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Topic: Another fun game
Billdo81's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:23 PM
My friends and I used to play "the name game" We used it at parties to
help us consume mass quantaties of alcohol in short periods of time. it
goes like this... Someone starts it off with "Mel Sharpels" That is
always the first name Now whoever is next in line has to think of a name
begenning with the first letter of the last name "S" in this case. So
the next person says "Sammy Hagar".. and it goes onto the next person to
come up with a name that begins with "H" Now I know what your
thinking... "But Bill how do you get drunk playing this retarded game?"
Another little rule I havn't mentioned is "Drink while you think" which
means if it's your turn and you are haveing trouble comeing up with a
name you need to be drinking whatever it is your into until you A. run
out or B get a name that works. Names cannot be used twice. if you can
come up with a name that hits the same letter for the first and last
name like "Sharon Stone" (mmmm) it's like a reverse card in Uno... you
throw the letter right back at the person who just gave it to you... it
can be allot of fun. But anyway I thought we could play here just
without the beer. So here goes

Mel Sharpels

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:26 PM
Scooby Doo

Billdo81's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:27 PM
EXACTLY!! Ummm D Dante Hicks (from clerks)

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:28 PM
Heather Locklear(can I use real names lol)

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:29 PM
lenny kravitz

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:30 PM
Kiesha Knight Pulliam

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:31 PM
paul Stanley

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:32 PM
Keith Urban

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:32 PM
some on turtle geesh

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:32 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:33 PM
Adam Sandler

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:33 PM

Billdo81's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:34 PM
Yea real peoples names can be used... anything works fictional charcters
actual people as long as there is a first and last name

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:38 PM
Samantha Stevens

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:38 PM
Susan Sarandon

Billdo81's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:39 PM
U= Uma Thurman... good one U is tough

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:40 PM
???? we on S lol not U

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:40 PM
Sally Brown( charlies lil sis)

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:40 PM
but damn ur right lol i dont know any others but uma lmao

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Fri 11/10/06 08:41 PM
Bobby Brown lol

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