Topic: losing stubborn weight | |
i'm totally destroyed and depressed because i've tried all kinds of diet and failed big time :( :(
have u ever tried a diet and lost some weight ?? ( ps : i hate exercising) |
It's tough to do without exercising!
Everybody's body is different. Some people are just meant to be "bigger" than others. But basically, fewer calories consumed and more calories expended, and yes that means some sort of exercise, even just walking, equals losing weight. And it's not going to happen overnight.
i'm totally destroyed and depressed because i've tried all kinds of diet and failed big time :( :( have u ever tried a diet and lost some weight ?? ( ps : i hate exercising) If you really want something at least be ready to sacrifice your case it's to excercise. There is no magic pill or diet,excercise is the best & safest way to lose weight & it's healthy too, so stop being a lazy azz & excercise to achieve it. For more info refer to my thread called " Transform Yourself" in the Sports Health & Fitness forum |
i'm totally destroyed and depressed because i've tried all kinds of diet and failed big time :( :( have u ever tried a diet and lost some weight ?? ( ps : i hate exercising) I KNOW, I GET DOWN ABOUT MY WEIGHT FROM TIME TO TIME... ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 12/15/16 04:28 PM
Well purple this is a touchy thread. As with most of the answers you will probably get. I have lost weight on occasions. Mostly because my jobs can be labor intensive at times..
I know that feeling down can actually be worse. So think about the positives in your life. People like you for who you are on the inside.. And set little achievable goals. Once you reach that goal give yourself a little reward and set another goal. So on and so on. |
Exercise is the worst thing I can think of to do. And paying money to a gym is a real waste of money for me. I just can't do it. So you are not alone and I think we have a bunch of others that will agree with us.
I have an idea for you though. Find an activity you like to do that you get a bit of exercise from. May dance group. Or volunteer at a place that you get some physical labor. I work part time shopping for and delivering groceries to home bound seniors. I started out as a volunteer working for free. I am retired so when a driver was needed I started driving for them and they have to pay me min. wage. For me it is great. I get exercise doing the job. I am not paying a gym membership. The folks I visit are great. And I see how bad my heath could be if I don't do what need to do to stay up and moving. I provide a needed service. I get a bit of extra spending money. And I really love what I do. Just an idea for you to kick around. Like the saying "love your job and you will never work a day in your life" In this case "love a physical activity and you will never exercise a day in your life" I follow a high protein-low carb diet. I used to weigh over 300 lbs. I was able to get down to 170 but had very little energy. I am at 200 now but trying to get back to the 170 again. I'm an old guy so building muscle is more difficult. Don't give up. Just look around for things to do. Good luck to you and I hope I helped in some way. |
How to lose "Stubborn weight"...?
D I V O R C E ![]() |
For me a gastric sleeve helped so much. It controls my intake to a few ounces at a time, although it can be cheated on and weight can come back.
Edited by
Tue 01/03/17 03:36 PM
1st ... you must eat to lose weight.
Sure that sounds counter-intuitive and paradoxical but the good reason for it is that you must consume a minimum 800 calories a day .. otherwise your body 'think' it is starving and it must then change metabolism and go into fat storage. 2nd ... you must exercise and get body movement going, weight bearing sports and this one sucks big time as the body is very efficient in making it work. 100 calories are expended by walking 1 mile. For example, you eat or drink down a Starbucks 1000 calorie frape mocha latte supreme thingy and that is 10 miles just for that one drink to burn that one off. 3rd ... no sugar, no fats, no carbos ... all the 'good' veggies you want and easy on the protein. 'bad' veggies are potato, corn, wheat, as they are high carbos like the cream fat and sugar they put in the Starbucks example above. Bad fruit are bannana and peaches and pears ... high sugar. So say good by to desserts .. not forever .. just for some time. 4rd ... Go to Overeaters Annonymous and start 12 stepping with other Food addicts .. you fill up so as not to cry. Food for you is a drug you use to mood alter. Other people use gambling, drugs, sex, bible thumping, sticking a feather up their nose 100 times a day ... and have addictions (Obsessive Compulsive issues) that way. 5th ... take ONE good vitamin pill (one of the large ones) a day. Also take 1 tablespoon of psyllium husks *(Metamucil)* which you can get at the health food store. Do this 20 minutes prior to any meal ... 3 meals a day 3 tablespoons of psyllium husks in 2 pint of water. Fat is stored up anger .. and stored up energy from the poor diet that is the Modern Day life style .. we also have more chemicals and radiation making for Brain Disorders such as Autism in children that is 1 in 66 births now. The lowest Autism rate in the world is Cuba .. they are 100 % organic. Cuba also has the best fishery and best coral reefs in the world .. with the highest healthy baby birth rate in the world. So .. yup .. go organic. No more cookies ... no more ice cream ... no more butter ... and juice your veggies with a Jack La Lane juicer for breakfast drink. Then go take a walk ... go to the health club and do workouts ... break a sweat. This will change your metabolism and your body will want to burn fat ... instead of doing other stuff to stay alive. Finally ... DO YOGA ... hot yoga ... stretch out your muscles EVERY DAY .. and go to sleep more relaxed tonight than the previous night. Take the pain out of your body you live in on a daily basis. If you are interested in finding out the Human Condition you and every one else suffers from .. and how to fix it. Then watch this video string ... this is the one in the center on the Duck Disease. Duck Disease You go do all this and apply your self ... then you will become healthy. Not just body healthy .. but mind and heart healthy as well. You have to cry out the bitter salty tears. Your mom and dad were dysfunctional addicts with poor relationship skills. So you have a bad relationship with food ... like some would have a bad relationship with alcohol or pot or sex ... etc. School your self up ... You can get this done ... just you have to do it. NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO SAVE YOUR DONKEY !!! My very warmest regards. sumbuddie wear blind sea |
I'm trying to gain weight. Got really sick and lost 40lbs. Sure, I was 10lbs overweight but didn't look to shed those pounds at all. Now I got to eat like a horse to gain 30lbs.
If losing weight is hard for some people, gaining it is just as hard for others. |
When I got divorced I lost 140 lbs! I think that's what she weighed at the time...
hugs to you... i can totally relate
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Have tried and succeeded I lost 23 kilos well it's always hard in the beginning fort full month will be a torture and then you'll get used to that torture and finally someday when you look at yourself in the mirror you'll see the change
I want to start by saying great job for identifying and being open with your issue. Now that you recognize your problem it's time for a solution. Assuming you're looking for a real solution it's really a matter of doing as you would guide your child to do. Do what you need to do to get the job done. This means you have to drink 2.5-3.5 litres of water per day. That's the easiest place to start. Next is to cut out fake and processed foods.. it needs to be done, you know it needs to be done, it's time to do it. Following that you need to do full body workouts.. this means weight-bearing exercise. It needs to be done, do it for your family. It's not as horrible as you imagine, I promise. And next, you need to do 30-40 minutes of cardio 3 times per week that challenges you. This means you are breathing at a rate that won't allow you to sing or say more than 5 words without having to take a decent breath before continuing.
You can be upset about it and worry and stress or you can do what needs to be done. You CAN do it |
OP posted this over a month ago and never came back to it. I'm thinking it was just a sympathy rant.
OP posted this over a month ago and never came back to it. I'm thinking it was just a sympathy rant. OP deactivated. |
i'm totally destroyed and depressed because i've tried all kinds of diet and failed big time :( :( have u ever tried a diet and lost some weight ?? ( ps : i hate exercising) To follow the diet only will not help to lose the weight. Losing weight is an integrated process. As Mark Twain said - To be fit and healthy you should eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do the things you'd never do :)))))) |
i'm totally destroyed and depressed because i've tried all kinds of diet and failed big time :( :( have u ever tried a diet and lost some weight ?? ( ps : i hate exercising) |
I love walking, its how i stayed fit for most of my life, its relaxing, you see things you dont when you drive, you get outdoors.