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Topic: GRANNITs and Cowboys-outlaws paridise 3
grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:38 PM


Hi Sexy! smooched

hey there sexysmooched flowerforyou

Glad you and Josie had a good day! happy

ty....we had so much fun...and she was great in the playbigsmile

allinoell's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:38 PM

Now I wish I could see you at work grannit...... ahhhhh so safe.....blushing

you can see the results of my training of my Josie at http://www.youtube.com/grannithands1

tell me what you think

I copied the address... I can't wait to see!!!

allinoell's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:40 PM
awwww I just saw..... she's got the technique down!!!! I LOVE IT!! she's precious, and STRONG!!:heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou

grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:40 PM
cool babygirlflowerforyou

mommyof1's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:42 PM


Hi Sexy! smooched

hey there sexysmooched flowerforyou

Glad you and Josie had a good day! happy

ty....we had so much fun...and she was great in the playbigsmile

I bet she was!!! what a GREAT proud daddy moment huh?

Great vid's too happy

Twitch's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:43 PM
evening all -- happy thanksgivingflowerforyou

xll_criptonic_xll's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:43 PM
Now Now Suzin! lol Save Me One

Hey John, how was ur turkey bro?

grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:44 PM


Hi Sexy! smooched

hey there sexysmooched flowerforyou

ty babygirl...im the proudest dad in the worldbigsmile flowerforyou flowerforyou

Glad you and Josie had a good day! happy

ty....we had so much fun...and she was great in the playbigsmile

I bet she was!!! what a GREAT proud daddy moment huh?

Great vid's too happy

grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:46 PM
long cris...you can go back a page and see why if you wishdrinker

how was yours bro

no photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:47 PM
Kris, got one for you, so long as you like rum. Might have a couple of beers left bigsmile

xll_criptonic_xll's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:48 PM

Yall it just started raining turkey and hams here! Damn its pouring!

grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:48 PM

awwww I just saw..... she's got the technique down!!!! I LOVE IT!! she's precious, and STRONG!!:heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou

ty babygirl....shes my babybigsmile

grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:49 PM
hello twitchflowerforyou

xll_criptonic_xll's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:49 PM

<<<<<<<<<<< LOVES RUM!!!!!!!!!

Thanks drinker drinker

allinoell's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:49 PM
MORE RUM... plz...indifferent frown bigsmile

no photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:51 PM
Rum's my favorite bigsmile I got plenty to go around, help yourselves, pretty sure I wouldn't be a very good bartender at the moment laugh laugh laugh

xll_criptonic_xll's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:53 PM
laugh laugh laugh

grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:54 PM
im to lazy to tend bar right nowbigsmile

allinoell's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:54 PM
I've got a great Nicaraguan rum here everyone should try... Flor de Cana.....yummy rummydrinker

grannithands's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:56 PM
well pass that **** around alli

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