Topic: Creation Vs. Evolution The Series | |
This will be more then one thread, as there is alot to cover. And depending on how it does will depend on how much I put out there. This was done with the help of my Pastor Mike Shaffer to whom this is dedicated, and to Jesus Christ my Savior.
PART 1 First off I want to say that every message that I share with you, I support my ideas with scripture. The Bible to me is the infallible, inspired, inherent Word of the Living God. I believe each and every word from Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover. It is the owners manual for human being-a must read. And one of my jobs as a Christian is to "Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks me a reason of the hope that is in us with meakness and fear." (1 PH 3:15) In the last 100 years, it is fair to say that Christians have not done a good job to answer the evolution theory; and we have allowed this philosophy of evolution; actually, it is a religion; we have allowed this religion to take over our school system, or legal system, our whole thinking process as a society is based on a philosophy which has zero scientific evidence. NONE Creationlists have offered for more than 15 years a 1/4 million dollars to anyone who has real scientific evidence for evolution. There has been no claim of the money because there is no evidence. I understand that people believe in it, but that does not make it science. I am hoping to strengthen you faith in the Word of God and build your confidence in the Creator God, to help you stand up to the evolution bullies who try to intimidate you and deny your trust in God. You cannot buy into the lie that evolution had anything to do with your existence, or the lie that claims that God kick stated evolution and then took a huge vacation only to come around to find human beings polluting His planet. You know, there are Christian Scientist claiming to be evolutionist as well. This angers me,, but not as much as the canvoluted-belief angers the atheists. Pultzer Prize winning sociobiologist Edward Wilson barks "humankind evolved by Darwinian, natural selection, genetic chance and environmental necessity, not God, made the species." Another leading evolutionist, and one time ordained priest, Francisco Ayala, said in a recent interview, Darwin’s "greatest accomplishment was to show that: living beings can be explained as the result of a natural process, natural selection, without any need to resort to a Creator or other external agent. In essence, he attempted to nullify the scriptures and the writings of Moses, King David, the Apostles John, & Paul. Paul told Colossians that Jesus Christ created all things in heaven and earth visible and invisible, all things were created by Him and for Him. There are two ways to look at this world. That is called your world-view. If you follow Darwinian thinking, I wold like to change your world view. How do you view this world? Some people look at the world from this direction (up) Some look at it the other way (down) The way you view the world is how you answer the Four Great Questions of life. There are 4 fundamental question regarding life that every single religion on earth tries to answer. The way you answer those questions is totally determined by your world-view. Some people look at the world and say “It’s amazing – a big bang made this world from nothing! “That is a humanist world-view based on the theory of evolution. Other people look at the world and say, “It’s is incredibly designed. There must be an intelligent designer! That is the creationist world- view based on creation by God. And those two world-views are at war with each other. I tell you straight out- “Somebody is wrong!” I don’t have a problem showing the evolutionist that he is wrong even though he might not accept it. If the evolution theory were true, how would you answer the Great Questions of Life? Who am I? What am I worth? Well if evolution is true you are nothing important. You are just a piece of protoplasm that washed up on the beach. You are not worth a thing. Actually, you are part of the problem because you are one of the polutters of the environment. Just breathing you and contributing to the global warming crisis. You are creating green house gases and taking us back before the ice age. Environmentist want you gone. The more humans gone the happier the environment. And that is normal thinking if the evolution theory is true. Where did I come from? Well if evolution is true, you cam from a cosmic burb about 20 billion years ago. Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Well if evolution is true, there is not purpose to life; you might as well have loads of fun, if it feels good, go ahead and do it. There would be no divine authority to watch over you and keep you accountable. Where am I going when I die? Well, if evolution is true, you are going to the grave to be recycled into a worm or into a plant. You see, the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen 1:1) So if that is true, that puts a whole different set of answers to those questions. That means we better try to figure out who God is, and find out what He wants and do what He says. Because he created this place, which means He owns it, which means He makes the rules. We better find out what He wants while we are alive. And if you are not obeying His rules, you may be in trouble on of these days. Satan doesn’t like this idea that God created this earth. So he came to Eve in the Garden of Eden. The first thing he said to the woman was, “has God really said.” He is trying to raise doubts about God’s world. Satan always tries to raise doubts and that is one of the reasons we have confusion over Bible versions. Which version can we trust; which versions are inaccurate? I will ascend about the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the most high. You see, satan wants to be God. But the job is not available and he is all upset that he can not be God, so he lied to Eve and told her she could be like God. Satan loathes us almost as much as he hates God because we are made in God’s image. That is why he went after Even and she fell for it because it sounded to good. “Wow I get to be God! Hitler was used by satan. Let me share a quote from him. “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough the people will believe it.” The second thing he said to Even “You will not really die if you eat the fruit.” Basically, he is calling God a liar. And the third thing he said to the woman is the thing I am most interested in for this message. He said, “Eve if you eat from that tree you will be like God.” Right there is where the whole idea of evolution got started. If didn’t start with Darwin, it started with satan and the Garden of Eden. Several religions teach that you will become like God when you die. Even key religious leaders believe we are more than God’s created beings. Kenneth Copeland made this statement in one of his messages. “Gods reason for creating Adam was the desire to reproduce himself. (Adam) was not a little like God. He as not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even Adam was as much like God as you can get, the same as Jesus. Adam in the Garden of Eden was God manifest in the flesh. You don’t have a God in you, you are one.” I don’t know that he was retracted that statement which is on tape. Kenneth Hagin said, “The believer is as much an incarnation as as Jesus of Nazareth. The believer is called Christ. That who we are; were Christ! No Kenneth, Jesus is the one and only true God, we are nothing like God and we couldn’t do His job. The job is taken. If you think you are Christ, try walking on water, someday. Lucifer is the one who wants to be God. The next installment of this series will talk about science…../ |
creationism & evolution...not mutually exclusive...
they both occured 2gether...i think...its jus hard 2 imagin the 1 w/o the other...
impossible....obviously you didn't read what I wrote....
sorry...i stoppd at the bible part...
oh ok well you should of read all the way through to understand why I say there is no way on God's green earth that evolution happen. But of course you do with it what you wish. Thanks for the response mild. Im Debbie by the way...nice to meet you.
alritey...nice 2 meet u as wel...
Well if evolution is true you are nothing important
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. |
Edited by
Wed 11/21/07 03:29 PM
Hi, Feral,
What an interesting topic. I understand the string of logic that you posit to define the clear and distinct differences between the two observations predominately before us today. My own adherance to creation as the work of a Creator has afforded me a defence of which that is based on my own subjective criteria for credibility. The credibility for my conclusion borrows on the observations of science to some degree and I have no reason to dismiss my conclusion based on the absence of my own personal scientific conclusions about my key points of subjective observations. First, Christ's blood spilled is a significantly relevant integer in the equation called man. Second, that blood is geneologically significant to His rightful acknowledgement as the Son of David, which has significant weight in being a determinate factor in terms of authority over all things Jewish and by extension, all things pertaining to covenant relationship between God and man as relevant. Thirdly, that the lineage od his mother, Mary is significant equally in regards to priesthood, and birthright to preside over covenant relaionships between man and God within the premise of Judeo-Christian thought. Fourthly, the blood of the child is predominantly paternal. Fifth, the blood spilled was innocent and the veangance to be expected must be exacted righteously and legally. Sixth, that blood could be argued to be God's. I assume it to be so, as Jesus is without parallel a unique and individual personality on the stage of mankind unequalled in description and character and content and never duplicated and not represented by the presence of any other previously recorded in history as having declared himself to be directly from God and present with God when creation was spoken into existence. Seventh, If we've evolved from any animal in creation, the common assumption is that it would come through monkeys and related quaprapeds that are adaptive to being bipeds. Eighth, if man has evolved from apes and monkeys then the blood spilled nullifies pre-eminence in creation as being present after Adam, biblically speaking. Ninth, were the blood spilled at the cross to be monkey blood, then the substitutionary sacrifice is illegal under the covenant in question, and Christ's teachings moot. Tenth, and most important to the logical reasoning that evolution begs, is that the existence of an usurper of mmankinds rights and privileges are moot as well, if the establishment and acceptance of its' tenants can be concluded to be meritorious in absolving man of any responsibility to a moral and ethical code of conduct and by extension any development of laws and ordinances dictating the acceptability and soundness of mans behavior and the acceptable expectations of all to adher and concur to. If this were to be found a credible breach in the historical record of human endeavor, then all laws are arguably impeachable and unfit for adherence to. Thus rendering man himsself moot. In conclusion, I find that only despair and chaos would reign in the hearts and minds of men and that all hope lost upon all who enter human existence if evolution is confirmed to be factually incumbent upon mans' existence. At which point, it could be anticipated that a creator could effectively deem the presence of man as pure vanity and folly, unfit for any intended purpose and irrelevantly tolerated as a viable species with a mission, objective or purpose for being and thus render God's work moot. What possible good could come from that? I only see that ill will is seeking a victim in such an ultimate outcome for man. There is an enemy to be aware of in the midst. It is not called man. I sincerely hope many follow your threads and learn much.. Much love, WOULDEE ![]() |
Hey feralcatlady Last time I saw you was your info on oral sex. You really had a long post on that topic too. Good to see you again. ![]() |
If you say that your religion is incompatible with evolution I’ll take your word for it. ![]() |
This is an official "... ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE..." CERTIFIED THREAD. "... According to the bible..." certified (tm) threads are specifically designed for those whose beliefs are founded in 'bible inerrancy', where one's faith would be null and void if one were to learn anything at all that contradicted any WORD of the bible. Evolution is used by 'bible inerrancy' adepts as a preferred training ground. They can't get enough of it. Remember the point is not to get anywhere with the discussion, but rather to train in such areas as 'apologetics', 'presuppositionalism', and fundamentalism. For all those whom find 'bible inerrancy' repulsive, silly, unbelievable, not for them, etc., PLEASE STAY OUT OF THIS THREAD. By doing so you will show respect for the beliefs of other fellow posters, and allow them the privilege to train in 'good' company, so to speak. I warn anyone, whom doesn't respect that simple rule of courtesy towards our 'bible inerrancy' fellow posters, will have to answer to the "... According to the bible..." Certified (tm) DISCIPLINARY BRIGADE. Enjoy this now protected "... according to the bible..." certified (tm) thread. |
Now that we're friends, you can count on me to afford you the full protection of the... "... According to the bible..." Certified (tm) DISCIPLINARY BRIGADE. I will be marshalling the thread myself, and ensure that it remains free of any malevolent 'bible doubting' intruders. |
Redy how truly sad that you think you mean nothing.
oh a lil stumped voil and is your chance....and you both just babble non-sense.....well totally worth the effort I put into this series of threads....a little disappointing I must say....I thought I would get a lil bit more from the two of you. n Other then the same-o-same-o. But then again maybe you two are just getting ready to evolve....hmmmm
This is an intervention of the...
"... According to the bible..." Certified DISCIPLINARY BRIGADE (tm). The brigade is issuing a 1st warning to both 'Abracadabra' and 'redykeupous', 2 well known 'bible doubters', suffice it to say. Since you posted before the official warning went up, there will be no fine attached to this "first warning" (tm). Should I, chief disciplinary brigadeer, or any of my NUMEROUS other supporting brigadeers, find you annoying, contradicting, or otherwise disrupting the 'bible inerrancy' training, taking place in these "... According to the bible..." Certified threads(tm), you will be ..., well you know..., anyhow , ... you know what is best for you!!! Know that you have been properly warned!!! |
But then again maybe you two are just getting ready to evolve....hmmmm feralcatlady, I am sorry to say that the ... "... According to the bible..." Certified DISCIPLINARY BRIGADE (tm), is issuing you a 1st warning for the above quoted statement. As you should well know, 'bible inerrancy' 101, will not tolerate such cavalier suggestion that humans are "... getting ready to evolve...". Know that you have properly been served with your " 1st WARNIG" (tm). |
...he walks in...
...looks around... ...wonders what the point is... ...shakes his head in uncertainty... ...lays it all down on the ground... ...and walks away... |
I said this in the "Evolution is stupid" thread... I believe in theistic evolution.