Topic: Wonder Woman movie | |
The new Wonder Woman movie comes out June 2. Got a little clip in my inbox the other day through Warner Bros and it looks pretty cool
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The new Wonder Woman movie comes out June 2. Got a little clip in my inbox the other day through Warner Bros and it looks pretty cool ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I would like to see them both intertwined in a colossal cat fight. ![]() |
There needs to be more woman superhero movies
Well, There certainly is an untapped resource for new movies. Alisha (Misfits) Amber (Eclipse Comics) American Dream (Marvel Comics - MC2) American Maid (The Tick) Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld (DC Comics) Andromeda (DC Comics) Andromeda (Marvel Comics) Angela (Image Comics) + (Marvel Comics) Aquagirl (DC Comics) Argent (DC Comics) Arisia, the Green Lantern of Graxos IV (DC Comics) Arrowette (DC Comics) Artemis of Bana-Mighdall (DC Comics) Atom Eve (Image Comics) Atomic Betty (television series' title character) Aurora (Marvel Comics) Avengelyne (various) B.Orchid (Killer Instinct) Ballistic (Cyberforce member; Top Cow) Barb Wire Batgirl (DC Comics) Batwoman (DC Comics) Beautiful Dreamer (DC Comics) Bella Donna (Marvel Comics) Belphegor (DC Comics) Claire Bennet (Heroes) Big Barda (Comics) Big Bertha (Marvel Comics) Binary (Marvel Comics) Vera Black (a.k.a. Sister Superior; DC Comics) Black Canary (DC Comics) Black Cat[1] (Harvey Comics) Black Cat (Marvel Comics) Black Orchid (DC Comics) Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) Black Widow (Timely Comics) Blackbat (DC Comics) Blacklight (Marvel Comics - MC2) Blink (Marvel Comics) Blonde Phantom (Marvel Comics) Blossom (Cartoon Network) Bluebird (DC Comics) Bluestreak (Marvel Comics - MC2) Boodikka (Green Lantern Corps; DC Comics) Boom Boom (Marvel Comics) Bounty (Marvel) Brandy (Image Comics) Bubbles (Cartoon Network) Buff (Marvel Comics) Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Bulleteer (DC Comics) Bulletgirl (see Bulletman and Bulletgirl; DC Comics) Bumblebee (DC Comics) Burka Avenger Burnout (Eclipse Comics) Buttercup (Cartoon Network) Callisto (Marvel Comics) Cambria (The Amory Wars) Captain Confederacy (Marvel Comics) Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics) Captain Universe (Marvel Comics) The Cat (Marvel Comics) Cat Claw (Malibu Comics) Catwoman (DC Comics) Celsius (DC Comics) Cerise (Marvel Comics) Chance (Marvel Comics) Chase (DC Comics) Chastity (Chaos Comics) Cheetara Choice (Marvel - Ultraverse) Cimarron (Eclipse Comics) Cinnamon (DC Comics) Clea (Marvel Comics) Coagula (DC Comics) Cobweb (America's Best Comics) Colt (AC Comics)[2] Comet Queen (DC Comics, Legion of Super-Heroes) Copycat (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Copycat (Marvel Comics) Anya Corazon (Marvel Comics) Crazy Jane (DC Comics) Crimson Avenger III (DC Comics) Crimson Curse (Marvel Comics - MC2) Crimson Fox (DC Comics) Crystal (Marvel Comics) Cybergirl (title character) Cybersix Cyblade (Top Cow) Cyclone Dagger (Marvel Comics) Darkstar (Marvel Comics) Darna (Mango Comics) Dart (DC Comics) Dart (Image Comics - Highbrow Ent) Dawn (Sirius Comics) Dawnstar (DC Comics) Dazzler (Marvel Comics) Dead Girl (Marvel Comics) Karolina Dean (Marvel Comics) Debrii (Marvel Comics) Deep Blue (DC Comics) Destiny (Marvel Comics) Devi (Virgin Comics) Diamond Lil (Marvel Comics) Diamondback (Marvel Comics) Diva (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Doctor Light (DC Comics) Doctor Midnight (DC Comics) Doll Girl (DC Comics) Dolphin (DC Comics) Domino (Marvel Comics) Domino Lady (Pulps) Dove as Dawn Granger (DC Comics) Dragonfly (AC Comics) Dragonna (Mars Ravelo's) Dream Girl (DC Comics) Dumb Bunny (DC Comics) Dusk (Marvel Comics) Dust (Marvel Comics) Dyna Girl (Krofft) Echo (Marvel Comics) Elasti-Girl (DC Comics) Elastigirl/Mrs.Incredible (The Incredibles) Electra Woman (Krofft) Elektra (Marvel Comics) Empowered (Dark Horse Comics) Empress (DC) Energizer (from Power Pack; Marvel) The Engineer II (DC - Wildstorm) Fairchild (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Faith (DC Comics) Fallen Angel (DC Comics) Fantômette (Collection Rose) Fathom (one of the Elementals, Comico Comics) Fathom (Aspen Comics) Feral (Marvel) Fever (DC Comics) Fire (DC Comics) Firebird (Marvel Comics) Firestar (Marvel Comics) Flamebird III-V (DC Comics) Flash (DC Comics - Just Imagine...) Flash (Tangent) (DC Comics) Fleur-de-Lis (DC Comics) Flint (WS) Forerunner (DC Comics) Free Spirit (Marvel Comics) Freefall (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Tara Fremont (AC Comics) Adrienne Frost (Marvel Comics) Emma Frost (Marvel Comics) Fury I (DC Comics) Fury II (DC Comics) Gamora (Marvel Comics) Ganymede (Marvel Comics) Garganta (AC Comics) Ghost (Dark Horse Comics) Glitter (Marvel - New Universe) Glory (various) Gloss (DC Comics) Godiva (DC Comics) Miyako Goutokuji (Cartoon Network) Grace (DC Comics) Jean Grey (Marvel Comics) Gypsy (DC Comics) Halo (DC Comics) Harbinger (DC Comics) Hawk as Holly Granger and Sasha Martens (DC Comics) Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) (Marvel Comics) Hawkgirl (DC Comics) Hawkwoman (DC Comics) Molly Hayes (Marvel Comics) Hellcat (Marvel Comics) Satana Hellstrom (Marvel Comics) Hepzibah (Marvel Comics) Hit Girl (Kick-***) Horridus (Image Comics - Highbrow Ent) Heather Hudson, formerly Sasquatch, Exiles member (Marvel Comics) Huntara (Marvel Comics) Huntress (DC Comics) Ice (DC Comics) Icemaiden (DC Comics) Indigo (DC Comics), formerly Brainiac 8 Insect Queen (DC Comics) Invisible Woman (Marvel Comics) Natasha Irons (DC Comics) Isis (DC Comics) Jade (DC) Jann of the Jungle (Marvel Comics) Jayna (DC Comics) Jem and the Holograms (Hasbro) Jess (Misfits) Jet (DC Comics) Jet (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Jinx (DC Comics; Teen Titans TV series only) Jocasta (Marvel Comics) Jolt (Marvel Comics) Jessica Jones (a.k.a. Jewel and Knightress; Marvel Comics) Rhea Jones (a.k.a. Lodestone; DC Comics) Joystick (Marvel Comics) Jubilee (Marvel Comics) Judomaster III (DC Comics) Jungle Girl (various) Jennifer Kale (Marvel Comics) Bette Kane (DC Comics) Nova Kane (First) Karma (Marvel Comics) Kasumi (a.k.a. Batgirl; Cassandra Cain; DC Comics) Katana (DC Comics) Kelly (Misfits) Laurel Kent (DC Comics) Kid Flash (Iris West) (DC Comics) Kinetix (DC Comics) Kismet (Marvel Comics) Misty Knight (Marvel Comics) Knockout (DC Comics) Kole (DC Comics) Kratha (Virgin Comiffcs) Krystala (ABS-CBN) Lady Blackhawk (DC Comics) Lady Deadpool (Marvel Comics) Lady Death (Chaos Comics) Lady Luck (The Spirit Section) Ladyhawk (Marvel Comics) Liberty Belle (DC Comics) Lightning Lass (a.k.a. Light Lass, Gossamer, Spark) (DC Comics) Lightspeed (from Power Pack; Marvel Comics) Little Mermaid (DC Comics) Looker (DC Comics) La Lunatica (Marvel Comics) Lyja (a.k.a. Lazerfist and Ms. Fantastic; Marvel Comics; Marvel-MC2) M (Marvel Comics) Madame Mirage (Top Cow Productions) Madame Xanadu (DC Comics) The Magdalena (Top Cow Productions) Magdalene (Marvel Comics) Magik (Marvel Comics) Magma (Marvel Comics) Maiden Justice Manhunter (Kate Spencer) (DC Comics) Manitou Dawn (DC Comics) Marrina (Marvel Comics) Marrow (Marvel Comics) Marvel Girl (Marvel Comics) Mary Marvel (DC Comics) Kaoru Matsubara (Cartoon Network) Aspen Matthews (Aspen Comics) Maxima (DC Comics) Maximum Ride (novel series and manga) Maya (DC Comics) Medusa (Marvel Comics) Meggan (Marvel Comics) The Menagerie (DC Comics) Mera (DC Comics) Merry, Girl of 1000 Gimmicks (DC Comics) Lynn Michaels (a.k.a. "Lady Punisher"; Marvel Comics) Mighty B Nico Minoru (Marvel Comics) Miraculous Ladybug (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir) Mirage (DC Comics) Miss America (DC Comics) Miss America (Marvel Comics) Miss Fury[3] Miss Martian (DC Comics) Mockingbird (Marvel Comics) Monstress (DC Comics) Moondragon (Marvel Comics) Moonstar (Marvel Comics) Moonstone (Marvel Comics) Motormouth (Marvel Comics) Ms. Liberty (Antarctic Press) Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers; see also Binary and Warbird; Marvel Comics) Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) (Marvel Comics) Ms. Marvel (Sharon Ventura; see also She-Thing; Marvel Comics) Ms. Mystic (originally Pacific Comics, then Continuity Comics) Ms. Victory Namora (Marvel Comics) Namorita (Marvel Comics) Negative Woman (DC Comics) Nelvana of the Northern Lights (Hillborough Studio) Nemesis (Marvel Comics) Nemesis II (DC Comics) Night Girl (DC Comics) Night Nurse (Marvel Comics) Nightshade (DC Comics) Nightstar (DC Comics) Nightveil (AC comics) Nikki (Marvel Comics) Nocturne (Marvel Comics) Nova (Frankie Raye) (Marvel Comics) Octobriana Aleta Ogord (see also Starhawk; Marvel Comics) Scarlet O'Neil (Newspaper Strip) Onyx (DC Comics) Oracle (DC Comics) Owlwoman (DC Comics) Pantha (DC Comics) Violet Parr (The Incredibles) Penance (Marvel Comics) Sara Pezzini (Witchblade; Top Cow) Phantom Girl a.k.a. Apparition (DC Comics) Phantom Lady Phoenix (Marvel Comics) Photon (Marvel Comics) Pixie (Marvel Comics) Poison Ivy (from the Batman comic series) Polaris (as Overdrive; Marvel Comics) Power Girl (DC Comics) Power Princess (Marvel Comics) The Powerpuff Girls (Cartoon Network/Boomerang) Princess Projectra a.k.a. Sensor (DC Comics) Promethea (America's Best Comics) Kitty Pryde (Marvel Comics) Psylocke (Marvel Comics) Jenny Quantum (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Queen Hippolyta (DC Comics) Jesse Quick (DC Comics) Rad (AC Comics) Rainbow (Eclipse Comics) Rainbow Brite (Hallmark Comics) Rainmaker (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Rampage (DC Comics) Raptor (Marvel Comics - MC2) Raven (DC Comics) Red Guardian (Marvel Comics) Red Tornado (All-American Comics) Rescue (Marvel Comics) Revanche (Marvel Comics) Cecilia Reyes (Marvel Comics) Robin as Stephanie Brown or Carrie Kelly Rocket (DC Comics) Rogue (Marvel Comics) Ronin (Marvel Comics) Rose and Thorn II (DC Comics) Rose Tattoo (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Sabra (Marvel Comics) Sage (Marvel Comics) Saturn Girl (DC Comics) Savant (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics) Scorpion (Carmilla Black) (Marvel Comics) Secret (DC Comics) Amanda Sefton (Marvel Comics) Selene (Underworld) Sepulchre (Marvel Comics) Sersi (Marvel Comics) Shadow Hunter (Virgin Comics) Shadow Lass a.k.a. Umbra (DC Comics) Shadowcat (Marvel Comics) Shadoweyes (SLG Publishing) Shadowhawk (Image Comics) Shakti (Raj Comics) Shamrock (Marvel Comics) Shanna the She-Devil (Marvel Comics) She-Dragon (Image Comics - Highbrow Ent) She-Hulk (Marvel Comics) She-Hulk (Lyra) (Marvel Comics) She-Thing (Marvel Comics) She-Venom (Marvel Comics) Sheena (Wags) Liz Sherman (Dark Horse, Hellboy) SheZow (television series) Shi (Crusade) Shikari (DC Comics) Shining Knight (Ystina) (DC Comics) Shrinking Violet (DC Comics) Sif (Marvel Comics) Silhouette (Marvel Comics) Silk Spectre (DC Comics) Silver Fox (Marvel Comics) Silver Sable (Marvel Comics) Silver Scorpion Silverclaw (Marvel Comics) Siryn (Marvel Comics) Skids (Marvel Comics) Skyrocket (DC Comics) Songbird (Marvel Comics) Emma Sonnett (a.k.a. the 10th Muse) (various) Jenny Sparks (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Speedy II (DC Comics) Spider Girl (DC Comics) Spider-Girl (Marvel Comics - MC2) Spider-Woman (Marvel Comics) Dorothy Spinner (DC Comics) Spitfire (Marvel Comics) Spoiler (DC Comics) Spy Smasher (Katarina Armstrong; DC Comics) Squirrel Girl (Marvel Comics) Stacy X (Marvel Comics) Star-Spangled Kid (DC Comics) Stardust (AC Comics) Starfire (DC Comics) Stargirl (DC Comics) Stature (Marvel Comics) Stepford Cuckoos (Marvel Comics) Stinger (Cassandra Lang; Marvel Comics - MC2) Storm (Marvel Comics) Stripperella Stunner (Marvel Comics) Sun Girl (Marvel Comics) Super Gran (TV series) Supergirl (DC Comics) Superwoman (DC Comics) Suprema (Awesome) Surge (Marvel) Swift (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Talisman (Alpha Flight) (Marvel Comics) Tara (Marvel Comics) Terra (DC Comics, Teen Titans) Thor Girl (Marvel Comics) Thunder III (DC Comics) Jonni Thunder (DC Comics) Thundra (Marvel Comics) Tigra (Marvel Comics) Timeslip (Marvel Comics) Titaness (Mansion Comics) Topaz (Malibu Comics) Topaz (Marvel Comics) Traci 13 (DC Comics) Triplicate Girl a.k.a. Duo Damsel, Triad (DC Comics) Troia (DC Comics) Donna Troy (DC Comics) Tsunami (DC Comics) Katma Tui a.k.a. Green Lantern of Sector 1417 (DC Comics) Turbo (Marvel Comics) Valda the Iron Maiden (DC Comics) Valkyrie (Marvel Comics) Varga (Bulaklak Magazine) Velocity (Top Cow: Cyberforce) Venus (Marvel Comics) Vigilante (Patricia Tryce; DC Comics) Vindicator (Marvel Comics) Vixen (DC Comics) Vogue (various) Void (DC Comics - Wildstorm) Voodoo (DC Comics - Wildstorm: WildCats) Jakita Wagner (DC Comics - Wildstorm: Planetary) Jenny "XJ-9" Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot) Wallflower (Marvel Comics) The Wasp (Marvel Comics) Web Woman (Filmation) WhirlGirl (Web series title character) The White Witch (DC Comics) Wild Thing (Marvel Comics - MC2) Wind Dancer (Marvel Comics) Colleen Wing (Marvel Comics) Winged Victory (Astro City) Witchblade (Top Cow Productions) Witchfire (DC Comics) Witchfire (Marvel Comics) Wolfsbane (Marvel Comics) The Woman in Red[4] (Standard Comics) Wonder Girl (DC Comics) Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) (DC Comics) Wonder Twins (DC Comics) Wonder Woman (DC Comics) Wonder Woman (Just Imagine...; DC Comics) WordGirl (television series' title character) X-23 (Marvel Comics) XJ-9 (see Jenny "XJ-9" Wakeman) XS (DC Comics) Gertrude Yorkes (Marvel Comics) Zatanna (DC Comics) Zealot (DC Comics - Wildstorm) |
Films that already exist that feature Super Heroines. Some I've seen or would like to see... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Some others that may or may not be superheroines: Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2 Underworld Series Bloodrayne Series Bitchslap Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters The Matrix (Trinity) Series Resident Evil Series Blade 3 5th Element (Leeloo) Tekken Lady Dragon Wanted Carrie Alien Series (Ripley) Serenity S.Darko GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra Hellboy Series Thor X-Men Series Darklight Tomb Raider Series Percy Jackson Series Aquamarine Maleficent Sucker Punch Jupiter Ascending Pearl The Assassin Matilda The Huntsman: Winter War Iron Girl: Ultimate Weapon Red Sonja Ghostbusters (2016) |
I was skeptical about this movie. However, seeing Gadot (as Diana Prince) in Dawn of Justice won me over, and the previews have been solid. My point is that this looks like the movie DC needs to help elevate its' movie series.
Wow Tom, thanks a lot! I knew about the SuperGirl movie but what I'm trying to say there should be more individual women superhero movies. A lot of those you posted on with the movie posters I've never seen (probably due to my lack of interest). I have Red Sonja on DVD. Too bad a Xena Warrior Princess movie never got made
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Too bad a Xena Warrior Princess movie never got made
![]() Yeah, I was always partial to Gabriel. Renee O'Connor was hawt, LOL. ![]() The reason I posted all those others is because some of the heroines in a lot of those films would make a great subject for stand-alone movies. It seems like the film industry focuses on one particular character and blitzes us with films. Look what they do with Wolverine. The new Logan movie is just another film focusing on one X-Men. Will Wonder Woman get as many films dedicated? Personally, I've never been a huge fan of comics to film. Not much for Games to film either. I do collect superhero films and have quite a collection. I will get Wonder Woman when it comes out, just to have it with my collection. I have superhero films many have never seen. Just recently I aquired I-Boy. I even have the original Aquaman film. I agree that there are too few films featuring woman superheroes. ![]() |
The new Wonder Woman movie comes out June 2. Got a little clip in my inbox the other day through Warner Bros and it looks pretty cool ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wonderwoman was my favorite. Entertainment can be tricky though and I don't want to see a flurry of female superheros JUST because they are female and its the in thing. I do love that women in movies are the hero and survivor more often than when I was younger and all they did was cry, fall down, and die. |
The new Wonder Woman movie comes out June 2. Got a little clip in my inbox the other day through Warner Bros and it looks pretty cool ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Personally I think it's gonna be the best DC movie till date! |
The new Wonder Woman movie comes out June 2. Got a little clip in my inbox the other day through Warner Bros and it looks pretty cool ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Wonder Woman trailer looked great - I'm looking forward to the movie, too. |
I heard this movie got banned from the U.N.