Topic: Reince Priebus admits Trump administration has looked into
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Mon 05/01/17 10:25 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 05/01/17 10:26 AM
changing the first amendment. Zig Heil Donald. shades

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/01/17 10:50 AM
The name Trump will always conjure up the theme song from Twilight Zone,, for me,,,,shocked

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Mon 05/01/17 10:56 AM
During an interview with Fox News to discuss his first 100 days as president, Trump denounced the constitutional system of checks and balances as “archaic.”

“It’s a very rough system. It’s an archaic system,” Trump said. “It’s really a bad thing for the country.”

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Mon 05/01/17 10:57 AM
That whole thing about not being able to be a King or a Dictator must really suck.

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/03/17 07:37 PM

well with all the self indugance of the elected officials he is right

congress needs to get back to running the country insteed of the agenda
of their campain contributors

and stop the in fighting

i am sure i would not have wanted obamas supreme court nominee but he
should have been presented and voted on it is a part of running the

they congress needs to do there job and the "people" need to quit putting
the infighters and slacker back in office

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Thu 05/04/17 02:42 PM

....he is right

You believe that checks and balances are bad and the constitution is archaic? How about you move to Russia? Putin is pretty much a one man show there.

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Fri 05/05/17 06:41 PM
Reince Priebus admits Trump administration has looked into changing the first amendment. Zig Heil Donald

Change the first amendment to what?

In practical terms the first amendment has been constantly changed.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law?
How many laws are there against hate speech, racist speech, campaign finance, whistleblower laws, censoring and rating movies and t.v. and music and video games, yelling fire in theaters, can't protest taxes by not paying them but that's not covered by "free speech," being able to define which "religions" receive tax benefits and which ones don't "qualify," basically establishing which religions are religions and which aren't, creating acceptable "national" religions, how many statutes and laws are formed in practice when people aren't allowed to protest except in designated zones, "sovereign immunity" vs. government redress of grievances.

The first amendment has been so eroded, IMO, over the centuries now that it's just a meaningless hollow ideal people rally behind for what it represents in their imagination rather than its reality.

The first amendment has already been changed except directly taking pen to parchment.

arlow1010's photo
Fri 05/05/17 07:29 PM

Why would you have not wanted Obama supreme court person? Do you even know what the person Trump voted for stand for? Did you even know that those progressive judges through the 14 amendment due process clause selectively made binding upon the states the bill of rights. The founding father said the bill of rights was only for the federal government not the states. So much for the republicans founding father argument.