Topic: best way of talking to God
Aderolland's photo
Sat 06/24/17 05:22 PM
I think it's praise because it put everything before God in pure hearth. what did you think?

no photo
Mon 07/10/17 10:49 AM
Amen brother.

Smilealot02's photo
Fri 07/21/17 09:24 AM
Prayer is also such a very powerful way in communicating with God and sharing your thoughts, feelings, your praise to God and thanks, asking questions on things and much more!!

The more time we spend time in prayer and studying God's Word - the stronger we can grow in Spirit and truth!

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/21/17 09:28 AM
I find just speaking directly to work for me. I do not know if there is a 'best' way. I believe he hears us any way we choose if we are sincere.

Smilealot02's photo
Sat 07/22/17 03:31 PM
Edited by Smilealot02 on Sat 07/22/17 03:31 PM

I find just speaking directly to work for me. I do not know if there is a 'best' way. I believe he hears us any way we choose if we are sincere.

Well said! I have told people before I love speaking to God as if He is on the other end of the phone line - for when you really think about it we have the Holy Spirit who connects us to Christ and our God! We do not have to go all the way to the temple or a prophet or such like people did in the Old Testament!

One thing you do have to be careful of is not "minimizing" God or just praying going to Him when in need - but how we are to give our God praise and honor and so much more!! We are so blessed!

dreamerana's photo
Sat 07/22/17 03:39 PM
Best way of talking to God. Whatever works for each person.
I believe in what comes straight from the heart

no photo
Sun 07/23/17 08:33 AM

mellybeanz's photo
Sun 07/23/17 08:16 PM
By talking to Him as the Father that He is. No need for eloquent words!

Youlostme's photo
Sun 08/06/17 01:54 PM more listening and less talking....