Topic: My Poems
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Thu 11/09/06 06:28 PM
TxsGal3333---Yes, my child is the best I could ever hope for. The sad
thing in my case is that his mother was there but would do very little
for him at all and if I asked her to hand me a diaper orsomething simple
like that she would get mad. But it is all good, for I did not mind it
at all. Thank you for your words. I write poetry that I feel that others
can relate to, as I am glad that you can do so.

shadowdog---Thank you for your words. I do try to incorporate my little
perspectives into my poetry and write things that others can relate to.

“One wish”

Just one wish
What would it be
For love, for peace
For blind eyes to see

For equality
For the cures
For all the adults
To act mature

For hunger to end
For homes to sleep
For people to care
True and deep

For humans to be
More humane
For excitement to be
In lives mundane

For ears to hear
For all to walk
For person once mute
To listen and talk

Just one wish
There are so many more
What would you wish
That you’d wish for

My wish is simple
And easily understood
I’d wish all to have one wish
As long as it was for good

With so many wishes
And the people that do care
All the hurting would be erased
And love to be shared

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Thu 11/09/06 06:29 PM
“Found another”

Not day or night
Not fear or fright
Will stop this heart
From doing right

Love so deep
For you it’s true
Believe me baby
I really love you

Though not what
You want to hear
I can love
Only far not near

But dreams I had
To hold you tight
To kiss you much
And passion to fight

Yes it’s true
My soul’s on fire
I’d like to be with you
Love never mire

What is that
You changed your mind
You love another
A better find

The words I spoke
Are void and lame
Can’t look in the mirror
Without feeling shame

And it’ll be like this
Forever more
Just a stupid man
With sad stories and lore

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Thu 11/09/06 06:31 PM
“Broken spirit lullaby”

I hold you close
And wipe your tears
I feel you tremble
Due to fears

Have no worries
I whisper dearly
Tomorrow you'll
See things more clearly

Close your eyes
Rest your head on my arm
Let my heart sing you a lullaby
And protect you from harm

Listen closely
To what it speaks
Believe in yourself
Be strong not weak

Rest your eyes
Sweet child of mine
Rest your soul
Have peace of mind

Love me darling
Like I love you
Go to sleep
Sleep deep and true

Sleep tonight
Sweet dreams through
I whisper softly
I love you

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:45 PM
Well I bet your one hell of a DAD and
I do admire what you have done for it's
not an easy road, but it is a very
rewarding one. Love from a child is
better than all the riches in the world!
There is no love as true as a childs!

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 05:19 PM
TxsGal3333- Thank you very nuch for your words. Many people have stated
that I am a good father with a behaving,loving child. A child's love and
respect can never be replaced by anything.

“I love you; unconventionally”

How can I say I love you
With different words to use
Than the ones that are so normal
What other words to choose

I love you seems so empty
Like no love that’s in your life
A shell of an existence
Self inflicted wounds by love’s knife

How do I express
The happiness inside
The love I have for you
That in my soul resides

All I can think
That will tell you what is true
Is to tell you of the things
I’d do ‘cause I love you

I would give you a loving smile
When I look into your eyes
And I would hold close to me
And hate to say good bye

I would be your shelter
When the storms will never end
I will be the truth
When your mind can’t comprehend

I would walk with you
Barefoot across hot coals
When you feel so empty inside
You can have my soul

You can have my heart
If ever yours does break
You can have my possessions
If yours someone takes

I would live in the shadows
If ever you had fame
If you got tired of being you
You could have my name

You can have my touch
If ever you don’t feel
For you live in my heart and soul
And what I feel is real

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Fri 11/10/06 05:20 PM
Who am I?

I am pain
Hopelessness and helplessness
Unloved and unwanted
Eventual death

Who do I wish I was?

I want to be loved
The selector
The seer
The doer
The leader
Eternal life

What will I become?

Only what I will allow myself to be.

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Fri 11/10/06 05:21 PM
“Separation papers”

Here is my heart
It belongs to you
Forever will it be yours
We’ll never be through

I’ll be there for you
No greater lie has been told
I’ll stand by your side forever
Words spoken dishonest and bold

You can rely on me
Left standing in the rain
Here is a shoulder to cry on
You must keep inside your pain

Here is your wedding ring
Before I walk out the door
Sign these separation papers
I don’t love you anymore

no photo
Fri 11/10/06 09:27 PM
Great work...I can see how much you love your son by your writing. Very

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Mon 11/13/06 10:29 AM
Myriad-- Thank you for your words. I am most glad that my love for my
son can be seen by those that read my poems. I really do love my son a
lot. I never knew what real love was until he was born. I am only
speaking of an Earthly love as I do believe in God and Jesus and in no
way wish to view any love above the love of the Man that died on the
cross for what He believed and because He loved mankind.


Hands are perspiring
Feeling the tension
His mind is confused
Eagerness and apprehension

The object of his desire
Stands in front of his eyes
No clue of being observed
In for a surprise

Been many dreams of this
His mouth can almost taste
Such an object of beauty
It will be such a waste

Separated from the group
Being in seclusion
Oh my goodness
It’s a foregone conclusion

Silently he walks
Making not a sound
Moving ever closer
Grabs and jumps to the ground

He carries it off
No one does see
Now it’s just the two of them
What will surely be

He devilishly smiles
His dream is coming true
And two bites is all it takes
And his Oreo is through

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 10:33 AM
"Untitled Love Poem"

My beautiful lady
The sun radiates glory upon you
Your heart is my Earthly temple
And I resolve to dwell inside it and place into it praise and love

My mortal goddess that is more fair than Venus and Aphrodite
Both of whom are jealous of your beauty
Zeus himself would be a suitor of your love
Alas, he is envious of I

Your heart is sacred ground
And I long to have a ceremony for your love
A toast to celebrate the depths of your caring
And to admire your compassion and passion that is ever expanding

Your smile is infinite bliss and happiness
The ever-burning light that will never extinguish
The force that the sun is envious
The life giving sustenance as needed to the body as water

Your touch is as gentle as a mother’s love
As nurturing as mother’s milk
As healing as tears in the rain
As soft as feathered pillows on clouds

Your kiss ignites my universe like a personal supernova
The taste of your lips is anesthesia to my pain
The passion from within you flows directly to my soul and sends it
Drifting throughout the unexplored space of the universe

Your love is more than I have dreamed
Deeper than the imagination of a new born child
More understanding than all the secrets of the universe
And I am more undeserving of your love than satan controlling Heaven

michael1313's photo
Mon 11/13/06 10:35 AM
lots of good reads!!!
hopes you got all that out,and are now ready to progress...
new paths are formed every day,hopes ours cross again......M.

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Mon 11/13/06 10:36 AM
"The Invisible Flaw in the Diamond"

She is so beautiful
But unsure of her looks
She’s as gorgeous as a princess
In a fairytale book

Her dream life is a nightmare
And her dreams are coming true
She doesn’t know that she’s beautiful
Can’t believe those words from me or you

A slightly tarnished diamond
The flaw so buried deep
Barely is it noticeable
When through the microscope you peep

But that ever so microscopic flaw
Takes her beauty away
Doesn’t matter what the rest of the worlds thinks
Or the words they say

One day a homely gentleman
With a heart shining of gold
Looked into her beautiful eyes
And unto her, the truth he told

Yes I see your flaw
And I have the remedy that will cure
The solution is just way too simple
For your heart and soul is pure

Close your eyes and learn acceptance
And this will bring relief
Confidence is all you need
In yourself have a belief

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Mon 11/13/06 10:40 AM
Michael313--- Yes, these are some I have written over the last few
months. It has been soul-cleansing to get some of the things out. My
wife walked out on me and my son the day before Easter and it took a
little while to put things behind me. But I am sooptimistic about the
future. Thank you for your words and for reading what I have written.

"A diamond in sheeps clothing"

The way the light catches your edges
You sparkle with such tint
And the sun shining on you
At pure magnificence it hints

At least a thirty carat size
You are a sight to behold
And you brag and ascend
Your story of beauty so many times told

You say that you are that diamond
Perfect without flaws or streaks
And you are the strongest substance
There is nothing about you weak

There sparkling in the light
For all to enjoy and delight
But I know a secret
One that will fill you with much fright

For I see beneath the surface of the diamond
And I know what's a lie and true
You might have other’s believe you are for real
But you are cubic zirconium through and through

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 11/13/06 11:03 AM
One word. WOW. Maybe 2. Amazing

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Mon 11/13/06 12:56 PM
Gryphyn-- Thank you very much for your kind words.

“To those that die too young; fly angel fly”

A heart so true
A love so pure
Victim to disease
There was no cure

The light of life
The sparkle of eye
Too soon in life
Her time to die

The pain inside
A parents love
Hearts not the same
Since she rose above

An angel in Heaven
Father in the sky
Man’s mortality
Death makes us cry

Dreams came to end
Heart broken into
Missing the opportunity
To say I love you

A smile so sweet
Tears to the eyes
Of knowing parents
It was her time to fly

Life never the same
A void forever
Memories will live
And forgotten never

Life not in vain
Loved so deep from the heart
Loved even more
Each passing day from the start

Fly angel fly
Soaring ever so high
One day I’ll join you
And give you a kiss the sky

no photo
Mon 11/13/06 12:58 PM
“Care bears”

A little body
Filled with pain
Broken hearted parents
Cry the rain

Love in the heart
For her mommy and dad
Strength to smile
Their souls feel so sad

The parents know
What the outcome will be
That one day too soon
Her sparkling eyes won’t see

Still she stays strong
As the cancer spreads
As two hearts are being
Ripped into shreds

Despite the pain that is suffered
A wish truly from a child
To fly in the love of the care bears
Making her life feel worthwhile

no photo
Tue 11/14/06 06:19 PM
Would you give me your last breath
To save my life and hold back death
Would you sacrifice your soul
For paradise for me to behold

Could you care for me with all your heart
Just so I could feel loved
Would you burn in flames forever
So I could go to Heaven above

Would you spend your time with me
So I would not be lonely
Would you be my forever love
So I could be you one and only

Would you share your bed with me
And hold me through the night
Would you wipe away my tears
When I care so much that it frights

Would you do these things for me
Answer me this, is it true
For I would do all of this
Just because I love you

no photo
Fri 11/24/06 09:06 PM
Inspired by an older song for this one.

“I’m a loser”

I am ugly and a bore
My head is too big to ignore
And I will never get a date or pretend
‘Cause I’ve been turned down before
My heart’s been thrown down to the floor
And no one’s ever gonna step on it again

Yes I am homely
And I’m timid of the pain
My heart has paid the price
And nothing has it gained
And when I have to, I can’t do anything
I’m alone
Nearly invisible
I am ugly

Honesty hurts and really breaks me
As loneliness forsakes me
My heart is blacker than a lump of coal
I can’t be any less stronger
Not just ugly any longer
I just looked in the mirror and now feel like a troll

I have a wart that I watch grow
A fungus spreading across my toes
And I love to spread my rash across the land
I eat food from dominos
And pick boogies from my nose
Personal hygiene my mind can’t understand

Yes I do despise
Ugliness has brought me pain
I can’t pay the price
Self esteem I’ve never gained
And with my looks, I can’t do anything
I am alone
Almost invisible
I am ugly

iceprincess's photo
Fri 11/24/06 09:37 PM
that is so sweet and sad it makes you feel like crying

escapedlunatic's photo
Fri 11/24/06 09:41 PM
Truly amazing...keep up the good work!