Topic: THE DAM GAME.........
thumper95's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:16 AM
damn,, homemade remedies need to have a damn warning on em,,,, holy hell

shutterguy's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:21 AM
dammnnnnnn thumper ive had a few that would flat knock ya on your ass i agree with the warnings

mommyof1's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:21 AM
damn its rainin' again grumble

thumper95's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:44 AM
damn lil honey, lil lemon,, damn sh1tload of bourbon,, wow

Greyhound's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:56 AM
Damn... you've got it bad thumper. How did it go last night... or should I ask

thumper95's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:58 AM
went aight til about 4 am,, then started sounding like i had gravel in my damn throat

Greyhound's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:00 AM
Damn... sorry to hear that.

shutterguy's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:06 AM
i know that dammnnn crap is going around bad here

thumper95's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:23 AM
damn,, 3 shots of home remedy,,, all i can say is dammit man,,,,,smokin

no photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:23 AM
DAMN it's monday again!! won't they ever go away?

Greyhound's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:24 AM
Damn.. I have to leave early. Need damn deisel and there is air in the damn tank,so it takes forever to fill the damn thingmad

thumper95's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:24 AM
dammitgrumble grumble grumble grumble

Nickinolosers's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:25 AM
Damn It's Cold

no photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:35 AM
Damn my back hurts!

alright_guy_65's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:39 AM
damn its monday

no photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:41 AM
Damn can today get any worse?

alright_guy_65's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:43 AM
damn hope not

shutterguy's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:57 AM
Edited by shutterguy on Mon 11/26/07 10:02 AM
dammnn yes it could you could be homless no food shelter freezing weather
no friends no help
you could be crippled bed ridden

every dammn day i get out of bed is a wonderful day i have nothing to snivel about so many others way worse off then me

ill be happy for the gifts i got

Greyhound's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:06 AM
Well said my friend. Damn


OrangeCat's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:09 AM
dammm hows every one doing in here