Topic: Something you are thankful for? | |
I am thankful for my friends and family...Happy Thanksgiving
Family and friends..
my boys being home and all the friends that helped me get thru it
thankful 4 life in general
My daughter!!!!
thankful this post didnt sit and rot right away haha
I'm thankful for god putting up with my nonsense and loving me anyway. Oh, and thankful for the woman He brought to me. She's soooooo fine.
lol mine usually do..
thankful for family & friends
I'm thankful for my son, dog, and new job!
Definitely Family and Friend.
Thankful for my home, kids, job , friends
ehh i got nothin, humbug.
thankful this post didnt sit and rot right away haha wut IS the secret 2 those "most replied 2" threads anyway???? |
I'm thankful for my kids, my fiance and the family I am marrying into and the great life we have ahead of us.
i am thankful for my kids, family, and career
My daughter, family, friends and an incredible man I happened to meet here!:) Absolutely rocks my world!
I am most thankful for being able to take care of myself, for being able to live in a nice home, in a wonderful neighborhood, with caring neighbors who look out for eachother, and being able to provide my children a safe environment with good schools and a childhood they will remember as being a fun one, filled with the things they needed and sometimes even wanted.
For having my parents who are still alive and still together, and for a wonderful sister. |
Definitely family and friend,And everybody here on justsayhi,