Topic: Nine dreams - Flood, future disaster
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Tue 04/18/17 04:51 PM
Phew, getting to the end of tonight's post marathon, post writing takes a lot out of you and is hard work, before returning back to the real world of JSA and signing.

This one is about another dream, or rather a set of dreams I've had numbering around 9.

These dreams always centre around the UK and some impending disaster probably to come in the near future.

The first one wasn't a dream, it was more like a semi awake vision, when I lived in some high rise flats in my own town of birth, I looked out the window and I could see roof tops barely sticking above water.

I think my second dream was about me being in town trying to run into a building to get to higher ground, you could see huge tidal waves coming over the buildings, I had managed to run up a few flights of stairs before waking.

In dream three, I was in a government building with huge waves crashing all about the building.

Dream four was when I lived in a flat on the coastal sea, I looked out the window to see a huge tidal swell heading towards me.

Dream 5, this was slightly different, I was on elevated ground as the sea bulked upward in swell 10 or more stories high as it surged towards the unsuspecting town front below.

Dream 6, I was with a group of people who had helped each other to successfully escape, unfortunately many behind us couldn't make it. In the distance, the ravages of the flood was still going on.

Dream 7, I was standing midway on a hill, there were other people further up the hill from me, when a huge waves all along the hills crest starting rushing towards us, there was no where for me to run, so I stood to accept my fate and prayed.

Dream 8, I was on a coach with some relatives, perhaps it was an escape I don't know, but every where around us, the sea was crashing in with huge tidal waves, covering over the roads behind us. The coach did reach its destination safely though.

Dream 9, This was different, I was standing on a hill, the scenery was the aftermath of the flood, with tree and debris floating in the water giving the water a greenish brown appearance and it spread endlessly for miles into the horizon.

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Tue 04/18/17 05:27 PM
Sign of the times

What others will have to prepare for if your going to live in these UK lands.

When my ex wife and I went with the children, we went to live in the high land for two years.

I think a next future generation will go to the high lands to learn to prepare for 20 years.

After that another group will go there and have to prepare for 200 years or more, these will have to learn a new way of living and civilisation in highers lands after a country altered by the sea.

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Tue 04/18/17 05:29 PM
All the dreams refer to the same thing. Whilst receiving JSA many obstacles may cause you to end up in deep trouble. Proceed with caution.