Topic: I'm soo confused | |
So I found someone who said I was perfect for him, we've been dating for a month. Well I can't seem to even get hi to call me every day. I didn't think it was to much to ask for a 5 min phone conversation. I know he is too tired to come see me everyday, I get it, but I just wanted to hear his voice everyday. So I asked him on wensday to make me important enough to him for me to get a phone call a day. Well I haven't heard anything from him since but a email saying that I proved him right about some things that bothered him about me. I have called him, texted him, and emailed him. I'm really hurting right now. So my question is do I just call it quits, or keep trying to get ahold of him. I feel like a stalker, I hate it. I just don't know what to do.
i wouldnt chase..let him come to u..if he doesnt, hes not into u..sorry to say, but it happen to me, but i let the guy string me along. was my mistake..he wasnt into me, thought he was..was proven that "actions" really are louder than "words"..
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i wouldnt chase..let him come to u..if he doesnt, hes not into u..sorry to say, but it happen to me, but i let the guy string me along. was my mistake..he wasnt into me, thought he was..was proven that "actions" really are louder than "words"..
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I would back off a bit, I have learnt to my own peril and heartbreak that some men feel hemmed in and this scares them...I was called demanding for doing exactly what you are doing. Try and calm it down a bit, men seem to want what they cant get.
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Don't try to contact him any more.If he's interested,he will get ahold of you.If not.Than you know he was never honest with you in the first place.
Just a thought! |
well said have a valid point
I think it would drive me insane if someone called me everyday.....make me miss ya a bit!!
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Edited by
Sun 11/18/07 11:32 AM
Honestly, I don't think it's good for a couple to talk on the phone every day. I knew a couple that did this and it became such a fixture in their day that if he hadn't called her by 9:05, she would go into a full panic attack, calling his parents and his siblings to see if he was all right.
Unfortunately, you may have also hurt his feelings or scared him by the way that you worded your request. You asked him to "make you important enough to him" to call you every day. That's an accusation -- "You don't think I'm important enough." I would certainly be a little bit upset if a girl I was dating said that to me. It could be that he perceives making you more important in his life as an escalation of the relationship faster than he's ready to do. You did say that you'd only been dating a month, so it's possible that he was afraid that you were trying to go to far (emotionally) too fast. KLC, good call. Different people are comfortable with different levels of commitment and "neediness" at a particular stage in a relationship. My ex was one of those who wanted to call every day or two and just talk about what had happened at work. I'm the sort who would call when I had something different to talk about. We managed okay, but it was definitely a point of conflict between us. |
Don't chase him up. If he has some feelings for you he will call you, but don't push, you may push him away. I wish you all the best.
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dont think the problem is with you. your an attractive young woman, dont worry about it. theres a song by an old band named 38 special, they did a song called "Hold on Loosely" listen to it. lifes to short for worry and anx..cheer up
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sounds like he has already called it quits
He shows neither love nor commitment to you, especially at this early stage of the relationship, therefore, not worth your time and effort. Save your feelings for someone who loves and respects you.
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Sun 11/18/07 11:46 AM
<--- just turned on hold on loosely...
![]() haha good idea... good song Oh and, forget that guy. Although I think you may have come on too strong asking for a phone call everyday. If he doesnt wanna give his woman what she wants then move on sista ![]() |
I have to admit that I agree fully with Roadie
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Sun 11/18/07 11:55 AM
One man's opinion:
First, I'm not sure how you approached the issue with him. Do you have history of dating men like this? Anyway, "make me" sounds like a command or an ultimatum. Most guys freak with that kinda language. However, if you calmly and honestly voiced your concerns, and explained that a phone call from him would be important to you, then if he's really into building a relationship, he would have happily obliged. The email he sent you with some vague, passive-aggressive attack was cowardly and childish if that's what happened. Yeah, I realize I'm supposed to write something encouraging and tell you it's gonna be okay or something really sappy, but face it, sometimes guys need their arse kicked to the curb for your own peace of mind. If the 'little things' are important to you, then only date guys who will meet that expectation. Ask him. Don't p-ssyfoot around, and don't wait to find out. Move on if they don't. You'll be happier in the long run. :) Again, just my opinion. I don't know both sides to the story. |
I like to talk to my partner everyday even if it's just for a minute. If he's not answering your calls,let it go. He's just not the one. I'm not needy,I just think keeping a relationship alive and growing is important. Playing the "let me miss you" game is not for me.
Everyone is looking for something different from a relationship, but in order to work out it has to be natural and fun. Demanding a phone call every day is going a little far. You don't really want your man to be calling you out of "duty" anyway. I think he saw a red flag there, and I don't think he was wrong in backing off. I obviously don't know everything about the situation, but your post makes me feel like you are very insecure. Calling, texting, and emailing him constantly right now is actually doing the opposite of what you would want - it's making you look desperate and needy. Give your guy a little room, leave him wanting more, don't call him until he calls you, and give him a little time to miss you and think about you. Only you and he know for sure whether this relationship can be salvaged, but that advice applies to the future, too.
Men are f**cking psycho. They will tell you that you are perfect for them then turn around and flat out ignore you. I don't get it either. I am ready to become a nun at this point. Sick and f*cking tired of it!!!
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troublemaker, what you say is true to a certain extent, but some men do actually play games...if either party is lulled into a false sense of security, then suddendly the security is starved to death, its true the other party will feel insecure.
Ive just been through it myself...full on, then hardly nothing to total breakdown... |
I have to agree with the most here
If I were txting me and calling me everyday I would run from me too one months time is not that long and its way too early for that kind of commitment good luck anyway |