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Topic: Question for the ladies
lonelyamyangel's photo
Tue 05/30/17 02:51 AM
What I consider most is the heart. The heart to love, care and understand each other and a good communication. Physical look or educational background even wealth are secondary. No amount of money or education can buy you true and genuine love or get you a perfect soulmate

bastyan02's photo
Tue 05/30/17 08:18 AM
iam single

trudds's photo
Sat 06/03/17 04:48 AM
I would like to find someone who is not a fk boi, so over it

Kohla's photo
Wed 06/07/17 09:22 AM
Before a person decides what they are looking for in a man. A woman should re-evaluate herself and see what she is bringing to the table equally as a whole. especially since the woman will have such requests in a man.

msharmony's photo
Wed 06/07/17 09:39 AM

Before a person decides what they are looking for in a man. A woman should re-evaluate herself and see what she is bringing to the table equally as a whole. especially since the woman will have such requests in a man.

I totally agree with this. It used to tickle me to see dumpy men talking about women's bodies or expecting their woman to be in tip top shape when they were far from themselves

I am very conscious of not having expectations that exceed what the other person can expect in return.

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