Topic: God is Just not Fair
msharmony's photo
Sat 03/25/17 05:11 PM
The fundamental difference between the two is that fairness is subjective, while justice is objective. So, a fair settlement is one where all the parties involved are satisfied with the outcome; while a just settlement is one that meets certain criteria stipulated by a third party (for instance, the laws of the land).

"God is just not fair: Finding hope when life doesn't make sense" is a book by Jennifer Rothschild,,,,,I heard her give a sermon on it and I cant wait to pick it up. She cleverly puts a comma, between just and not,,,,so the sentence becomes

God is Just,,, not 'fair'

Her insights are truly inspiring

indianadave4's photo
Sat 03/25/17 06:34 PM

The fundamental difference between the two is that fairness is subjective, while justice is objective. So, a fair settlement is one where all the parties involved are satisfied with the outcome; while a just settlement is one that meets certain criteria stipulated by a third party (for instance, the laws of the land).

"God is just not fair: Finding hope when life doesn't make sense" is a book by Jennifer Rothschild,,,,,I heard her give a sermon on it and I cant wait to pick it up. She cleverly puts a comma, between just and not,,,,so the sentence becomes

God is Just,,, not 'fair'

Her insights are truly inspiring

Let us remember that God is the creator and sustainer of everything. Whatever he chooses is his choice to make. It's the western mentality that feels the creation should have equal input or control with the creator. We have become like this because over time we've developed laws and customs that try to make everyone equal even though we may not be.

Electronics is my career: professional audio in particular. If I design and assemble an audio sound reinforcement system that doesnt function properly don't I have the right to modify or start from scratch? Our eternal creator has every right to deside what he feels is fair because he created and sustains "Everything". We should be greatful that he made a way for us to choose his way.

no photo
Sat 04/15/17 10:53 AM
God is just! Everything he does is just! His thoughts are higher than our thoughts , his ways are not our ways. He is Alfa and omega!