Topic: breaking the chains of your mind | |
“The path that has no road”
We speak a different dialect of the same language. Food for thought; It’s all but a real paradox; No one true being / entity will ever be all knowing. For to be all knowing would be that of a computer. Computers hold no curiosity, and thus shall have no reason, Or need to learn anymore then what is forced on to them. A all knowing being will never know if it is truly all knowing for it would reach a state of which curiosity no longer plays a role. (Because it’s "all knowing"). And because of this it sets a boundary to its limits of reaching "true" understanding. Like that of a computer; Everything and anything is only defined by the definitions that are given to it. The concept of the "yin-yang" intriguingly seems to be the only foundation that will forever hold true, Yet it is a solid color. In order to honestly understand you must be able to accept. To tolerate is to mask the matter at hand and thus you achieve nothing by it. To fear or feel threatened, You only set yourselves further back from where you started and thus achieve nothing by it. By accepting you inevitably agree. But to agree does not mean it must hold true to you. By following a path to seek understanding you, Also set yourself a boundary, A limit to that of which you allow yourself to ever learn. For to ever come to an understanding you must give a decision which is based on your own path that is followed, This inevitably may become “one-sided”. You will not learn anything beyond that of which is presented before you; It is because of this order will never be a true teacher; A true teacher is that of chaos; For to truly open your mind you must welcome Conflict, And through conflict you start to learn, Through conflict you learn what it is to be hypocritical. Only by being hypocritical can you really come to a point of understanding; Again we are all born naked and we shall all die naked, There is nothing that you or anyone else can do about it. But it does not mean that being naked is a bad thing. Nothing is inherently positive or negative. It only becomes bound by the label we give it. To give things no label is to be able to understand what it truly is; Life’s teachings are a paradox; What I say now, Have said before, And say from this point on will be and has always been a lie, And thus I tell the truth; To welcome conflict is to welcome knowledge, To welcome curiosity is to welcome learning, By embodying order we incase ourselves. By becoming attached to any one ideal is to limit ourselves. And because of this we become hypocritical. To step off our original path set before us, To step off our boundary, To jump from our foundation and let our self freefall, We must first become curious, And to do so we embrace conflict, For we now walk a path that is set by wherever we wander, A path that has no direction other then the direction we give it. It is now because of this we walk with an open mind and no longer bind ourselves to one way of thinking. It is within this mindset we again become hypocritical. To leave a way of thinking is never to forget the concepts and ideals. And thus while we wander we will cross other paths of thinking. But to avoid such paths we again set a boundary as to how far we can go. Thus the only way to learn is to embrace the new concepts and ideals and more often then not this will cause conflict with the concepts and ideals you brought with you. But in order to learn, you enter conflict, And through conflict you start to understand. And once you understand this new path you walk, You must never agree and hold true to both old and new. To become hypocritical you again are able to "step" off and walk in chaos again and so it continues with out end, It becomes more conflicting each encounter, Thus forcing you to become more hypocritical. Perfection can never be reached for perfection sets boundaries. It is by conflict and becoming hypocritical is there a chance to reach balance. The “foundation of the yin –yang” is that of balance. Because it becomes conflicting and hypocritical to all other ideas. Because of this no one path, Be it set before you, Or chosen by you, Will never bring you what you seek other then the knowledge you take with you. As we all know, no one way of thinking we help us learn; Thus what I speak of is conflicting and hypocritical. Life teachings are that of a paradox, Because of this we may never understand what we seek. To fall down too far down the rabbit hole we not only see and learn new things, But at the same time never know peace. For we are left in chaos, And through chaos we can never take the time to learn. To overly seek "inner beauty" is to seek the same vanity in achieving "outer beauty". To become too set on a path will only bring fear of conflicting ideals. To become too set on a path will only make us more judgmental. To become too set on a path will only bring us ignorance. To attain balance one must always allow conflict and become Hypocritical. Its all about cause and effect, To mix science and spirituality, To cause chaos and conflict, And by doing so we find a balance. The meaning of life is to pass on our “gene's” to become the dominate species. Be it of Plant, Animal, Microorganism, Etcetera, This is our basic purpose we all share. But the purpose of my life, Of your life, Of their life. Is that of what we give it. It only becomes that of which we label. It is defined by the definition given. Live life as you see fit. Live happy or die trying. Never be reckless and jump head first, Yet, Never be too scared to let go. For no matter how you look at the big picture of things.... The answer is always simple. In closing.... I leave you with one word.... Because some words while although they look the same, Can carry a different meaning, Thus it’s up to you to decide what you wish for it to mean. "duck" -KM |