Topic: 7 signs you might be a sociopath | |
Where does denial and humorous deflection stand?
I'm asking for a friend. |
The most important thing for the rank and file to pay attention to in this area, is WHY it is that diagnosis of mental disorders is so challenging. Some would have you believe that because it's difficult to find someone who fits all of the parameters and is easily recognized as "bad," that the whole system of dealing with psychological concerns is fake, or is something to joke about. Most of the labeled disorders in psychology are NOT rigid and easily recognized, and further, show up more in partial situations than in complete ones. The biggest danger for individuals and for our society as a group, comes from the challenge that people who are thus defective, DON'T always reveal themselves by showing ALL the key symptoms. Many of the most vile and infamous serial criminals in the world, got away with as much damage to us as they did, because they only revealed their sociopathic nature in narrow ways. In the end, the key to dealing with the danger, is to look at WHY an individual makes the choices they do. The WHY reveals the distortion in their mind. Laughing all the time isn't the symptom to look at, WHAT is found to be funny, can be. And what circumstances the person allows themselves to indulge in laughter can reveal big concerns. |
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Thu 03/30/17 07:42 AM
There is a difference between a sociopath and a psychopath.
Sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. Psychopath: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. I've known people that are both. You won’t find the definitions in mental health’s official handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Doctors don’t officially diagnose people as psychopaths or sociopaths. They use a different term instead: antisocial personality disorder. ~ SOURCE
just because a person is mean or selfish, it doesn’t necessarily mean he/she has a disorder.
People with mental disorders are not that way by a choice. They think in ways that are not within the society norm. If you think about sanity and what constitutes sanity in society you will find that sanity is defined by the agreement of like minds. Every society has their own versions of sanity and insanity. Sanity for the planet-wide society is one thing. Sanity for the cultural society is another thing. Sanity for a nation is yet another thing. Sanity for a religious group still yet another thing. Sanity is also defined within the family society and is specific all the way to the society of two people. Those defining traits that unify sanity have different specifics and degrees of depth. While there are similarities there are also differences. Someone that exists outside the deemed sanity of a society is labeled insane. Insanity that is unique to a small society like a family may be considered sane within that group but insane according to the nation or religion. Everyone has a bit of insanity at the personal level. It is only when that insanity affects their ability to function themselves or in the larger societies that their insanity becomes an issue. While you can accept others insanity you do not have to engage it. People that operate outside your sanity comfort zone do not normally become your friends. If you do, you experience conflict. Accepting others doesn't mean you adopt their traits or agree with their insanity, it only means that you accept that they are them. I can accept you but still may not want to be close to you. Of the 7 traits that are listed all may be considered sane depending upon which society is assessing them. No one person exhibits all traits listed all the time. Compulsion: an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one's conscious wishes. Everyone suffers from some kind of compulsion. Most of the time it doesn't affect our societal entanglements. Often, we are not even aware of the compulsion. My X is a compulsive liar. Her entire world is built around and reinforced by lies and delusions she readily accepts as reality. When she tells a lie, she actually believes it. Its not something she does on purpose. I have a degree of emotional detachment. I do not allow myself to become emotional over things that are out of my control. It is a conscious effort. As a result of my own emotional discipline, I compulsively retreat from others emotional outbursts. It has antisocial ramifications because I don't sit and wallow in self-pity with others and refuse to participate in their emotional roller-coaster rides. The result is less stress in my personal life. There is a difference between respecting and admiring yourself. Understanding yourself is vital to your personality. There should be nobody more important to you than yourself. Loving yourself is not a bad thing but if it gets in the way of your ability to function within a society then it becomes an issue. Reckless attitude is another of those traits that are defined by perspective. What might be reckless to some could be conservative to others. I know many people that have anger control issues. You can find anger management counseling in nearly all levels of society. Anger is an emotional expression and is normal. How you handle that anger is a personal method that is learned or adopted. Emotional maturity and control allows anger to manifest and pass without serious issues. Not all people that express anger are sociopaths. Manipulation is normal. Everyone manipulates others in some way. It is a basic function of society. Society is the manipulation of others to gain a unified result. Number 6 should read - 6. Antisocial Manipulation The act of manipulating others to destroy unity and harmony in the society. Friendships come and go. Friendships are the smallest society. A society of two. As that small society experience life and gain wisdom individually their similarities that unify them decrease. When the unity of the society is no longer tenable the friendship dissolves. Clinging to a friendship that is no longer in unity is a compulsive trait. Sanity is based on perspective. It changes as society changes, look at history and it is plain to see. Edit to repair the coding error for WebMD source link. WebMD will not accept the direct link unless it is copied and pasted into the browser url search. Curious? |
Compulsive lying is a Major red flag and problem with in any relationship....
really.. just 7 points and your diagnosed as a nut?.. just 7... nah... I think it more complex then that..and I have seen some who laugh for no reason... kinda out there in my book Maybe they have PBA (pseudobulbar affect) which is a neurological condition of sudden or uncontrollable crying or laughing… |
you are so wrong in your findings a narcissist has all sociopath, psychopaths Schizophrenia are many traits of a gaslighting a pathological liar, or a covert narcissist and many other forms of narcissism
isn't my day, I got all 7+. not all at once though. depends on who I'm talk too. I strategically utilize them when needed.
isn't my day, I got all 7+. not all at once though. depends on who I'm talk too. I strategically utilize them when needed. wait, so does that make me like a strategical sociopath or just someone that sees the situation for what is and uses against that person? huh, I would talk to a mental health person but I don't even agree with that terminology. you got the mentally sane and the mentally unstable. mental health sounds like to me like well, we don't think that way, heres some drugs, good day. your mentally healthy when you think the way they think you should. I know right; "in their eyes" I'm a strategical sociopath with mental health problems and definitely isn't gonna be fixed because I know "not think" I'm mentally sane, therefore, I know right from wrong not just by law but morally as well. I know, no hope for people like me. don't feel sorry for me though. I purposely think the way I do because I want to be different. you say I can't I say I did. you see? no regrets for this guy. |