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Topic: What do you think a woman she isnt married when she 36?
AloisiusNakhaima's photo
Sun 08/13/17 07:08 AM
absolute you can be happy even if you're not married

AloisiusNakhaima's photo
Sun 08/13/17 08:58 AM
hi you can't be serious

Gusfj's photo
Thu 09/14/17 04:42 AM
you never to late if you plan to get married.

achavasiliev's photo
Thu 09/28/17 04:01 PM

Hi,I'm a Viet nam woman!I'm 36 but not marry!I think simple but many people think its funny!
How do you think this topic?telling me ple,tks!

Nothing. Still a woman who is not married. People are generally too quick to categorize others within their predetermined categories because it'd b essier for them to understand things around them. It's you who makes a difference in your own life by feeling good about yourself. You wanna get married? do something about it. Don wait it out. You don't want to? Who cares what others would think? Enjoy your life while you can.

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 03:59 AM

Hi,I'm a Viet nam woman!I'm 36 but not marry!I think simple but many people think its funny!
How do you think this topic?telling me ple,tks!

Nothing. Still a woman who is not married. People are generally too quick to categorize others within their predetermined categories because it'd b essier for them to understand things around them. It's you who makes a difference in your own life by feeling good about yourself. You wanna get married? do something about it. Don wait it out. You don't want to? Who cares what others would think? Enjoy your life while you can.

I'm 47 and still single. Just enjoy your life, who cares what others think.

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 04:02 AM

no photo
Sat 09/30/17 05:55 PM
I was divorced at the age of 36. I like your story much better, Live your life honey and enjoy it! :)

no photo
Sun 10/01/17 05:00 AM

As I constantly remind my 9-year-old daughter who has Disneyland fantasies of one day marrying a prince, marriage is a lawfully binding contract that has both pluses and minuses associated with it. One of the longest lasting and most mutually beneficial relationships that she knows of is that of her grandfather and her grandmother (his girlfriend, a divorce attorney) who both believe that they have benefited by opting out of such a matter. biggrin

quite the dad there...but please inform her that
the prince doesnt have to be a frog or necessarily rides a horse ridden carriage winking

Tomi360's photo
Sun 10/01/17 06:21 AM
Edited by Tomi360 on Sun 10/01/17 06:22 AM
Yeah don't stress, don't get married because you feel like you have to, get married because you want to.. and if it doesn't happen then so be it.

theseacoast's photo
Mon 10/02/17 03:42 PM
41 and still not married - not that I didn't want - I did. But only for someone whome I could trust. Never wanted to marry just to be married. Otherwise I could be married long ago. The only bad thing is that I shall probably never have kids - we women are physically limited in that way :confused: But hopefully the man of my life will have and I'll love them as my own.
Go for what you want, not for what others say.
Good luck

no photo
Tue 10/03/17 01:10 PM
I think your lucky no married.less stress and more of a better life

no photo
Tue 10/03/17 01:37 PM
51 here and still only planning on doing it once

no photo
Tue 10/03/17 04:54 PM

51 here and still only planning on doing it once

just once? wow that’s typically non neanderthal eric tongue2 you’re showing a softie there:thumbsup:

emilynbrigondo's photo
Thu 10/05/17 12:15 AM
Your right

emilynbrigondo's photo
Thu 10/05/17 12:15 AM

no photo
Thu 10/05/17 04:39 AM

51 here and still only planning on doing it once

just once? wow that’s typically non neanderthal eric tongue2 you’re showing a softie there:thumbsup:

i come from a long line ss
gram and gramps where 75 years
mom and dad were 55 years

that's what i'm looking for even if i never catch up to them

no photo
Thu 10/05/17 05:28 AM

51 here and still only planning on doing it once

just once? wow that’s typically non neanderthal eric tongue2 you’re showing a softie there:thumbsup:

i come from a long line ss
gram and gramps where 75 years
mom and dad were 55 years

that's what i'm looking for even if i never catch up to them

WOW! that sure is impressive eric love they might have some secrets for a long and lasting love. so that is why you are picky you do not want to break that line :thumbsup: i know you wont shades

no photo
Thu 10/05/17 05:30 AM
i'm going to need lot's of help living long enough to catch up to either of themlaugh

no photo
Thu 10/05/17 05:33 AM
and no doubt you shall :angel:

no photo
Mon 10/09/17 09:03 PM
relax n b happy
the right one will come knocking and everything will b alright

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