Topic: SingleDad
SingleParentLA's photo
Thu 01/05/17 10:05 PM
I thought it would have been easy to find a good lady considering I'm a single dad but it made me more cautious.

no photo
Sat 01/14/17 10:05 PM

I thought it would have been easy to find a good lady considering I'm a single dad but it made me more cautious.

It should. Being a single dad means geographic restrictions without having to go to court and getting the other parent to sign off on it. It also places limits on long distance relationships for similar reasons. Also, the best way to know how they're going to treat your kid(s) is to see how they treat their own, before getting too emotionally involved. I'm not really in that race to replace the mother. It's really about Daddy daughter time first, and adult relationships last.

no photo
Sun 01/15/17 08:35 AM
It's good that you are cautious. These tiny little creatures that we have been blessed with deserve that much. Good job dad!

vish2darji's photo
Wed 01/18/17 04:18 AM
you are's a big challenge but keep calm and do the things with lots of love and as to grown up tree everyday require water, you must have that patience.