants worried about the illegals instead of thinking of what the government is doing with their money in Iraq.

actually both the war and permitting illegals to stay are wrong

but illegal staying effects more individuals than the war

except for the fall of the dollar


then your brain has been well washed

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 11/27/07 01:53 PM
Edited by ArtGurl on Tue 11/27/07 01:58 PM

Belushi! you sir, are retarded!

ohwell grumble

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 11/27/07 02:22 PM
Edited by boredinaz06 on Tue 11/27/07 02:23 PM
anybody who thinks that 911 was an inside job is dumb. and another thing calling someone a racist whom you do not know is also a personal attack!

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 02:25 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh feel the love!!!:heart: bigsmile laugh

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 02:28 PM
Gypsy.....get out of this discussion!! They are washing up your orange jumper as we type!!! Run girl .....RUNlaugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 02:30 PM
ahahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa I have to go to work anyways!!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 02:37 PM

adj4u's photo
Tue 11/27/07 02:43 PM

I hope the unrest is focused in the right direction...

How accurate are those numbers?

This government is allowing this to happen... as well as illegals obtaining employment through someone who is legal, by using their identification paperwork...

My point is... it is not a concern of the government at this time... it is merely a diversion tactic... to keep the general public's focus where they want it to be...

This is not the same country it was 50 years ago people...

Our elected government officials are the problem!!!

Wake Up America!!!

soooo true ... as long as the masses are pre-occupied with what the government wants you to see ... you are not paying attention to what they are doing ...

Master Illusionist 101 ... page 4b ... government breathes it ...

Bravo creativesoul!!!!!!!!!

the government is doing hell of a job.
keeping the ignorants worried about the illegals instead of thinking of what the government is doing with their money in Iraq.

actually both the war and permitting illegals to stay are wrong

but illegal staying effects more individuals than the war

except for the fall of the dollar


then your brain has been well washed

again this is an opinion

without explanation it is worthless

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 11/27/07 07:47 PM

anybody who thinks that 911 was an inside job is dumb. and another thing calling someone a racist whom you do not know is also a personal attack!

I have watched and rewatched the towers fall. From the first to the second. Play by play. I really do not want to think it...but I have heard and watched. Something is terribly wrong with this video. The sounds. The explosions, the firefighters talking, yelling, running from the buildings because they found suspicious materials. Yelling about bombs in the building. Hearing the explosions, the emplosion. Go find the videos, with all the sound. See what I saw. Hear what I heard.

It may even be on youtube.
I tell you, it is unsettling. Go and look at the ground pictures and video of the downed plane that was supposedly brought down by the passengers.
Not a sign of any plnae, just a big hole. No debri, no fire. JUST A HOLE...
Gives us a reason to question.

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 11/27/07 08:03 PM

anybody who thinks that 911 was an inside job is dumb. and another thing calling someone a racist whom you do not know is also a personal attack!

I have watched and rewatched the towers fall. From the first to the second. Play by play. I really do not want to think it...but I have heard and watched. Something is terribly wrong with this video. The sounds. The explosions, the firefighters talking, yelling, running from the buildings because they found suspicious materials. Yelling about bombs in the building. Hearing the explosions, the emplosion. Go find the videos, with all the sound. See what I saw. Hear what I heard.

It may even be on youtube.
I tell you, it is unsettling. Go and look at the ground pictures and video of the downed plane that was supposedly brought down by the passengers.
Not a sign of any plnae, just a big hole. No debri, no fire. JUST A HOLE...
Gives us a reason to question.

it's no secret that Osama Bin Laden tried to blow up the WTC under Clintons watch! that was just a test to see what he needed to do to accomplish what he intended, which was to destroy the WTC and cripple America. well he succeeded in destroying the towers but he did not cripple us. so I don't believe and cannot believe that anyone entertains this nonsense!

Mac60's photo
Tue 11/27/07 08:50 PM
As much as I despise George Bush, I can't believe that even he could do something as awful as 9/11. Or have advance knowledge of it and do nothing about it. I d believe that he took his eye off the ball, what with briefings titled "Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S.". He is guilty of negligence, but no, 9/11 was not an inside job.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 11/27/07 09:16 PM
I would sincerely hope not. I said.
And...I rememebr watching it on tv with all the running and yelling about more explosives in the building being found and to get out. I remember hearing the explosions and the reporters asking what the hell was that?
I do believe the plane may have been brought down by our own. I have seen too many crashes on tv. They all have debri. Fires, lots of smoke. Not just one great big hole and NOTHING. No clothes, suitcases, no bodies, nothing burning. Where was all that?

Mac60's photo
Tue 11/27/07 09:21 PM
Edited by Mac60 on Tue 11/27/07 09:22 PM

You would probaly enjoy AM radio after midnight. Alien abductions, parallel universes, conspiracy theories galore. And other assorted whacko stuff. Puts me to sleep almost every night.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 11/27/07 09:47 PM
Nope Mac, I wouldn't. I do not listen to stuff like that. Nor do I like scary movies.
I am just talking about what I saw and heard myself. Just never really knows.
But really....check out the wreckage?? of that nowhere to be found plane. Nothing...nada...zilch.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 11/27/07 10:40 PM
i've seen it. and the documentation. islamist terrorists representing Al-Qaida hijacked planes and flew them as bombs towards targets carefully selected to maximize human damage to the USA. this represents the full extent of the conspiracy. my recollection is that parts of the planes were in fact found...a whole plane in fact in PA. a pretty big chunk at the Pentagon.

not a joking matter. this is the rancid face of WWIII.

no photo
Tue 11/27/07 11:00 PM
Edited by brandynicole on Tue 11/27/07 11:01 PM
I havent read this entire thread but I would like to say that I worked for Bank Of America for 6months and I would say 80% of the customers I spoke w/every day were non-american and most couldnot speak english . I think a Bank Of America representative stands at the border and helps anyone running across fill out an application or something .
Also I worked in a pharmacy for 3 years in Georgia and I know illegals had medicaid because they presented me there medicaid card everytime I filled a prescription for them . I have no idea why or how they got it nor do I care .

Belushi's photo
Tue 11/27/07 11:10 PM

Belushi! you sir, are retarded!

I'll bet that this comment will stay here, and not get deleted.
though is a personal attack.
and you racist think better before calling somebody else a retarded.

gracias. drinker

But dont worry about it.
It is my opinion, and I question everything about it.

It doesnt make me popular, but thats what I have to live with

... and if more people questioned the evidence instead of blindly accepting what their govt tells them, then they may get a govt that they want, not one they deserve.