Topic: Bernie And Jane Sanders Hire Lawyers | |
Facing FBI Bank Fraud Investigation, Bernie And Jane Sanders Hire Lawyers
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and his wife, Jane Sanders, the former president of Burlington College, have hired lawyers in the face of a federal investigation into bank fraud allegations related to a multimillion-dollar loan for the now-defunct liberal arts college. On Saturday, CBS News confirmed that the couple had hired high-profile defense lawyers in light of the FBI probe looking into whether Jane Sanders falsified bank documents in 2010 in an attempt to secure a $10 million loan to expand Burlington College’s campus. That loan, which was obtained, was a factor in the school shuttering its doors in 2016 after it found itself unable to pay off its debt. Jane Sanders, who served as president of Burlington College from 2004 to 2011, has been accused of falsely inflating projected donor contributions in the loan application. The federal probe, may also be looking into whether Sen. Sanders used his political influence to put “improper pressure” on the bank to approve that loan. The outlet said the evidence for that seems “thin at best,” but the investigation has still prompted Sanders to hire Burlington lawyer Rich Cassidy. Jane Sanders has reportedly retained Larry Robbins, a Washington-based defense attorney. The Sanderses have kept mostly mum about the probe. During a May interview with Burlington’s WCAX-TV, however, the senator dismissed the allegations as “nonsense” and suggested they were politically motivated. Feel the Bern? |
Oh no! Another book deal ?
Sounds like the Democratic Party is trying to keep Bernie out of the running for the next election.
Sounds like the Democratic Party is trying to keep Bernie out of the running for the next election. wonder how much they have to do with the Investigation,since it started under the previous Administration! |
Facing FBI Bank Fraud Investigation, Bernie And Jane Sanders Hire Lawyers
So? Is the hiring of lawyers after being put under legal investigation supposed to be a sign of guilt? Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
Should that be "(S-Vt.)?" Isn't Bernie Sanders an avowed socialist? Feel the Bern?
Not really. Seems it's going to be another investigation that's not going to go anywhere. Even if "falsely inflating projected donor contributions in the loan application" were true, then the FBI (and other government agencies) are going to be extremely busy going after everyone that inflated (or deflated) their income on job applications, car loan applications, home loan applications, student loan applications, food stamp applications, medicare/medicaid applications. Not to mention every IPO application, and every forecasting economist that ever existed. Does no one remember "liar loans?" Even if she did "inflating projected donor contributions" it wasn't anywhere near Clinton foundation lying for profit vs. donations towards cause. It seems Sanders wife was going after money for her school. Not herself. Not her husbands political campaign. But good luck to the FBI in figuring out if she "willfully" inflated projected donor contributions in order to "willfully" commit fraud, or whether she (at worst) simply goalseeked (goalsought?) a desired opinion using legitimate numbers. That loan, which was obtained, was a factor in the school shuttering its doors in 2016 after it found itself unable to pay off its debt.
Universities are horror shows for financial and risk management. I remember one university in the midwest had a risk management office. It ran the student insurance program, it was responsible for liability and fire and flood insurance. OSHA and fed compliance. University decided to expand it's campus along the river. Risk manager retired. University decided to get rid of risk managers office, absorb it into treasury, downsize. Got rid of all that pesky expensive insurance they had. River flooded. Lack of OSHA compliance, some fires. All was covered by the insurance...the university got rid of because they "couldn't afford it!" even though they "could" as long as they only accepted 2% growth on their investments rather than 4%. Ooops. Guess who got federal bailout money, FEMA relief, and raised tuition? Universities (IMO/IME) are a microcosm of government. Where political sense trumps common sense. |
Sounds like the Democratic Party is trying to keep Bernie out of the running for the next election. I hope that he hangs on to run again, our country needs a good Laugh. ![]() |
Here it comes the gender politics again. Some have completely lost their moral compass. ( It wasn't me). Sexism. Sound familiar? How bout misogyny?