The Title It's a Persian Proverb.
It means that the lowly may criticize and complain, but that doesn't stop the flow of events as determined by those of worth. |
The trick about proverbial sayings, is in who quotes them and how they are trying to apply the "wisdom."
Sometimes, such sayings are put forward to try to get everyone to pause and think things through. Other times it is an attempt to wrangle support for a proposal through a sort of cheat, where the goal is to appeal to some authority who isn't actually there to speak for themselves. The ones I enjoy the most, are the ones where someone sonorously quotes some ancient something or other, and it has nothing at all to do with anything, so it's just a way to effect a pause in the flow, and give everyone a chance to laugh at the absurdity of it. |
Edited by
Tue 01/31/17 06:03 AM
The trick about proverbial sayings, is in who quotes them and how they are trying to apply the "wisdom." Sometimes, such sayings are put forward to try to get everyone to pause and think things through. Other times it is an attempt to wrangle support for a proposal through a sort of cheat, where the goal is to appeal to some authority who isn't actually there to speak for themselves. The ones I enjoy the most, are the ones where someone sonorously quotes some ancient something or other, and it has nothing at all to do with anything, so it's just a way to effect a pause in the flow, and give everyone a chance to laugh at the absurdity of it. ******************************************** No tricks, and no cheats here " Igor "...This apply to humourous and the rest who choose to laugh....Each to his/her own mate. Quote: Other times it is an attempt to wrangle support for a proposal through a sort of cheat, where the goal is to appeal to some authority who isn't actually there to speak for themselves. Unquote: Seams to me you are pushing a dead hog in front of a hunter...I wonder if you feel something strange about your written line/words. Old proverbs are UNCHALLENGED our days by the modern philosophies & brain-washings....I just can't get enough of them , I just love them . Cheers and thanks for the visit mate. |
Some things that people call proverbs, possibly including your opening one, are more like poetic ways to say something, more than anything else.
Being both an Historian and a wanna be poet, I enjoy them immensely, even when I don't like the way someone is using them on me. What I was trying to get at, is that while proverbs often contain wisdom and or insight, they are a bit like any other kind of tool, in that the person who "wields" them, may or may not use them correctly, or with positive intent. |
Edited by
Tue 01/31/17 03:52 PM
Some things that people call proverbs, possibly including your opening one, are more like poetic ways to say something, more than anything else. Being both an Historian and a wanna be poet, I enjoy them immensely, even when I don't like the way someone is using them on me. ************************************************** Perhaps some things are better said using proverbs than harsh words ![]() Yes "Igor" me too I WANNA BE POET ![]() ![]() Thanks for coming back ![]() |
The Title It's a Persian Proverb. It means that the lowly may criticize and complain, but that doesn't stop the flow of events as determined by those of worth. Excellent! I enjoy a good quote! |
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Tue 01/31/17 06:25 PM
Excellent! I enjoy a good quote! *************************************************** Glad to hear that from you friend. Old quotes are UNWASHED by the winds and storms of time ..They live forever because they tell the TRUTH unlike our days the writings of Fake & False Preachers... ![]() Thank you "tman_62" |
Proverbs, quotes, sayings, parables, riddles are ways of communicating the truth that lies behind those meaningful words. For some people it may be hard sometimes to understand , or is it because some are just not interested to comprehend the truth or to find the answers or meaning? I believe speaking the wisdom in mystery is up for people to seek the hidden wisdom and to be ready to discover the truth with their open mind and open heart. Some people just don't really bother to go deeper or go beyond those words, shallowness of the human mind and hardness of the heart
![]() "Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive, for the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart and turn, so that I should heal them" ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 02/08/17 05:39 AM
Proverbs, quotes, sayings, parables, riddles are ways of communicating the truth that lies behind those meaningful words. For some people it may be hard sometimes to understand , or is it because some are just not interested to comprehend the truth or to find the answers or meaning? I believe speaking the wisdom in mystery is up for people to seek the hidden wisdom and to be ready to discover the truth with their open mind and open heart. Some people just don't really bother to go deeper or go beyond those words, shallowness of the human mind and hardness of the heart ![]() "Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive, for the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart and turn, so that I should heal them" ![]() ![]() ******************************************************** INDEED you have a POINT....That's it. “Eyes blinded by the fog of things cannot see truth..... Ears deafened by the din of things cannot hear truth..... Brains bewildered by the whirl of things cannot think truth..... Hearts deadened by the weight of things cannot feel truth..... Throats choked by the dust of things cannot speak truth.” " ― Harald Bell Wright – The Uncrowned King " Thanks for the visit ![]() |
The trick about proverbial sayings, is in who quotes them and how they are trying to apply the "wisdom."
IMO not really. The trick about proverbial sayings is cultural context, people being socialized in similar beliefs and knowledge, shared experience, a shared frame of reference of values. THE DOGS BARK, BUT THE CARAVAN MOVES ON!
It means that the lowly may criticize and complain, but that doesn't stop the flow of events as determined by those of worth. In a different culture the "meaning" could easily be "only fools don't listen to their guardians." One culture has a class system with inherent beliefs some are better than others, dehumanizing the lower orders by comparing them to dogs, that dogs are "lowly." Another culture reveres dogs as "loyal friends," rely on dogs to survive. One culture sees caravans as ultimate power; force and trade. Another cultures sees caravans always beset by wolves and pirates, inherent danger. If you have to explain what it means, there's no point to using it. Proverbs, quotes, sayings, parables, riddles are ways of communicating the truth that lies behind those meaningful words
Proverbs, quotes, sayings, parables, riddles are ways of communicating beliefs and values of a particular culture. Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive, for the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart and turn, so that I should heal them
This is how wars start based on religion. Because people believe their proverbs, quotes, sayings, parables, riddles are ways of communicating the truth...rather than just their own beliefs and values. They find "wisdom" in the saying believing there is "truth" in them, when other people don't, then it's time to "heal them" by beating them over the head until they open their eyes, and ears, enlivening their hearts. |
Edited by
Wed 02/08/17 07:13 PM
The trick about proverbial sayings, is in who quotes them and how they are trying to apply the "wisdom."
IMO not really. The trick about proverbial sayings is cultural context, people being socialized in similar beliefs and knowledge, shared experience, a shared frame of reference of values. THE DOGS BARK, BUT THE CARAVAN MOVES ON!
It means that the lowly may criticize and complain, but that doesn't stop the flow of events as determined by those of worth. In a different culture the "meaning" could easily be "only fools don't listen to their guardians." One culture has a class system with inherent beliefs some are better than others, dehumanizing the lower orders by comparing them to dogs, that dogs are "lowly." Another culture reveres dogs as "loyal friends," rely on dogs to survive. One culture sees caravans as ultimate power; force and trade. Another cultures sees caravans always beset by wolves and pirates, inherent danger. If you have to explain what it means, there's no point to using it. Proverbs, quotes, sayings, parables, riddles are ways of communicating the truth that lies behind those meaningful words
Proverbs, quotes, sayings, parables, riddles are ways of communicating beliefs and values of a particular culture. ********************************************************** Like I said mate, I DON'T ANALYSE or CRITICISE anyone, But you, HAVE A HABIT OF IT.... Thanks for your part. I have been watching your comment/s wherever I strike you. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU ALWAYS FIND NEGATIVE IN EVERY QUOTE or COMMENT... Are you SERIOUS ??.. Come down to everyone's level of SILLINESS, SANITY and/or FUN & HUMOUR. Even INSANITY if ya can handle it ![]() Finally, that's for you mate. If you try to be 2 PHILOSOPHICAL, be careful of the THUNDERS. ![]() The sky above you may open wide and an ARCHANGEL may put a cross on your forehead. ![]() BLESSED BE THE UNKNOWN ![]() Like I said, you only see 1 SIDE of the FLIPPING COIN on wisdom for Analysing & Criticism, And that, WILL NOT CONVINCE ME TO SWING my believes TO SOMEONE ELSE'S TWISTED & TWITTED MIND or THINKING. With you, only one thing works, and that's,.. " THE DOGS BARK, BUT THE CARAVAN MOVES ON!" ![]() Peace in your spinning around the galaxy mate. ![]() |