Topic: Entire Police Force Quits....! | |
Good evening my mingle 2 brethrens, sorry it took about a week I need to take time off for my children & girlfriend. Also to create a new list of topics for you all. Its 80 degrees sunny warm in the city of Philadelphia right now, I wish you all could be here to enjoy this sweet weather, okay let me get right into it. Now when you think law enforcement what comes through your mind? protect & serve? Rescue? maybe conflict resolve? Well, I came across this article today and its based out Indiana, an entire Indiana town has no police officers after every single one walked off the job. The officers blame the Bunker Hill Town Council for the situation. I try to skip to the key points & spare you the boring long reads. Then it goes to say In these resignation letters, the officers accuse council members of asking them to do illegal, unethical, & immoral things. they was asking police to run background checks on other town councilors to find their criminal history. the officers was threatened when they said no. In conclusion the town is relying outside forces to as they search for new officers. Okay America, what do you think? Is your city next? Do you think it can happen to a major city? Or is it a small town problem? Okay do what you do best let's voice, can't wait to hear from you all.
All comments will be responded back. Thank You. |
America well he's the kicker in all this, they didn't want to send someone out there with bad body armor so I would take mines off and provide it to the other officers. I told them we have to provide this . there is an IC code that explains that and says that the town has to provide that body armor said Officer Thomison. if you ask me anarchy reigns soon enough...... |
Edited by
Wed 05/31/17 06:30 PM
Good afternoon.
Hope you're having a great day. Sadly when i think of police i no longer think to serve and protect. Not really to rescue. There are few and far between who seem to join the police force as part of a noble cause. I read your post and am unclear. Perhaps i would have to know more about the tooic to express a more educated opinion. A couple of questions come to mind. The first is why does the town council want members investigated? Who is expected to pay for the investigation? On the part of the police officers, what might come to light if they present results of the investigation they refuse to do? If it's a matter of corruption, were they part of it? Whom are they protecting? Where will the trail lead to before it's all said and done? Oh yeah. Does this town have nothing else going on? |
Edited by
Wed 05/31/17 06:41 PM
All 5 people? Him and four unpaid deputies in a small town of 860 (2014 census). Small towns have that drama but can't really be compared to the larger cities |
Yea, but making them all share one bullet was a bit too much.
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EyeAm, those are tough decisions
I always empathize with people whose work it is to help others when their own ethics and morals are required to be set aside in the process,,, to 'sell out' what you truly believe in for the opportunity to continue to help or to sacrifice the opportunity in order to stand for what you believe,,, its a choice I would not want to have to make,,,, |
Eyeam, why don't you apply for a police job there, since you must have become a "he-man" by now
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You are referring to a SHTF scenario where there is a collapse of governing infrastructure. There are thousands of prepper sites dedicated to that very scenario.
Is your city next? Do you think it can happen to a major city? Or is it a small town problem?
All 5 people? Him and four unpaid deputies in a small town of 860 (2014 census).
While anything COULD happen it is unlikely. I live on the coast in Mississippi. Katrina caused a condition where there was a loss of governmental infrastructure. New Orleans had duration of that loss due to flooding. However, the loss was recovered rather quickly. For a major city to lose its governing infrastructure I believe it would require the same loss on a national level. I'm not going to say it can't happen but it is unlikely to happen. Like Katrina, the rest of the nation would rally up to assist an isolated city. Small town infrastructures fail quite often. The whole reality of Ghost Towns is evidence that small towns can fail and do. Those failures are not always due to corruption or politics. Look at Centralia, Pennsylvania. A coal mine fire ended a community. In the States there is an order to infrastructure proofing against corruption failure. Its called government. For the corruption to kill a town requires that the county, regional and state governments do nothing. Even in the "Old West" if a town law officer was shot or corrupt the next level government sent in a replacement or the people elected another citizen to the position. A catastrophic failure like you imagine means a lot of people do nothing at all. |
Hey welcome back to my cyber home questions. first one the council wants the local officers to use faulty police bullet proof vests to use, and the officers felt like that would put them in a vulnerable position. Also the council was asking them to unethical things to people who they profile. I give you an example, they wanted the officers to plant evidence on suspects. they wanted the officers to random stop motorist and write phony tickets. and other unspeakable acts. 2nd- well from what I read the surrounding townships will be provided funding for the investigations. fars as the officer no, they not apart of the corruption, that's why they all walked. |
well maybe not a large city but it makes you think if it can happen in America's backyard, what's to okay it won't happen to Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, or Los Angeles. |
well its a sticky situation for those who are in law enforcement in Indiana. I commend those officers that walked off. it shows even in law enforcement the good guys just want to do there jobs without having blood on there hands. when I read the article, in some ways I thought selfishly, we hear how cops killing our children & young men, well for once this was a case about cops just want to serve and protect, make it home to there families, make a decent living, and make a difference. They don't want to comprise there morals just make the numbers (quotas). |
Ms. Harmony,
Hey sweety, well like I said in alleoops response, I commend those officers for the walk off, it shows us that among devils are angels. these men and women of law just want to do there jobs without malice. you know with black people tensions running high with the police, well this just show us and many the good guys say ahhh haaa no! not in this department. |
Hello, welcome to my cyber mansion, well I appreciate the compliment of me being He-Man, well let me say this. I could never been in law enforcement for various reasons and i'll run them down. Number 1- I have a woman, I have teenagers, and a little twins to consider. its not that I wouldn't be productive, but putting my life on the line everyday isn't my kind of hot tea! if you know what I mean. Number 2- I am a firm believer in my heavenly father, and thou shall not kill is something you may have to compromise while on duty. I would if I can help it kill as a survival tactic. Number 3- I'm to fair, I mean if my partner did something against protocol, I'm saying I would be a rat but my morals will conflict with me every day. Number 4- They wouldn't pay me enough to bring the stress home to my family. |
welcome back my friend, well I couldn't of said it better, you nailed it as usual. |
when you think law enforcement what comes through your mind?
Abuse of power, unions, and guaranteed pension. an entire Indiana town has no police officers after every single one walked off the job.
I wonder what will happen to the crime rate. If the local press or government will keep tabs on reports, see if it actually goes up, or if nothing really happens, and people take care of problems themselves. I mean based on some of the pleas in the cities I've lived in, begging/demanding/guilting for more money for police budgets, they've made it seem like without police the city would immediately burn down from criminal activity or some kind of mad max system of gangs running the streets would instantly crop up. Do you think it can happen to a major city?
Not really. They'd just bring in the national guard, call in the sheriffs office, step up hiring or provide bonuses, officially swear in "scabs." Not all cops would leave. There'd be crooked cops who wouldn't want to leave their side businesses. There'd be white knight cops who would feel honor bond to stay "for the safety of citizens." Kind of like "all doctors" leaving a hospital. Some would stay simply worried about the people in the emergency room. One thing I don't understand about the story presented in the OP is: "asking them to do illegal, unethical, & immoral things...the officers was threatened when they said no" Then why not arrest those threatening the officers? Why not arrest those threatening them, or trying to influence them? Because based on the OP it seems the story is "government officials asked for something illegal. Then threatened or tried to corrupt police officals. Having no other recourse or power, and not knowing what to do, the police just left their jobs." If the police can't arrest those trying to bribe or threaten them, that seems like a pretty big weakness. Seems like it would be: step one - officer gets threatened or asked to do something illegal. step two - start an investigation, collect evidence. step three - arrest perpetrators. step four - put them on trial. if local magistrates compromised, go county or state or federal. Not step one officer gets threatened, asked to do illegal things. Step two, walk out on job. |
Okay, believe me that town police department all walked off, I again commend those who wouldn't bow down to the council's corruption. think about it for once the police coming out of this as the good guys. Maybe there will be help, maybe the military take over, but the fact remains this small town has no security. I just hope people wont fall victim to crime. that's not the answer. |